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OBD Convo #40: Back and Forth

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Naruto Ultimate Ninja tournaments used to go so fucking hard back then...

It just sucks the main site that hosted them(Shishi-Rendan) is apparently down and out for good. They had Archives of these from beginning to end. Ultimate Ninja Storm isn't remotely the same.


Give the RWBY fans a break, they aren't very bright. They think Jaune had a good arc this volume.
This is the same dude who paradoxes himself into the role of the Rusted Knight (and we later find out that the book lied, Jaune failed).
Then he just takes some paper natives hostage for years, because he really wanted to be a hero.
Give the RWBY fans a break, they aren't very bright. They think Jaune had a good arc this volume.
This is the same dude who paradoxes himself into the role of the Rusted Knight (and we later find out that the book lied, Jaune failed).
Then he just takes some paper natives hostage for years, because he really wanted to be a hero.

Speaking of RWBY again...


Miles, Kerry and Eddy prove that they can't get rid of a female villain to save their life without basically making them go out on their own terms and be redeemed anyway(Which is funny as Emerald did worse shit than Neo and yet she literally gets redeemed).
I also like how they are now going back to the "It's suicide but it's also totally not suicide" nonsense again.


V.I.P. Member
Did she at least speak once

I say this as someone who’s never even watched a single episode of RWBY
Did she at least speak once

No, that's why she's unironically stated as one of the best characters. She DOES speak but it's only when she's in literal God Mode and it's in the other characters' voices.
Still is insane when you take Volume 9 alone that she:
-Kills dozens of innocents by basically becoming the Jabberwocks
-Literally helps Ruby commit suicide and gleefully at that too
Let alone all of the other horrific shit she helps commit with Torchwick and Cinder Fall but she somehow gets a potential redemption moment but Adam? He just dies in a truly painful manner and no one cares and the Crew even celebrates his death...

Let's not forget how they did Ironwood too and remember that NEO is the one they go all of this for...

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Went into this prepared to get some laughs over people getting ass-blasted over a name's pronunciation, 'cause like Max I had no fucking idea where this "Ket Shi" pronunciation was coming from, only to actually understand it once the full context was presented.

Here's my take on this though. Obviously FFVII Cait Sith isn't meant to be an actual representation of the Scottish mythological figure (it's not like Cu in Fate where that's actually meant to be him) hell it's just a robot that is being controlled by another character for spying purposes.

That would be my position with regards to them being able to pronounce it however they want, EXCEPT that Square has always gone out of their way to give him a Scottish accent in the English dubs, showing they acknowledge where they got the name from. Not to mention they do usually try to pronounce names with Mythological origin correctly, like how IFRIT is pronounced EFREET.

So why not pronounce it correctly now and get this out there, especially since the Japanese version apparently has always done so?

Also as someone whose parents grew up during the Troubles, FUCK ANYONE from Ireland or Northern Ireland who threatens anyone with a car bombing in general but especially AS A JOKE, you fuckers should know better. :scust


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member

Went into this prepared to get some laughs over people getting ass-blasted over a name's pronunciation, 'cause like Max I had no fucking idea where this "Ket Shi" pronunciation was coming from, only to actually understand it once the full context was presented.

Here's my take on this though. Obviously FFVII Cait Sith isn't meant to be an actual representation of the Scottish mythological figure (it's not like Cu in Fate where that's actually meant to be him) hell it's just a robot that is being controlled by another character for spying purposes.

That would be my position with regards to them being able to pronounce it however they want, EXCEPT that Square has always gone out of their way to give him a Scottish accent in the English dubs, showing they acknowledge where they got the name from. Not to mention they do usually try to pronounce names with Mythological origin correctly, like how IFRIT is pronounced EFREET.

So why not pronounce it correctly now and get this out there, especially since the Japanese version apparently has always done so?

Also as someone whose parents grew up during the Troubles, FUCK ANYONE from Ireland or Northern Ireland who threatens anyone with a car bombing in general but especially AS A JOKE, you fuckers should know better. :scust

Why even melt down over a name it's dumb. call him ketchup for anyone's care and be done with it.

:eksip No one even can say aerith/aeris name properly why care about a robot cat.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Why even melt down over a name it's dumb. call him ketchup for anyone's care and be done with it.

:eksip No one even can say aerith/aeris name properly why care about a robot cat.
Apparently because the name comes from Scottish folklore/mythology and we must preserve that culture, is the jist of the complaint here.

Which is somewhat fair at least, if it were just purely arguing about a fictional character's name like Aerith vs Aeris or TEEdus vs TIDEus or ZiDANE vs ZiDAHN then it would just be fucking silly, but this name actually having a specific origin does make it SLIGHTLY more reasonable.

I mean it still isn't worth sending death threats to someone (weather you're joking or not) or calling them racist, when that person (Max) obviously doesn't know the full context of why you're complaining in the first place.


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
Apparently because the name comes from Scottish folklore/mythology and we must preserve that culture, is the jist of the complaint here.
And that's the thing it isn't. It's a fictional character with the name being spelled the same.
You can preserve the pronunciation of the myth/folklore character even say it the way you want to say no one stopping you but don't shove it to people's throat that basically follows how the name is pronounce within the fiction it came up within.

The people talking about Cait Sith ain't talking about the mythology but the character that came from FF7.
Which is somewhat fair at least, if it were just purely arguing about a fictional character's name like Aerith vs Aeris or TEEdus vs TIDEus or ZiDANE vs ZiDAHN then it would just be fucking silly, but this name actually having a specific origin does make it SLIGHTLY more reasonable.
actually it's still is fucking silly.
Even when you put the origin story
I mean it still isn't worth sending death threats to someone (weather you're joking or not) or calling them racist, when that person (Max) obviously doesn't know the full context of why you're complaining in the first place.
Of course it's never worth that lol it's a name, name always change from country to country.

And it ain't limited to cait sith pronunciation and spelling mythos or not. Giving one example here.
Like Uranus is a universally accepted name but different countries say it in different ways Ooranoos U-ra-nus, Ur-a-nus, Uraanoos, Ooranuus, etc.

shit is it doesn't matter how you pronounces if you want to preserve it then do so, most of this people doing it online is really just chasing clout and that's what they are entertaining. They aren't really preserving their mythos they just want attention.

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