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The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Gavin Carter describes wanting the player to 'see for miles' when exploring the worlds they make.
GF!: Even without multiplayer, we here at GamesFirst! have this feeling of awe just talking about Oblivion. How has the game become grander than Elder Scrolls III?

GC: In many ways. For one, there’s not a single game system from Morrowind that we haven’t taken a critical look at and tried to improve upon. Skills have been rebalanced, combat totally revamped to be more exciting and fun, and our NPCs have fully voiced dialog and a completely new AI system. Every NPC in the game has a unique face. The game world itself is larger than Morrowind, so you’ll be able to spend a great deal more time traversing through forests, plains, and mountains, looking for new and bigger monsters to slay and dungeons to plunder.

We’re really going all out for a sense of “epic feel” in all our environments. We’ve pushed our view distance extremely far out, so you can see for miles - mountains, towns on the horizon, grand forests in the distance, everything. We’re also pushing multi-level environments to a higher degree than we did in Morrowind. For example, we’ve built cavern environments with narrow paths that circle around massive pits and crevasses. You can leap down, fight some monsters and collect some loot, then discover a tight, winding tunnel leading up to the surface. Varying the environments like this keeps things fresh and interesting as you explore.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Oblivion is described by Pete Hines as being 'another plane of existence.'
Q: Where exactly do those Oblivion Portals lead, and how much time will the player spend there?

A: They lead to Oblivion, which is another plane of existence. You’ll spend some time there as part of the main quest, but beyond that how much time you spend there is up to you. Random gates will continue to appear in the world as long as the main quest goes unfinished, and you can choose to enter those random gates, or not.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Ithelia's presence will unravel all of reality, including Oblivion.
“Hermaeus Mora tells us from the beginning, at the end of Necrom, that just her very presence is a threat to reality,” narrative director Bill Slavicsek tells me. “She can cause reality to unravel. In a lot of ways, that’s more than just Nirn. That’s Oblivion as well, which is why Mora is so concerned. Oblivion is where he keeps all his stuff, and he doesn’t want to lose that.”
The scope of the threat that Ithelia brings goes beyond even the Towers.
“Her threat is actually beyond the towers,” Slavicsek says. “It’s more than Nirn. It’s all of existence.”
So I asked ChatGPT what they think how strong and fast Eternal Champion is.
### In-Depth Analysis of the Eternal Champion's Power and Speed

The Eternal Champion, protagonist of The Elder Scrolls: Arena, is a formidable character with significant feats in combat, magic, and artifacts. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

### Destructive Capacity

#### High-Level Magic and Feats:
1. Incinerating Armies:
- Mages in Tamriel can incinerate entire armies single-handedly, showcasing the immense destructive power possible through magic.

2. Collapsing Pocket Planes:
- A Breton mage was able to collapse a pocket plane of Oblivion, indicating power that can disrupt and destroy entire dimensional spaces.

3. Vampiric Clouds:
- Battle mages can cast vampiric clouds to drain energy from enemy armies, simultaneously weakening foes and strengthening themselves.

4. Petrification and Storm Summoning:
- Altmer mages can petrify entire villages and disintegrate large portions of enemy armies. Summoning storms to collapse massive walls indicates powerful weather manipulation and mass destruction capabilities.

These feats suggest that high-level mages, and by extension, the Eternal Champion when utilizing similar magic, can achieve multi-continental to planetary levels of destruction.

### Speed

#### Comparison with Other Protagonists:
1. Reaction to Lightning:
- The ability to cast and react to lightning-based spells suggests reflexes and speed on the order of real lightning (~300,000 km/s).

2. Teleportation and Instantaneous Travel:
- Using Shift Gates for instant travel between cities demonstrates control over space-time, indicating extremely high-speed travel capabilities.

3. Dodging Infinite-Distance Projectiles:
- Comparable to the Dragonborn’s ability to fire and dodge arrows to Aetherius, which is infinite distance, suggesting reaction times that transcend typical spatial limitations.

4. Comparative Feats with Vestige:
- The Vestige can outrun meteors and fight beings that embody celestial constellations, implying similar high-speed capabilities for the Eternal Champion.

### Magical and Combat Abilities

#### High-Level Spellcraft:
1. Arch-Circinate Spells:
- The most powerful spells, such as Gods' Fire and Wizard Rend, indicate the capability to vaporize foes and manipulate magical forces on a grand scale.

