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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
btw someone with flavor knowledge pls tell me if ganon = ganondorf?
idk if this is the gf or ig "stand-in" for it since it doesnt say so explicitly
Yeah Ganon = Ganondorf
Ganondorf is the guy when he's just a gerudo, a guy of the desert, their long
Ganon is when he's in his beast mode

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
alright, i was just confused y it was listed differently
thought ganon might be a diff role maybe
Most of the games, it talks about the legend of Zelda. So most of the times it says :"Ganondorf the king of Gerudo come from the desert to take the Triforce then he corrupts himself even more and become Ganon. Link comes and kill him to save Zelda and Hyrule. This happening again and over again. Sometimes Link losing the fight."


Lonely at the top
Poyser was a strongman too so we probably have a doctor? Or an SK I guess but given that there was only 1 kill the past 2 night Idk about that.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Vote Lynch psychic

I know I haven't played too much so I can't make the best case here. Honestly, I forgot about what my case was in the beginning. I'm going to leave my vote here until I get the time to read the thread later. But, I am moving back and my flights have been a disaster. So I won't be too active this phase. Just leaving my vote here until I know better


if u wont be too active can u claim so we dont get held up?