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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Anyway, once you're ready to end the game vote no lynch, scums. Then I'll be doing the same.


Polarized Noob
Yeah, but you can be honest and reveal yourselves. Given how poorly Town has played I think you deserve it. Don't you wanna end it today?
I 100% want to end this. I want to end this game as soon as possible, I want to self vote and AtE an increasing amount right now. The only thing that's prevented me from doing that is it's borderline GTing and people I like are in the game >.>.
While town has done some poor things, I think it's rude to say we played poorly. We still chooped mostly scum. The only thing we've done poorly the entire game is FoS me which is uhm. frustrating, I suppose. Either way, please side town. I beg you ^^


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
You being an indie kind of makes sense though. I'm presumign you're siding scum from what you said which is >.<
I would love for everyone to just come clean. Point is, I don't like screwing people over. Would like to know what exactly I'm dealing with tbh.
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