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OBD Convo Thread #1 - A New Hope -

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Dead Lock

Banned Member
the simp mask mode - activated :russ :mjlol
That's a woman?

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
[clears throat, places foundation on five o’ clock shadow, sucks on helium]
Yes, I’m totally a woman.
Is there anything you guys think you’d find beneficial for OBD purposes, addons and such?
If there's a way to remove the 10K Letter limitations for a post, that would be fantastic so we can post our feats 1-1 without needing to make even more posts per page.

EDIT: Threadmarks will also be good as well to easily find feats and contents in the Feats and Discussion Threads as well.

Dr. Watson

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If there's a way to remove the 10K Letter limitations for a post, that would be fantastic so we can post our feats 1-1 without needing to make even more posts per page.

EDIT: Threadmarks will also be good as well to easily find feats and contents in the Feats and Discussion Threads as well.
What should be the max? 50k?
Threadmarks I think are via addon but I’ll let Ral know (anyone can tag him for tech and addon stuff and make a list)

Dr. Watson

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80k char increase, 50 image limit (can be changed, but if you guys go past 20, start spoiler tagging to decrease page lag—I know this is annoying but it’s a pragmatic thing. Ral and I can probably find a work around where images and vids load lightning fast so this won’t be an issue later on.)
80k char increase, 50 image limit (can be changed, but if you guys go past 20, start spoiler tagging to decrease page lag—I know this is annoying but it’s a pragmatic thing. Ral and I can probably find a work around where images and vids load lightning fast so this won’t be an issue later on.)

Alright that's good enough since very few people really hit that in the first place(I think only ChaosTheory usually hits the limit only a few times here and there). So thank you for that.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

if the mods on nardoforums were like that, not gonna say back from 2009-2012 era, cuz there were some limited good mods back there


if the majority were cooperative and were listening, things wouldn't turn like that, like that ridiculous fanZverse era


but, what do you expect from someone, who unleashed a bot on his own forum, and deletes thousands of posts and threads, and ignores everyone's advice's?

such shameful display

ps: at least, even in current o bee dee, the mods are chill since we know them and they also know how to act
Yeah, I'm not even sure how the hell that happened as I only really showed up in 2016-17 but it went from decent to what the fuck in a few years and it's like "How"?

So it's definitely nice to actually see Mods and Admins that actually do care and don't want to start no stuff.

Dr. Watson

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They discounted the section’s opinion during my time as a mod and that should not have happened, either.
The fact OBD chilled when staff retreated (both in 2012 and during the 2015 era), it proved that OBD is perfectly capable of being respectful.

The fundamental miscommunication was the mods could not recognize that they were acting in their own self-interest and fiddling with a section and trying to change it to their specific vision. Don’t do that and things should work themselves out.
(Granted, it shouldn’t be a lawless land either, abuse shouldn’t have happened from either side, but people and staff alike should have understood why abuse happened to begin with.)

If you’re only acting in your own interest, you aren’t a good mod.
If you’re a pushover and the members don’t respect you one iota, you’re not a good mod.
If you have respect and you understand to act on member’s behalf without the need to rule with an iron fist, congrats, people will be happy with you.
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