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OBD Convo Thread #6: The One Above All

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Crimson Dragoon

@Blade @OtherGalaxy

look at who’s on that list :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
@Blade @OtherGalaxy

look at who’s on that list :mjlol

hahahahahahahahaha :russ

ogalaxy's ''possible'' oc char still fights and is the last boss in that fight :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
@Blade @OtherGalaxy

look at who’s on that list :mjlol

Where does he list the badass females? All I saw was simp bait :mjlol

Crimson Dragoon

she is actually from a series? :mjlol

guess, nakaba's editor is the true creator of that char :russ

Tvtropes, the most reliable source :mjlol


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
@Blade @OtherGalaxy

look at who’s on that list :mjlol
i literally dont even know what to say about this other than it's the definition of a spacebattles thread :mjlol

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Lol RS calling me "Fang's sidekick", dude was always a whiny pretentious cunt who got his ass handed to him by me and various other OBD members so of course only now after we are all gone does he crawl out if his shithole to trash talk us like a spinless Coward.
Like I said and many others said
The wardens are gone and cockroaches comes out night to dance


V.I.P. Member
she is actually from a series? :mjlol

guess, nakaba's editor is the true creator of that char :russ

She's real. The setup for her series is a fucking riot, too.

Dude basically gets isekai'd into his female OC from an MMO where the gamers can write their own stories for some reason......except she's not his OC, she actually existed and so did that world, turns out the Goddess basically brainwashed humanity to making that game so she could use the MC as a kind of mental block so the boss girl didn't kill her.

I'm probably missing some stuff but long story short the usual wish fulfillment crap gets kinda reverse uno card'ed back at the readers because it turns out the every dude you're supposed to self insert into is actually so useless he's actively holding back the final boss and is basically just a tool of the goddess :skully

Hell I think it turns out he never actually existed and was a fake personality to act as the seal, meaning dude didnt even get isekai'd. Goddess just went "ah yes you look sufficiently useless" and then copied his mind to restrain the final boss.
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