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One Piece Tier/Feat/Canon/Toei Discussion thread: Toon Level feats only please.

Who is the strongest person in OP now?

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Great Potato

Threw together a quick Netflix tier list based on initial gut reaction of feats from the show. Don't care to put too much more thought into it than this.

0. Helmeppo / Coby- Got a nudity tag slapped onto an official One Piece product / Took Helmeppo with a sucker punch
1. Mihawk - Best feats by a margin, decimated Krieg with unmatched swagger and punked Zoro
2. Garp - Schooled Luffy in the finale, doesn't have much outside of that
3. Shanks - Scared Lord of the Coast away after losing an arm to it... not sure how that compares to Garp.
4. Lord of the Coast - Ate Shanks arm and unlike the manga it never gets dehyped by losing to Luffy afterwards
5. Beckman, Roo, Yasopp - These guys all kind of looked like losers, but they basically rank here on name brand alone.
6. Luffy - Defeated Arlong and Kuro solo
7. Arlong - Scored a W against Luffy at Baratie, went fairly even at AP
8. Kuroobi - Don't know what to make of this dude. He one-shot Buggy who the team had to gang up on to win, low-diffed Sanji on Baratie, was taking on Zoro & Sanji as a tag team and winning, but then when it was time for him to lose he randomly started jobbing to Sanji.
9. Sanji - Because defeating Kuroobi is more impressive than anything Zoro did in the show
10. Zoro - Defeated the Sham & Buchi tag-team, assisted in the Kuroobi fight
11. Buggy - The crew needed to think outside of the box and trap his parts because they couldn't defeat him normally.
12. Captain Morgan - Took on Luffy and Zoro in a tag team and did fairly decent
13. Kuro - Should realistically be above Morgan, but didn't show it. Got packed up solo after Luffy needed help for Buggy and Morgan.
14. Sham - Knocked out Zoro with a wine bottle
15. Buchi - Gave Zoro a decent fight with Sham
16. Chew - Jobbed to Usopp, but mainly circumstantial
17. Alvida - Took out random pirate crew, can crush heads with her club
18. Usopp - Took out Chu by igniting his alcohol, his attacks were scrubby otherwise
19. Nami - Threw hands with some fodder, took out Sham with sneak attack
20. Mr. 7 - He did more against Zoro than Cabaji at least
21. Cabaji - Went out like a bitch
22. Gin - Basically just some bum looking for a meal

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Live Action OP tier list:

Bogard (Made Zoro put his sword down.)
Luffy/ Arlong (Luffy implied he couldn't be Arlong...but he came up with a way to do it.)
Kurobi-One Shot Buggy, took on both Zoro and Sanji.
Sam and Butch

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Top Tiers like Mihawk/Shanks/ Garp are casual supersonic and large building level (scaling off of Luffy and Mihawk)

Arlong and Luffy scale to large building level because of Luffy's battle are. But they didn't have any speed feats because both are immune to bullets.

Kuro if anything is transonic so I guess Zoro/Sanji/Buggy/Morgan's scale to that.

Great Potato

@Great Potato

Was it stated that all Fishman were bullet proof or was it just Arlong?

I don't recall entirely if there was a general statement on that.

Buggy did say Usopp would never be able to break Chu's skin with that gunpowder star he was designing, so that would lean towards them all having enhanced durability. Fishman are also naturally fire-resistant according to Chu.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Yeah I'm leaning towards all Fishman had bullet proof durability.

So Zoro and Sanji are atleast above Peak Human durability.

Great Potato

Thinking back, Buggy might have been talking about Arlong with that line since I believe he was bragging about how he was going to kill them all. I'm not sure if he actually said that specific line in reference to Arlong or fighting the fishmen in general, but it was still pretty well implied that Usopp's normal arsenal wouldn't have been at all effective if he didn't have the alcohol to ignite. Chu took a shot to the face and barely flinched.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Yeah I think he was also trying to make Usopp feel bad. And Sanji stepped in because he didn't want Usopp to feel bad about himself.

Scenes like that and Zoro and Namis drinking game were great.

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
I think my all time favorite scene that's not from the manga

Is Nami running towards the crew and completely ignored Sanji :lmao I wheezed ngl

B Rabbit

V.I.P. Member
Taz and Jacob completely made Sanji and Usopp their own. And I think it helped they got into the series after being casted.

Emily and Mac were already OP fans before and while they did amazing jobs. You can tell they were trying to be the manga versions of their character.

Luffy grows on you, but I think I like him vetter as Luffy when he's more Inaki than Luffy.

Great Potato

Live Action OP tier list:

Bogard (Made Zoro put his sword down.)
Luffy/ Arlong (Luffy implied he couldn't be Arlong...but he came up with a way to do it.)
Kurobi-One Shot Buggy, took on both Zoro and Sanji.
Sam and Butch

I forgot to add him on my list, but I appreciate Netflix for giving us the Bogard the fandom wanted from Oda.


Finished all the episodes.


V.I.P. Member
Episode 5 is amazing
Was pleasantly surprised they managed to not make the pocket knife fight look ridiculous.

Having watched the full thing now, I'd stick with my 7/10. Certainly not a replacement for the manga, but I feel like it's a solid dip into the world of One Piece. Definitely limits on what Live Action can do over what you can draw though, obviously.

Do like that they added more for Koby and company to do. If he's supposed to be the future of the marines, he needs to be built up more than he's been in the manga than just kind of dropping him into the spotlight towards the finish.

Garp only really felt like Garp reacting to the cannon ball Luffy countered, being enticed by Zeff's meal, and the ultimate payoff where his general pursuit of Luffy so far has basically just been him looking to see how committed Luffy actually is to this bullshit. I think he'll be given more chances to act like a goofy mother fucker later though.