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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


Can you claim flavour btw?
Absalom, x-shot watcher. Says I'm not a chivalrous warrior, cos I use my powers of invisibility fruit to cheat during battles and spy on ladies :jerrykek . I'm part of the mysterious four whatever that means. Mentions Moria, Perona and Hogback.


A Simple Man
@yohoho1996 what do you make of Orca/Watson/Aurelian/Rugrat?

Aurelian is Orwellian on WG and Rugrat Tyler Herro.
All these code names are confusing

Lemme see

Of the four you mentioned here

Reading through all their post and replies and what not

I'm 100% certain Orca is scum

Aur: I'm 50/50 on he could be scum doing a great job projecting himself has town cause sometimes he feels towny and then once in a while says something that seems scummy

Watson is town Nothing he's said gave me this guy's a scum vibe

I don't have a good read on Rugrat at all tbh


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I‘m also kinda pissed at people doing nothing to help at all tho. We are down 4 Townies and 2 scums. That‘s not bad. If you‘re accused of being scum you should do what you can to help people find you as Town if you are.


All these code names are confusing

Lemme see

Of the four you mentioned here

Reading through all their post and replies and what not

I'm 100% certain Orca is scum

Aur: I'm 50/50 on he could be scum doing a great job projecting himself has town cause sometimes he feels towny and then once in a while says something that seems scummy

Watson is town Nothing he's said gave me this guy's a scum vibe

I don't have a good read on Rugrat at all tbh
Watson is a she


The Nexus
Kinda cause could be a fake claim but still prefer Luka or Magic potentially, what about Rugrat and Polar? Seem town to you?

Only Polar seems town from that cuz he lynched Xadlin.
Rugrat not even playing.
Magic could be scum and Luka too.


Only Polar seems town from that cuz he lynched Xadlin.
Rugrat not even playing.
Magic could be scum and Luka too.
I think Magic is more dangerous if scum and GP flipping traitor/detached scum doesn't clear him. Your right about Rugrat being inactive as fuck.

If you think Polar is town do you read Orca as scum?


A Simple Man
I personally think Magic should be the target from what I remember he was a prime suspect in both day 1 and 2 and unless I missed something I haven't seen him clear his name at all if I recall correctly

I may have to channel my inner nate the great to solve who else is scum

But I'm comfortable with a Magic lynch today