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Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

"They've said the show is leaning more towards FANTASY, therefore NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE EXPLAINED because MAGIC."


Being a Fantasy story that involves magic DOES NOT mean shit doesn't have to be explained you braindead fucking troglodytes. Being a Fantasy story doesn't mean you get to ignore basic storytelling, even Harry Potter (in the books at least) has pretty clear rules on how its magic DOES and DOESN'T work because if it DIDN'T, the story would fall apart. I mean the world in those books still does have a lot of elements that don't add up but my point still stands.

This show is funded by DISNEY for God's Sake, most of who's best movies (which are among some of the best movies ever made) are FANTASY movies that involve magic which didn't feel the need to talk down to their audience or treat them like they are fucking STUPID!

GTFO with this hand-wavy bullshit. :tripscust


King of Games
V.I.P. Member
Got an idea for Corvus Corax in Apotheosis. Hmm...

More lore, and aimless ideas, but The Crow from The Crow is one of the fragments of Arlan Vorlesh as The Hero of Many Faces. And he is responsible for empowering the downtrodden against the evil of that plane. The reason that world is rife weird schizo gangs, and superstitious nutjobs, is because it is ruled by a demon lord. It is one of the planes of the Abyss, and Eric Draven is one of Arlan's adopted sons. Much like Guts was and is. He will become Corvus Corax in the future.


Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

So having watched the whole video, and gotten the actual plot summary.

Apparently the magic element is that the Doctor breaks a FAIRY CIRCLE (made of string), causing him to disappear and Ruby to be stranded with what seems to be an old woman who is perpetually 72 yards away from her and causes everybody who tries to interact with her to run away (somehow).

I would have assumed, given the horror tone of a lot of the episode that Davies means Fairy as in Fae, as in the evil mythological ones, 'cause the shit this thing was seemingly doing would have been in keeping with them. But no, that was giving the writers too much credit 'cause the Fae as antagonists would be genuinely interesting.

It's just Ruby's older self 'cause she's stuck in a time loop where she can't actually interact with herself to break it until the end of the episode when everything repeats because....magic. :facepalm
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