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OBD Convo Thread #6: The One Above All

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Man of Atom



V.I.P. Member
Didn't Usagi literally killed her villains?

:kannasip or did I miss something.

He doesnt really know what he's talking about.

Persona 5 is all about changing the victims minds/personalities for instance :skully
yea, people, should stop training to try to get the gun, because the other dude can always have that step back and shoot. doesn't matter if it hit you where it is vital, as long as you get hit chances are you are going to be down first..

:kannasip Best shit to do in that case is to go forward ram your body to his, to lessen the chances of him hitting you and then fucking run as far as possible, don't even bother of thinking to fight because if that gun didn't drop you'd still get
...... no

You can do both. No point in just trying to push him and run away. The moment you turn around he's putting shots in you. This dude has always been retarded but here he went for the gun with his right hand first which is stupid considering his left is way closer. Then after his attacker backs away he lunges for it with both hands like a dumbass. If he had stepped in with his left hand and foot he would have been able to stick on the dude if he moved back

The best thing is always to just shut up and comply though


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Shots fired by RavenSupreme. :maybe

This fool thinks he's in a position to talk shit about Fang. 🤣
I will never understand how there is so much drama in this hobby when VS Debating is the literal dumbest and most pointless shit ever. It's supposed to be fun. How are niggas getting this bent out of shape over it? Idk anything about Raven mind you I just don't understand this behavior in general


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
I will never understand how there is so much drama in this hobby when VS Debating is the literal dumbest and most pointless shit ever. It's supposed to be fun. How are niggas getting this bent out of shape over it? Idk anything about Raven mind you I just don't understand this behavior in general
Probably most of us here don't too.

:kannasip like you win some and you lose some it's the nature of debating, why get butthurt about it. it's not like you're gambling money over this shit.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

i like how various lads keep saying that the mcu spidermen are large building level/hypersonic in various threads, when in the nwh they reached city level+/mhs+ (and chars like andrew having their own mhs+ before), on the same tier as iron spidey suit tom, and even more casual, lmao

not to mention

their precog, lmao

but what i should expect? they also think comic spidey is at building+ levels, the same comic spidey who is superior to his mcu versions, lol


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
@Xhominid The Fool @OtherGalaxy

since me and jakk lock upgraded spidey to city+ levels in the peter vs dio thread


who also gets the city+ scale?

sony spidey :wow


V.I.P. Member
I will never understand how there is so much drama in this hobby when VS Debating is the literal dumbest and most pointless shit ever. It's supposed to be fun. How are niggas getting this bent out of shape over it? Idk anything about Raven mind you I just don't understand this behavior in general
He wanks the fuck out of inuyasha and NNT and is an incredibly disingenuous debater. Like leaving out context for certain feats or pushing shit he knows isnt true but thinks he can get away with it because no one usually cares enough to check. Then when called on it he'll default to "you guys are meanies and im not gonna engage with you"


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
He wanks the fuck out of inuyasha and NNT and is an incredibly disingenuous debater. Like leaving out context for certain feats or pushing shit he knows isnt true but thinks he can get away with it because no one usually cares enough to check. Then when called on it he'll default to "you guys are meanies and im not gonna engage with you"
what the fuck
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