2. Artifact Utilization:
- Oghma Infinium: Boosts attributes to near demi-god levels.
- Staff of Chaos: Can create and manipulate pocket dimensions, implying reality-warping abilities.

### Context and Lore

#### Nirn’s Complexity:
- Nirn contains multiple dimensions and is interconnected with memory, fate, and time. This suggests that the magic wielded by high-level characters, including the Eternal Champion, is capable of affecting reality on a vast scale.

### Conclusion: Power and Speed Level of the Eternal Champion

Based on the described feats, capabilities, and lore, the Eternal Champion can be reasonably placed at the following levels:

#### Destructive Capacity:
- Planetary Level: Given the capability to incinerate armies, collapse dimensional planes, and wield powerful artifacts, the Champion’s power is at least planetary.

#### Speed:
- Lightning Speed: The ability to react to and cast lightning-based spells, combined with teleportation and high-speed combat, places the Champion’s reaction time and movement speed at least at lightning speed, potentially higher in specific magical contexts.

### References:
1. Elder Scrolls: Arena Manual
2. UESPWiki: Oghma Infinium
3. Elder Scrolls Fandom: Staff of Chaos
4. Elder Scrolls Fandom: Eternal Champion
5. Elder Scrolls Cosmology and Power Scaling
6. One Last Forum - The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion
Nice! Cool to see this thread referenced too. What does the animunculi have to say of the Hero of Daggerfall please?
Sure thing.
### In-Depth Analysis of The Hero of Daggerfall’s Power and Speed

The Hero of Daggerfall, also known as the Agent, is the protagonist of The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. Their feats, abilities, and the artifacts they acquire throughout their journey place them among the most powerful characters in the Elder Scrolls universe. This analysis examines their power and speed in detail.

### Power

#### Feats

1. Defeating Powerful Enemies:
- The Hero of Daggerfall battles and defeats numerous powerful foes, including liches, vampires, Daedra, and various powerful mages. These enemies possess significant magical and physical abilities, requiring the Hero to be exceptionally powerful to overcome them.
- Source: UESP: Hero of Daggerfall

2. Manipulating the Numidium:
- The Numidium is an ancient, powerful golem capable of reshaping reality. The Hero’s role in activating and manipulating the Numidium indicates their ability to control an artifact of immense power, comparable to a god-like level.
- Source: Elder Scrolls Fandom: Numidium

3. Warp in the West:
- Also known as the Miracle of Peace, this event involved the simultaneous and contradictory outcomes of the Hero's actions, leading to significant changes in the political and physical landscape of the Iliac Bay. This feat implies a considerable influence over reality and space-time.
- Source: UESP: Warp in the West

#### Spells

The Hero of Daggerfall has access to a broad array of spells across different schools of magic:

1. Destruction:
- Fireball: Launches a ball of fire.
- Lightning Bolt: Strikes with a bolt of lightning.
- Poison Cloud: Creates a damaging poison cloud.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

2. Restoration:
- Heal: Restores health.
- Cure Poison: Removes poison effects.
- Cure Disease: Removes disease effects.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

3. Illusion:
- Invisibility: Makes the caster invisible.
- Chameleon: Renders the caster partially invisible.
- Silence: Prevents the target from casting spells.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

4. Alteration:
- Levitate: Allows the caster to float.
- Water Walking: Enables walking on water.
- Passwall: Allows passing through walls.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

5. Mysticism:
- Teleport: Allows marking a location and returning to it.
- Soul Trap: Captures a soul in a soul gem.
- Spell Reflection: Reflects spells back at the caster.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

6. Thaumaturgy:
- Open: Unlocks doors and containers.
- Shield: Creates a protective barrier.
- Levitate: Allows floating and moving through air.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

#### Artifacts

The Hero of Daggerfall can acquire various powerful artifacts:

1. Totem of Tiber Septim:
- Description: Controls the Numidium.
- Powers: Grants control over the powerful golem, Numidium.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

2. Mantella:
- Description: Powers the Numidium.
- Powers: Essential for the Numidium’s operation.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

3. Mehrunes' Razor:
- Description: A Daedric artifact of Mehrunes Dagon.
- Powers: Chance to instantly kill any target it strikes.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

