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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia

Polar Bear

How am I connected to Tweet? What is this bizarre rinfoiling I'm seeing here?

If Tweet isn't town/vig what the hell would be the plan here, that I fake a 1x shot rolecrush on him then argue back and forth for several days of trying to get each other lynched? And also defending someone I strongly read as town when I could've tipped a potential mislynch on T-Pein?
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You are scum.

If you flip anything but scum rolecrush that would mean you lied about using a rolecrush on tweet and tweet backed up your claim by faking being rolecrushed

Thus if you flip anything but scum rolecrush then tweet is scum with you


Follow me here

You are scum.

If you flip anything but scum rolecrush that would mean you lied about using a rolecrush on tweet and tweet backed up your claim by faking being rolecrushed

Thus if you flip anything but scum rolecrush then tweet is scum with you
No logic here at all.

So nothing to follow. You helped divert the lynch from Orca who I'm pretty certain is scum to mislynch Luka when Orca was basically dead to rights. Also you haven't even remotely explained me and Tweet going at each other from day 1 to keep each other in general PoE, so again;.your just making things up here.

Awful. You said I had no conviction or solve but was correct about Xadlin, questioned GP, went along with the mislynch on Gad when I wanted and said it should be Xadlin day 1, vouched for Nibel, and blocked the stupid shit Flower was saying trying to get T-Pein lynched and pressed for Orca's lynch just to see it move onto Luka. And yes I had Luka as potential scum too but the flip pretty much crucified Lethal now.

So what are you arguing? If I'm scum I'm bussing my entire team?

Get smarter.


Thus is legit retarded circular argumentation with no actual substance rk back it up, your just double downing on connecting me to Tweet for absolutely nothing but a tinfoil crackpot theory me and him are secret teammates.

And why did you waste a BG shot on Magic who is in the PoE periphery anyway?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
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You are scum.

If you flip anything but scum rolecrush that would mean you lied about using a rolecrush on tweet and tweet backed up your claim by faking being rolecrushed

Thus if you flip anything but scum rolecrush then tweet is scum with you
Not necessarily. Fang can be a non RCer scum while Tweet is Town and the RC belongs to Fang‘s team mate.

Let‘s wait for Lethal’s flip. If he isn’t a Watcher of any kind, that was Fuji‘s role and Tweet is confirmed anyhow.

Polar Bear

No logic here at all.

So nothing to follow. You helped divert the lynch from Orca who I'm pretty certain is scum to mislynch Luka when Orca was basically dead to rights. Also you haven't even remotely explained me and Tweet going at each other from day 1 to keep each other in general PoE, so again;.your just making things up here.

Awful. You said I had no conviction or solve but was correct about Xadlin, questioned GP, went along with the mislynch on Gad when I wanted and said it should be Xadlin day 1, vouched for Nibel, and blocked the stupid shit Flower was saying trying to get T-Pein lynched and pressed for Orca's lynch just to see it move onto Luka. And yes I had Luka as potential scum too but the flip pretty much crucified Lethal now.

So what are you arguing? If I'm scum I'm bussing my entire team?

Get smarter.


Posts like this make him all but lock scum to me.

It's rambling nonsense, has zero thought to it, and made me dumber to read it.


Not necessarily. Fang can be a non RCer scum while Tweet is Town and the RC belongs to Fang‘s team mate.

Let‘s wait for Lethal’s flip. If he isn’t a Watcher of any kind, that was Fuji‘s role and Tweet is confirmed anyhow.
I'm pretty confident Lethal isn't town, regardless if he is a watcher or not.



Posts like this make him all but lock scum to me.

It's rambling nonsense, has zero thought to it, and made me dumber to read it.

You aren't dumb? You always have been though?

Go ahead and give evidence of me and Tweet being aligned as mates. You've made this claim multiple times and haven't proven it once other then talking out of your ass and fucking the Orca lynch yesterday.

Polar Bear

Not necessarily. Fang can be a non RCer scum while Tweet is Town and the RC belongs to Fang‘s team mate.

Let‘s wait for Lethal’s flip. If he isn’t a Watcher of any kind, that was Fuji‘s role and Tweet is confirmed anyhow.
I thought about that but I don't buy it. Why would aurelian risk being caught in a lie. I think it was him that rolecrushed tweet and I think he will flip scum rolecrush

I was just speculating about what happens if Aurelian flips some scum role but not rolecrush


Also gonna note you don't have a single rebuke or rebutted any of my points about my voting pattern, presses, and challenging while being front line and in the center of attention against Flower's pushes at T-Pein and my insistence of getting rid of Xadlin who was basically flipped GF

In short: your solve is garbage

Polar Bear

You aren't dumb? You always have been though?

Go ahead and give evidence of me and Tweet being aligned as mates. You've made this claim multiple times and haven't proven it once other then talking out of your ass and fucking the Orca lynch yesterday.
How is dead red caught scum between lethal and Luka a derailment of a complete unknown lynch on a vanilla claim. How dumb are you


How is dead red caught scum between lethal and Luka a derailment of a complete unknown lynch on a vanilla claim. How dumb are you
Go lie to yourself some more and ignore the last dozen pages of yesterday's day before EoD, you aren't convincing anyone.


This @Magic

Aurelian is just started crao that ain't there. His arguments are barelyogically and half asked just to be antagonistic and muddle the thread
What is this word salad? Why aren't you able to counter argue my points, you just keep appealing to belief that doesn't have any actual tangible evidence about what I've said.

Are you honestly a spastic?

The Orca
