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Game Ranked OLF Christmas Mafia 2023 (Day 9)


Do you think Lethal would fake claim millerV
So Lethal would never fake claim miller and Sky is 100% scum are things you’ve completely ditched, because you think the miller is scum based on character spec and so because he’s defended me I’m scum and you discarded your precious plan completely of finding reads?


And Millers are a thing in most games here. I don‘t see Pein asking the SK to kill his team mate there.
Flower, again, a millionth time. Trust me. I know how players from my site. I know when and how they fake claim miller.

It is literally done as such:

1) wait for x amount of time to pass
2) most players will claim miller if there is a miller in the first post
3) if there is no miller it is then safe to claim miller.


So Lethal would never fake claim miller and Sky is 100% scum are things you’ve completely ditched, because you think the miller is scum based on character spec and so because he’s defended me I’m scum and you discarded your precious plan completely of finding reads?
Cute how it was you that asked me that question. I didn't think he would. I also never saw the time stamps.

You are 100% scum. Eat shit.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
If Rugrat‘s scum, this is 100% shading us based on Tweet‘s flip. He could accuse any of us of being his scum mate.


Lonely at the top
The Blacklist Yoga GIF by NBC