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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


Professional Troll
Vote with me for now pls.

Maybe can also vote with Fuji. If he didn't tell you he's scum he likely just isn't lol.
On principle I would like to make it through today without voting on Ratchet!

You fine towns people shouldn’t need me to. I expect everyone and their mother will be voting for him today
Day 4 Vote Count 1


Day 4 Vote Count 1

Vote Luka
I’d favour icing Ratchet tbh. There’s no chance Luka makes late game but Ratchet probably has a more potent role


Vote Ratchet
Also fwiw I can absolutely see the serial having a governor shot, so that spec lines up too.

Naughty List is also tangibly related to santa, because it's what he uses to decide who gets presents... so I think she's pretty much donezo here

Vote: Flower
vote lymch Ratchet
Ive seen enough of this Flower X Ratchet theater fr....
Also don't forget flower supposedly was mega tunneling ratchet kun only to chicken out when he was -1 and then said he was actually "town".

Vote lynch Ratchet
Girl shut up and lynch ratchet

vote ratchet

God fucking damn. It's easy. Stop doing stupid shit. Stop overthinking it. Lynch ratchet.​
Vote Ratchet.
Realistically not reading back any time soon, been traveling

Let's finally lynch ratchet now pls no more side quests

vote ratchet
Vote Ratchet

readback time​
vote lynch ratchet

Ratchet (8): Caldust, Tweet, Pein, Magic, Flower, Tempest, Sky, Ekko
Flower (1): Ratchet

With 20 alive it takes 11 to lynch


Professional Troll
Just fucking vote him
