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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Wow. The writers for the anime weren't just bad with numbers, but at reading basic shit, too. That's next level, even for the japs.
At the very least his arc should have been escaping Carmilla and turning right around and capping her ass.
Were you actually suprised they didn’t actually do any of that shit when in Season 2 he was just a dumb cunt who got manipulated extremely easily to be her bitch?

It’s clear the writers were jerking off to the humiliation. You could see how poorly they would write it a mile away.
You might want to recheck the raws for the Baki manga. Most of the old English translations you can find from the series was "translated" by WildFang/Ichigo, who mistranslated, edited and sometimes just made shit up.
He give Baki the same birthday as his own, and you know the part where Yujiro shows up before Baki and his girlfriend fuck? He made up some shit by making Yujiro tell them to make him a grandson, when the original Japanese never had that.
Baki didn't get a real translations team until Musashi showed up, and they didn't get decent until halfway through his arc.


V.I.P. Member
You know what always confused me?

In future trunks timeline, are you telling me that goku AND ChiChi AND Goten both dying didnt let gohan achieve a new form?
I believe that he 100% could have clapped those androids 1 arm or not
Chichi dying isn’t mentioned anywhere (she’s alive in the anime) and Goten was never born

Future Gohan admitted his latent potential was inferior to Trunks’ (I guess Toriyama forgot he wrote that part when he later called Gohan the strongest) so it was up to him to beat the androids


V.I.P. Member
This may be true

Anime likes to exaggerate height through artstyle. If Pickle is really 6’7” then I guess that’s his actual height and his 8 ft tall appearance is just an exaggeration


V.I.P. Member

Honestly wasn't that bad until the last line.

That last line was just a bit too much

Yeah this is DmC writing and the messed up part is that people applaud that garbage.
Like it makes him "unique" but at the same time, it just makes him the market brand of the day and never truly sticks to the subconscious either.

lol ya niggas on some shit

Death's lines were great

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Yes they're mine (or the families really). They're lovely funny creatures.
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