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Soulsborne Discussion, Feats & Analysis

Sure sure

And actually playing the game? :hm

found this interesting video

"combined with the fact that the stars don't change their positions in the night sky"

while this could easily be a gameplay limitation it is eerily consistent with the whole Radahn stopping the stars' movement plot point

he also charts the orbits of the two moons and the sun and all three are....odd
Alright, question for the biggest fan to not touch the actual games :maybe

@OtherGalaxy How big a boost is a Great Rune? Any pair of great runes suffices to repair some of the Elden Ring for at least the Fracture ending, no? Godrick was the least, but what does least entail here exactly?



25:00 you can see it above the water
I was able to talk to the person who made this and they confirmed it's just regular footage they took themselves (you can see the sun a lot in mods because I guess they make the skyboxes act oddly)

yeah so there is now a 0% case against star level elden ring being legit. I have absolutely no idea why the game forces the Radahn festival to start at nighttime, but the sun is there in his arena. It may be a weird case like how Enir-Illim and Farum Azula are always daytime during the night, with the sun clearly visible.
Think I finally figured out why the hell the Radahn fight skybox is so strange, thanks to some random video with 8 views of a group of guys trying the fight repeatedly

So, it looks like Jerren's dialogue does automatically change the time to night, but unlike some other areas, time is actually still progressing normally. So if you die enough, you have a Radahn fight entirely during the day, including in phase 2, which results in the Dark Moon appearing right next to the sun. Really interesting, really strange. Either Radahn pulled the moon in when he goes to space or the Dark Moon showed up because it wants to see him die as he's a roadblock to Ranni's plans.

This has been bothering me for like a year lol

Also stumbled on this

(…) 焼炉の炎は、人を魂まで焼き尽くす
(…) The Furnace Flame consumes people in flames until only the soul remains. When impurities are burned, it is referred to as purification.
Messmer's fire was mistranslated, it doesn't burn the soul, it destroys everything so that only the soul remains. So basically, seems to be a durability ignoring magic ability, though it isn't instantaneous given we see some corpses in the Furnace Golems are still burning when we get there.
I still want to learn more on translation differences and if it impacts the scaling at all (really hoping to find a native speaker go over Sellen and Iji's dialogue at some point) but this person who's been comparing them for a few years had some interesting insight into the Count Ymir/Metyr/Big Bang stuff

It seems like Metyr was communicating with the Greater Will via the background radiation left behind after the big bang

The "beyond of the Microcosm" also may imply Elden Ring's universe is much larger than the observable universe (similar to ours I suppose)
Something interesting regarding the constellations translation from this thread about Collapsing Stars

So, does just mean "star" or more generally "heavenly body" with 流れる being intended to describe it as "flowing" or "streaming." I think this is supposed to tie in with the idea of the movement of the stars affecting fate, which ostensibly would also include shooting stars (but I don't think it needs to be exclusively referring to them.)
Typically the game uses 流星 to refer to meteors or shooting stars, which, as far as I can tell, does derive from the same root 流れ, so in this context it would fit anyway since Radahn seems to have specifically confronted falling stars.
From what I can tell, the use of "constellations" appears to be a localisation flair on FrogNat's part to make the language more interesting. But, according to the dictionary, in one sense when read せい (Sei) can refer to the Chinese constellations, which is possibly what prompted FrogNat to localise it that way.

Interestingly this person does not necessarily believe Flowing Stars is meant to be translated as shooting or falling star and states the game normally uses other terminology for that, and flowing here may have been related more to fate.
Compare the localization, original japanese, and their translation below each

"Who stood up to the swirling constellations, halting their movement in a smashing victory."


"Long ago he faced the flowing stars, and when he smashed them, the movement of the stars were sealed."


"But long ago, General Radahn challenged the swirling constellations, and in a crushing victory, arrested their cycles."


"But, long ago General Radahn challenged the stars, and when he defeated them, he sealed their movement."

So I think taking the Constellation dialogue at face value is fine for scaling purposes. This was my only real hangup on the "did Radahn stop real stars or not" debate. I know you can see the actual stars moving a little in his cutscene, but I just really prefer more concrete evidence and constellation at the very least not being a mistranslation of shooting star is good enough for me.

Also interesting


The Celestial Dew design is based on a real image of a supernova from 1987