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OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

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Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member

Orange Piccolo and MMH art pieces from me
@Papa Nier
@shade0180 @Stocking Anarchy @Xadlin @Derpmaster9000 @Xhominid The Apex @Darth Nihilus

Ever thought about making a comic? You and @Xadlin obviously got the skills for it


V.I.P. Member
Just watched Blue Beetle

Feats wise

Khaji Da/The Scarab destroys an entire planet just by flying through it at FTL speed across space in the beginning of the movie

But when it merged with Jamie, he’s not really planet level or anything. He seemed less impressive than that

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Just watched Blue Beetle

Feats wise

Khaji Da/The Scarab destroys an entire planet just by flying through it at FTL speed across space in the beginning of the movie

But when it merged with Jamie, he’s not really planet level or anything. He seemed less impressive than that
Was the movie good or what

Morgan Blackhand

Active member
The lore for Gale in BG3 is wild.

Gale was Mystra's lover and champion. The lover and right hand of a Greater Goddess. Though that thing in his chest absorbed all his magic. Which is why he is a such a low level in the campaign.

Morgan Blackhand

Active member
Though this is a theme with a lot of companions. They have main character energy. The whole lot. Except maybe Lae'zel oddly enough. Despite being the first and most iconic one. She is just a normal indoctrinated Githyanki. Her and Halsin are about the only relatively normal ones.

Makes me want to actually avoid Dark Urge. Since being odd is the norm in the party. Being the normie rando who brings them together.
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