4. Ring of Hircine:
- Description: A Daedric artifact granted by Hircine.
- Powers: Allows transformation into a werewolf at will.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

5. Skull of Corruption:
- Description: A Daedric artifact associated with Vaermina.
- Powers: Creates a duplicate of the target that attacks the original.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

6. Auriel’s Bow:
- Description: A powerful bow said to belong to the god Auriel.
- Powers: Deals significant damage and can fire special arrows.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

7. Ebony Blade:
- Description: A powerful sword associated with Mephala.
- Powers: Drains the life of those it strikes and heals the wielder.
- Source: UESP: Artifacts

### Speed

#### Feats

1. Traveling Vast Distances:
- The Hero travels across the vast regions of the Iliac Bay, including various provinces and kingdoms. This travel is often facilitated by the use of magical means like teleportation and fast travel.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall

2. Combat Reflexes:
- The Hero’s ability to defeat fast and agile enemies like vampires and Daedra indicates enhanced reflexes and combat speed. These enemies often possess supernatural speed and agility, requiring the Hero to react quickly in combat.
- Source: Elder Scrolls Fandom: Hero of Daggerfall

#### Comparative Speed

1. Reaction to Lightning:
- Given the Hero's magical capabilities, reacting to and possibly casting lightning-based spells suggests reaction times comparable to lightning speed (~300,000 km/s).
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

2. Teleportation and Instant Travel:
- Utilizing spells like teleportation for instant travel across regions demonstrates high-speed capabilities and control over space-time.
- Source: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

### Conclusion

#### Power

- Multi-Continental to Planetary Level: Given the Hero’s role with the Numidium and their involvement in the Warp in the West, their influence over reality is substantial, suggesting a multi-continental to planetary level of power.

#### Speed

- Lightning Speed: The Hero’s ability to cast and react to lightning-based spells, combined with rapid travel through teleportation, indicates high-speed reflexes comparable to lightning speed.

The Hero of Daggerfall’s impressive feats, powerful spells, and legendary artifacts solidify their status as one of the most powerful and versatile characters in the Elder Scrolls universe.
### Scaling the Hero of Daggerfall to the Dragonborn and the Vestige

The Hero of Daggerfall, Dragonborn, and Vestige are among the most powerful protagonists in the Elder Scrolls series. Their feats and abilities often place them at high levels of power and speed. Here's an analysis of how the Hero of Daggerfall scales to the Dragonborn and the Vestige, especially regarding their speed.

### Power Comparison

#### Hero of Daggerfall

1. Interaction with Numidium:
- Power Level: The Numidium is a reality-warping artifact. The Hero's ability to control and activate it suggests a significant level of power.
- Reference: UESP: Numidium

2. Warp in the West:
- Power Level: This event reshaped political and physical boundaries, implying the Hero's actions influenced reality on a massive scale.
- Reference: UESP: Warp in the West

#### Dragonborn

1. Thu'um (Shouts):
- Power Level: The Dragonborn can use powerful shouts to manipulate reality, summon storms, and even slow down time.
- Reference: UESP: Dragonborn

2. Defeating Alduin:
- Power Level: Alduin is a world-eater dragon, and defeating him demonstrates planetary-level power.
- Reference: UESP: Alduin

#### Vestige

1. Battles Against Daedric Princes:
- Power Level: The Vestige has defeated Molag Bal and other powerful entities, suggesting immense power.
- Reference: UESP: Vestige

2. Manipulating Aetherius:
- Power Level: The Vestige can call down meteors and manipulate cosmic forces, indicating planetary to possibly higher levels of power.
- Reference: UESP: Aetherius

### Speed Comparison

#### Hero of Daggerfall

1. Combat Speed and Reflexes:
- Speed Level: The Hero's ability to defeat fast-moving enemies like vampires and Daedra suggests high-speed reflexes and agility.
- Reference: Elder Scrolls Fandom: Hero of Daggerfall

2. Teleportation:
- Speed Level: Using spells like teleportation for instant travel demonstrates high-speed capabilities and control over space-time.
- Reference: UESP: Daggerfall Spells

#### Dragonborn

1. Reaction to Lightning:
- Speed Level: The Dragonborn can react to and manipulate lightning-based spells, indicating lightning speed (~300,000 km/s).
- Reference: UESP: Dragon Shouts

