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One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion Thread Part 3: Road to star level

Great Potato

I'm still betting on Kid & Law bringing Big Mom down. I'd perhaps feel more doubtful if she still looked to be in good condition, but she's already having an asthma attack huffing and puffing the whole chapter, claiming that she's beat, that this is the most damage she's received, that she needs to sacrifice lifespan to win, but Kid & Law just keep on coming unrelenting.

They've both been through the ringer, but it's quite apparent that Big Mom is running out of steam herself and we haven't seen the damage Kid's mechanical bull did. The upheaval of the established order won't be complete if she walks away.

Great Potato

To think Kidd started the fight nerfed from hawkins

Especially wild when you recall part of the punishment he took from Hawkins was getting stabbed through by Killer, something that earlier this arc had Zoro pass out for hours and in need of medical attention.

Amd Law from enduring two thunder Baguas.

Funny thing to me is that Oda gave Law a brand new-defensive technique with the Anti-Bacterial Curtain, only to have Law start eating all of this punishment raw without even using his extra defenses.

Like giving Cap's shield to Luke Cage, he doesn't need it, but he still wants you to know it's there just in case.


Especially wild when you recall part of the punishment he took from Hawkins was getting stabbed through by Killer, something that earlier this arc had Zoro pass out for hours and in need of medical attention.

Funny thing to me is that Oda gave Law a brand new-defensive technique with the Anti-Bacterial Curtain, only to have Law start eating all of this punishment raw without even using his extra defenses.

Like giving Cap's shield to Luke Cage, he doesn't need it, but he still wants you to know it's there just in case.
Laws always been an endurance freak the man stomped trebol with a missing arm :mjlol


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Dressrosa > Zou > WCI > Wano took a while

must at least be two months tops

Luffy trained before he and the rest Raided Onigashima, there is no reason to believe Law and Kidd didn’t do the same tbh
We saw Kidd sort of 'train' with Luffy, which is why that one doesn't confuse me. And we saw Zoro and Killer fight so we know both were active in Wano. Law's the only one we never saw anything from on his journey, so it's just funny. We can obviously assume he trained it's just hilarious how much stronger he is than his last fight


Bakugou died for your lmao's
V.I.P. Member
We saw Kidd sort of 'train' with Luffy, which is why that one doesn't confuse me. And we saw Zoro and Killer fight so we know both were active in Wano. Law's the only one we never saw anything from on his journey, so it's just funny. We can obviously assume he trained it's just hilarious how much stronger he is than his last fight
P90X and horse meat all Law needed

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Law and Kidd broke Big Mom's bones.

Law used an attack that Wano size in scale.

Big Mom can regenerate

Kidd has an electromagnetic canon.

Gotta wait for pics but Wano size is hype.