Omega Lock stuff, sort of ties into what I've been arguing that Galaxy Force Primus should be at least universal from closing the singularity
from Ask Vector Prime - Echoes and Fragments
The entire universe is basically balanced around Cybertron. Gong is able to use the Omega Locks to merge two universe's histories together.

From Part 2
The story continues like this for a while, the only other thing I want to note is besides being able to observe what happens in different universes, Sideways can enter "trans-phase" mode and step into other universes as he please.
from Ask Vector Prime - Echoes and Fragments
Sideways and Gong plan to use Omega Locks to synch two universes togetherSideways smirked. "I admit nothing," but the tension was broken. The two pulled up stools and began to talk shop, under the wary eye of the mustachioed blue bartender. It soon became apparent that both were slumming it in this Primax reality, waiting for an opportunity for mischief. Gong, as the Gargent-native called himself, soon began boasting about how well the natives of his timestream would deal with the upcoming challenge. Sideways scoffed, but Gong was undeterred. "Care to make it interesting?" Soon they settled on an amount, and the parameters of the contest. They would synch the Primax stream they were inhabiting with a Gargent stream via Omega Lock manipulation, and compare results. Sideways set forth for Gargent 186.0 Gamma, and Gong began the trek into Cybertron's interior.
Deep in the core of Cybertron, Gong stretched forth his senses, connecting to the Omega Locks that kept Cybertron's place in the cosmos stable. He mused on Cybertron's unique nature, a stable axis upon which a universe spun. No wonder Unicron in all its incarnations sought its destruction. Gong favored no such carnage, merely seeking mischief. He found the frequency at which the one-dimensional strings that make up all of this particular reality vibrate, then, ever so gently, he nudged them towards that of his home dimension. The change would be invisible to the natives. As far as they were concerned, the conjoined reality would be their history, their reality. He giggled to himself, wondering what changes were taking place on the surface of Cybertron and beyond.
The entire universe is basically balanced around Cybertron. Gong is able to use the Omega Locks to merge two universe's histories together.
Sideways basically does the same thing as Gong, and it's specified that Omega Locks are a small part of Primus' essence. Basically a fraction of his power is capable of multiversal reality warping. Also keep in mind? Gong and Sideways aren't even trying to destroy anything, they're just fucking with timelines for fun. So yeah that guy on VSB who thought Unicron and Primus capped at universal is full of shit, but we all knew thatIn another reality, Sideways made his way past Van Guard and Defendor, guarding an entrance to Old Gobotron. It was here, in the most ancient part of the planet, that Sideways would find what he sought. The Omega Locks, ancient artifacts predating the evolution of the GoBeings, were in reality a small part of the essence of Primus, that ancient--he supposed 'god' was the only apt descriptor--ancient god who had inhabited their world, subtly guided the GoBeings into the forms they had at present, that they might one day be able to battle the Chaos Bringer. Sideways had felt this reality's substrate waver and grow insubstantial as it was tapped by the Primax reality Gong was currently toying with. Well, two could play at that game! He dodged the ancient, shambling GoBot Wrecks and some pitiful mutants, then entered the chamber and allowed himself to become one with the Locks, intent on disrupting the new reality equilibrium Gong had established. "Time to make things interesting!" * * * * * The uneasy fabric of reality again shifted, as a constant in the distant reality imprinting itself upon this universe flipped a sign. In an instant, the inhabitants became participants in a never-ending struggle between heroic Guardians and evil Decepticons! A crucial battle raged in that war, one whose fate might determine the fate of their entire reality, though none present knew the stakes were quite so high.

From Part 2
Sideways contemplates manipulating universes from other ClustersSideways observed the events a dimension away with great amusement. So far, not much had changed. The details, sure, but big-picture, things were still proceeding according to script. He wondered if he couldn't shake things up a bit. Maybe tune in a Uniend Cluster reality, get some Predacons in the mix. He allowed his senses to open, prepared to access the Locks, but instead noticed another presence... Vec-Tor! He cursed out loud, then allowed the Locks to reset to their equilibrium state. No need to advertise his presence, only... there were a few sticking points. The analogy was starting to break down. No matter, it gave Vec-Tor more of a mess to clean up. He converted to his motorcycle configuration and roared out of the Omega Lock chamber, moments ahead of Vector Prime.
The story continues like this for a while, the only other thing I want to note is besides being able to observe what happens in different universes, Sideways can enter "trans-phase" mode and step into other universes as he please.
Sideways dropped his trans-phase mode and reentered perceptible reality. Unpowered, the bars of the cage were simple steel, and he battered them aside as if they weren't even there. The two Guardians fired off bolts at him, but he grabbed Twister and slammed him into Heat Seeker, knocking both unconscious. Then he slipped out of the Gobotron Fortress, enveloped himself in trans-phase energy, and transited to another universe.