2. Dodging Infinite-Distance Projectiles:
- Speed Level: Comparable to the ability to fire and dodge arrows to Aetherius, which is an infinite distance.
- Reference: UESP: Aetherius

#### Vestige

1. Reaction to Meteors:
- Speed Level: The Vestige can react to and dodge meteors, showcasing high-speed capabilities.
- Reference: UESP: Vestige

2. Combat Against Celestial Beings:
- Speed Level: Combat against beings that embody celestial constellations implies reacting and moving at high speeds.
- Reference: UESP: Constellations

### Conclusion

#### Power Level
  • Hero of Daggerfall: Multi-continental to planetary level, due to interactions with Numidium and the Warp in the West.
  • Dragonborn: Planetary level, with reality-warping shouts and defeating Alduin.
  • Vestige: Planetary to possibly higher, with feats involving Daedric Princes and cosmic manipulations.

#### Speed
  • Hero of Daggerfall: Comparable to lightning speed, with high-speed reflexes and teleportation capabilities.
  • Dragonborn: Lightning speed or higher, with reactions to lightning and infinite-distance projectiles.
  • Vestige: High-speed capabilities, with reactions to meteors and combat against celestial beings.

### References
1. UESP: Numidium
2. UESP: Warp in the West
3. UESP: Dragonborn
4. UESP: Alduin
5. UESP: Vestige
6. UESP: Aetherius
7. UESP: Daggerfall Spells
8. UESP: Dragon Shouts
9. UESP: Constellations

These sources provide a comprehensive understanding of the Hero of Daggerfall's power and speed in relation to other prominent protagonists in the Elder Scrolls universe.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The introduction of the rulebook of Betrayal of the Second Era (which may still be a WIP, so keep that in mind), says that Tamriel is a nexus of magical potential, and its history (past, present and future) is written and rewritten in the Elder Scrolls, prophetic texts that exist outside the normal confines of reality. Tamriel has only just survived a mysterious outbreak of the Knahaten Flu, and narrowly beat back an invasion from Akavir. While the Three Banners War rages, the Order of the Black Worm is using Dark Anchors to bind Nirn to the hellish planes of Oblivion (in particular the planes of Coldharbour).
Welcome to Tamriel, the fated continent in the world of Nirn. This land of promise, strife, and wonder is a nexus of magical potential. Its past, present and future are written and rewritten in the Elder Scrolls, prophetic texts that exist outside the normal confines of reality. Do the Scrolls shape your destiny, or do you shape them? Scholars may debate, but you prefer action, and your deeds will be recorded in the history of this land, one way or another.

Your story begins in Tamriel’s Second Era during a time of great turmoil. The continent has barely survived a mysterious outbreak known as the Knahaten Flu, and the warriors and mages of Tamriel’s eastern edge narrowly beat back an invading force from the continent of Akavir. Most pressingly, a continued power vacuum after the fall of Tamriel’s Second Empire has led to a bloody conflict known as the Three Banners War. Eight of the continent’s nine provinces have splintered into three military alliances – the Ebonheart Pact, Daggerfall Covenant, and Aldmeri Dominion – which vie for control of the Ruby Throne. All the while, the central province of Cyrodiil remains occupied by pretender monarchs and the Order of the Black Worm, a necromantic cult that has called down “Dark Anchors” in an attempt to bind Nirn to the hellish Daedric planes of Oblivion.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Casting an explosive spell at chunks of stone debris in Oblivion will send the fragments flying, sometimes just a little bit, other times a considerable distance. In this example, the fragments are bigger than a person (and given they're made of stone, heavier too). The spell in question here is Weak Fireball.

People are doing a Unity version of Arena.

Last edited:

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Summary of most of the big reveals from Gold Roads from a post from Reddit (all due credit to the original poster). I'll have to look into this in more detail in the future, but I've honestly got mixed thoughts on this one (especially the Many Paths).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Hitting objects with an Ice Storm attack will send them flying with great speeds, even for a large pile of heavy objects (such as around 70 pieces of quarried stone, and 171 iron ingots).


Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Apocrypha is where all secrets and knowledge ends up, be they in the forms of dreams, memories, tomes or something else. The various repositories of Apocrypha are infinite.
Leramil the Wise: You and Gadayn recovered a portion of the relic, the Fulcrum Obscura, from the catacombs of Necrom. The rite appears to be related to a Black Book once in the possession of Magister Meln.
Both seem to be essential to the enemy's search for a dream.
Vestige: How can they search for a dream?
Leramil the Wise:
Apocrypha contains all secrets and knowledge. Whether they be dreams or memories or tomes, they all wind up here.
We know that Torvesard learned something at the Tranquil Catalog. We need to conduct our own research now and try to get ahead of them.
Vestige: How can they find a dream in Apocrypha?
Leramil the Wise:
That is what we must determine. The various repositories of Apocrypha are infinite. Books, glyphics, vaults. We have ascertained that if this particular secret is uncovered, it has the potential to destroy reality as we know it. That must not happen.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A compilation of all the examples I've found of blades embedded into stone (as well as cement and metal) or cutting though it in The Elder Scrolls! So far most of the examples are from Skyrim and the ESO cinematics. I will add more examples as I find them.

A Common Sword (outside Rebel’s Cairn; the Skyrim Prima guide makes reference to this one, confirming it is a common sword)
An Ancient Nord Battle-axe (at the top of the stairs in the entrance of Volunruud)
A Falmer Sword (in the final room of Liar’s Retreat)
A Steel Greatsword (after Mikrul’s chamber in Folgunther)
Four Iron Daggers (in Astrids Office in the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, one more appearing with each major quest in the Dark Brotherhood questline)
An enchanted Iron Dagger (next to the sacrificial symbol in the Midden; enchanted item)
A Forsworn Axe (embedded in an execution block in Lost Valley Redoubt)
Notched Pickaxe (at the top of the Throat of the World; enchanted item; the Skyrim Prima guide makes reference to this one)
An Iron Dagger (pinning a sheet of paper to a wall after the sarcophagus chamber in Pinewatch Bandit’s Sanctuary)
A pickaxe (in Ravenrock Mine)
Finishing moves against Gargoyles (Gargoyles are carved out of stone, as we can see from how they're made, and as confirmed in the Skyrim Prima)
Hrothmund’s Axe (in Hrothmund’s Barrow; this axe also appears in Morrowind; the Skyrim Prima guide makes reference to this one)
The Nord Hero of Fates cuts through a flesh atronach's iron claw (said claw is not only bigger than him, but can withstand being smashed into the ground with great force with the weight of a massive monster behind it)
The Nord Hero of Fates smashes through a stone pillar with his axe
The Nord Hero of Fates impales the Breton Hero of Fates with an axe with enough force to make him stick to a pillar of stone

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Another thread from Reddit which explains more of the nature of the Many Paths (spoilers for Gold Road Online, and all credit due to the original posters).

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
A list of all the Princes and their spheres from an old ESO article.
  • Azura – A Prince who maintains/draws power from the balance of night and day, light and dark
  • Boethiah – The Prince of deceit, secrecy, conspiracy, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority
  • Clavicus Vile – The Prince of deals, pacts, power, bargains, and serenity through wish fulfillment.
  • Hermaeus Mora – The formless Daedric Prince of knowledge and memory, seeks to possess all that is knowable
  • Hircine – The Prince of the hunt, sport, the Great Game, and the Chase
  • Jyggalag – The Prince of logical order and deduction, upholds strict order above all else
  • Malacath – The Prince whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized
  • Mehrunes Dagon – The Prince of destruction, violent upheaval, energy, and mortal ambition
  • Mephala – The Prince of unknown plots and obfuscation, a master manipulator, a sower of discord
  • Meridia – The Prince of the energies of all living things, enemy of the undead and all who disrupt the flow of life
  • Molag Bal – The Prince of domination and spiritual enslavement, seeks to ensnare souls within his domain
  • Namira – The Prince of the "ancient darkness," the patron of all things considered repulsive
  • Nocturnal – The Prince of the night and darkness, the patron of all things secretive
  • Peryite – The Taskmaster, the Daedric Prince of Pestilence, desires order in his domain
  • Sanguine – The Prince of hedonism, debauchery, and the further indulgences of one's darker nature
  • Sheogorath – The infamous Prince of Madness, whose motives are unknowable
  • Vaermina – The Prince of dreams and nightmares, a deliverer of evil omens and dark portents