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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


Lonely at the top
I actually thought he could be a role watcher of sorts. The fact that he claimed Firefighter makes no sense from an arsonist perspective.
Vote Count 1 Day 3 New


We are going for either Yoho or Psychic

Vote Lynch Yoho

@Polar Bear stop tagging me so many times bro, If I wasnt there I wasnt going to show up just because you kept tagging me.

Its super annoying bro.

Vote Lynch Yoho

yoho has already claimed
we start with rugrat

im pretty certain he is scum
Vote lynch Rugrat

Vote Rugrat

Since Yoho claimed

Vote Lynch Psychic

I'm in class right now for another 30 mins but I think we should lynch Rugrat today

Vote Lynch Rugrat

Vote Lynch: Psychic

ill be back in a bit

I say Death to Psychi

vote lynch Psychic

Vote lynch Gad

would like a claim here as well

Vote lynch Yoho

For not voting Poyser EoD when he was literally right there.

Vote Rugrat don’t think I’ve voted yet

Vote Psychic

Vote Count 1 Day 3

Nibel: Yoho > Psychic
Fuji: Yoho > Rugrat > Unvote
Hime: Rugrat > Unvote > Gad
Orca: Rugrat
Yoho: Rugrat > Unvote > Psychic
RDK: Psychic
Gad: Psychic
Psychic: Yoho
Whicker: Rugrat
Rugrat: Psychic

Psychic: 5
Rugrat: 2
Gad/Yoho: 1

With 11 players remaining it takes 6 to reach majority. You have 23 hours remaining​


So the motion on psychic was explicitly someone visiting her

I don't really like the claim tbh, I never like commuter claims tho
Well the motion was always going to be someone visiting her, that part was pretty clear

I just needed her to say so explicitly in case she would lie


Well the motion was always going to be someone visiting her, that part was pretty clear

I just needed her to say so explicitly in case she would lie
Why was that clear? Why could it never been her commuting or visiting someone else?


Lonely at the top
Yeah I tend to agree here, I already brought up the wifom part too.


Why was that clear? Why could it never been her commuting or visiting someone else?
Bc if she commuted last night, she would've been untargetable and hence the motion detect on her would've failed

If she said she commuted np1 then either she or gad would be confirmed lying bc gad received results saying that she wasn't targeted by anyone meaning his ability did not fail


If she commuted last night wouldn't the motion detector detect motion (because of the commute)