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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
@Derpmaster9000 You know that discussion we have about Netflix's Baki having Pickle at 6'5" and like 285 pounds and they keep repeating it?
Well it turns out the Manga actually stated what his height and weight is:

How the fuck did they fuck that up?! It's worse as he's clearly taller than Jack Hamna who is 7 feet tall and is billed as such.
Wow. The writers for the anime weren't just bad with numbers, but at reading basic shit, too. That's next level, even for the japs.
:jordangif :jordangif :jordangif :jordangif :jordangif
At the very least his arc should have been escaping Carmilla and turning right around and capping her ass.
Were you actually suprised they didn’t actually do any of that shit when in Season 2 he was just a dumb cunt who got manipulated extremely easily to be her bitch?

It’s clear the writers were jerking off to the humiliation. You could see how poorly they would write it a mile away.
@Derpmaster9000 You know that discussion we have about Netflix's Baki having Pickle at 6'5" and like 285 pounds and they keep repeating it?
Well it turns out the Manga actually stated what his height and weight is:

How the fuck did they fuck that up?! It's worse as he's clearly taller than Jack Hamna who is 7 feet tall and is billed as such.
You might want to recheck the raws for the Baki manga. Most of the old English translations you can find from the series was "translated" by WildFang/Ichigo, who mistranslated, edited and sometimes just made shit up.
He give Baki the same birthday as his own, and you know the part where Yujiro shows up before Baki and his girlfriend fuck? He made up some shit by making Yujiro tell them to make him a grandson, when the original Japanese never had that. :hestonpls
Baki didn't get a real translations team until Musashi showed up, and they didn't get decent until halfway through his arc.


V.I.P. Member
You know what always confused me?

In future trunks timeline, are you telling me that goku AND ChiChi AND Goten both dying didnt let gohan achieve a new form?
I believe that he 100% could have clapped those androids 1 arm or not
Chichi dying isn’t mentioned anywhere (she’s alive in the anime) and Goten was never born

Future Gohan admitted his latent potential was inferior to Trunks’ (I guess Toriyama forgot he wrote that part when he later called Gohan the strongest) so it was up to him to beat the androids


V.I.P. Member
You might want to recheck the raws for the Baki manga. Most of the old English translations you can find from the series was "translated" by WildFang/Ichigo, who mistranslated, edited and sometimes just made shit up.
He give Baki the same birthday as his own, and you know the part where Yujiro shows up before Baki and his girlfriend fuck? He made up some shit by making Yujiro tell them to make him a grandson, when the original Japanese never had that. :hestonpls
Baki didn't get a real translations team until Musashi showed up, and they didn't get decent until halfway through his arc.
This may be true

Anime likes to exaggerate height through artstyle. If Pickle is really 6’7” then I guess that’s his actual height and his 8 ft tall appearance is just an exaggeration


V.I.P. Member
And the nexus itself has been corrupted by the dark side with the Sith building Shrine in the depths on it. The Jedi tried to de-corrupt it by building their temple on it.

As for Shroud of the dark side, iirc it's from Plageuis novel, which is legends material.
It's stated that turmoil from the Clone Wars as well as the afromentioned Shrine that clouds the Jedi from the dark side. At least in Disney canon

Hell, Luceno (Tarkin author) makes it analogous with the conquistador building churches on the top of Tenochtitlan temple, where the conquistador tried to erase the culture with their own, only to not being able to fully erase it.The same goes with Jedi's effort trying to erase Sith' power via their temple, only not being able to

Honestly wasn't that bad until the last line.

That last line was just a bit too much :tupac

That obituary line still gets me. This is supposed to be a serious scene, and Death comes out with that, and all I could do was laugh and wonder when the hell this eldritch being started taking pro wrestling promo lessons for shit talking his adversaries. :heston

Yeah this is DmC writing and the messed up part is that people applaud that garbage.
Like it makes him "unique" but at the same time, it just makes him the market brand of the day and never truly sticks to the subconscious either.

Game Hector could beat demons to death with his bare hands and actually beat Dracula in a fight after getting his power back. At the very least his arc should have been escaping Carmilla and turning right around and capping her ass.

It's also the only mini-arc that doesn't lead to anything. At least the sidequests Issac or Trevor/Sypha go on lead them back to the main plot eventually. Instead Alucard just gets another different mini-arc that was just an excuse to introduce another "girlboss" character and let Alucard actually use his damn shield.

The character progression for Trevor and Sypha was essentially just them really slowly coming to the realization that they kinda want to be done with the monster shit and just build a family. But it takes them two seasons to do it and most of it is in season 4.

Issac and his talks with the captain and Hector were the closest Season 3-4 got to decent writing, and Issac probably came out the best of the lot in terms of how he was treated.

What almost makes it worse is that his fight with Trevor is the best fight in the series, but it's punctuated with stuff like Death going "ohhh, he fell down" and threatening to shit out Trevor's soul so he could smother Sypha with it. It just detracts from the whole thing.
lol ya niggas on some shit

Death's lines were great

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I am surrounded by tiny dinosaurs.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Those yours?

I’ll take chickens over the freaking peacocks in my neighborhood. Think they had a fight early yesterday because I had to pick up a dead one with a hole in his head from being pecked and a bunch of feathers off my driveway after I got back from work.
Yes they're mine (or the families really). They're lovely funny creatures.
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