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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Okay, I usually don't bring in the SE.RA.PH. chapters usually but I really do like how they make Tristan and Gawain look far more dominant here by taking care of the monsters that Suzuka and Meltryllis couldn't(Though Suzuka was back in her base state and Meltryllis was still weak so there you go).
They don't really get that much in FGO(Well Gawain does but not openly) so seeing Teamwork there and how ridiculous the Mechanical Demon Boars are is a nice touch.

EDIT: I'm going to finish LB5.1 Archives today with the World of Atlantis including adding in the obvious so... there's that too.
The World(False) of Atlantis anyone?



To immediately get it out of the way:

Atlantis itself is classified as a False Texture to the actual Texture that is Olympus by Holmes here.
For those who want to know what Textures are indepth, see here but to put it in brass tacks:
A satisfactory example, Miss Kyrielight.
The Tower stands at the end of the world, and its administrator wields the lance.
The question is, why does the Tower pierce the planet?
There is a theory that our world — the human world — is nothing more than one of the textured layers that wrap the surface of the planet, like a carpet.
To the planet, this is the consciousness of the intelligent lifeforms that reign supreme. In other words, our physical laws.
The “carpet” that maintains the laws of physics is our world. It is stitched to the planet so that it does not peel away
This seems to be the phenomenon called the Tower of the End. It is also not limited to Britain.
There are multiple such pillars located throughout the world
. One is the holy lance in the hands of the Lion King.

While of course, I can go into the people of Atlantis, I can't go too into it as it basically will pile onto Olympus so I'll only leave the main tidbit instead for the overall mentality:

Here, the people of Atlantis are so removed from the Gods, they will even prostrate themselves to a Terminal of Artemis without a second thought. Here, when they refuse to leave the island, Mandricardo believes it's due to them being too used to the Island when in truth, it's because they are so starved for attention they will even take Artemis' attack as them finally getting their attention. Here, it's explained that they are "defects" abandoned by Olympus and thus, getting any attention from the Gods is basically worth it.

Here, we find out the textiles their clothing is made of is from Silver Birch Bark embedded with Theos Klironomia. Here, she later expands that the clothing is capable of regulating temperatures and has a coating to deal with blades from Demonic Beasts. Here, we get a demonstration of that when Holmes states he felt nothing like it before then uses a well honed, well sharpened iron knife and can't cut through it. Here, Goredolf wants to try and uses all of his might to try and cut the clothing but the owner states all he's going to do is ruin the knife.

Here, we find out that the Humans here are capable of not only hunting Demonic Beasts but even a Hydra as big as an Orochi or D'vayol Tron(Which are honestly nice comparison tools considering the latter can easily level a whole village and the former has issues with even okay Servants fighting the fragments). Here, Holmes points out the blatantly obvious(So obvious that I shouldn't have to say it). Here, Holmes and Goredolf compare how difficult it is for Yaga to defeat the Demonic Beasts even with Magecraft Buffed Guns and their own amped statistics vs. the Humans here who basically have no issues hunting even Hydras easily.

Here, it's also shown that these Humans can live for a very long time(A later scene tells us that 2 seeming Young-Middle Age Adults are actually close to 500 years old) though they still do ultimately age, just at a massively slower rate. Here, it's stated that youngsters from the Lostbelt compete to see who will be chosen to defend Olympus. Here, one basically believes you will be treated nothing more as cannon fodder but the other disagrees saying that serving the Gods that way is better than just being outcasts and they are "too old" to get in. Here, Mandricardo explains this is due to the Klironomia in their system and clothing that "Since it allows Servants to be able to use their Noble Phantasms, it should be able to let humans live for 500 years"(Really should tell you how much magical energy it takes to use a Noble Phantasm at all and how much Magical Energy Servants have access to vs. how much that will benefit a normal human amongst other things).

Here, some of the Islands are basically either made of or has a huge amount of debris from the "Fallen Gods"(Most likely from the Olympiamachia that occurred).

And... that's pretty much it. I covered the Machine Gods Artemis and Poseidon earlier alongside the Atlantis Border Patrol and Echidna already alongside the main spawn she uses. Other than that, there isn't really much else to use(Astraea is ultimately a nobody and outside of one Event, she does get much at all so no point in adding her in) so...

I will aim to do Lostbelt Zeus next week alongside Demeter and Aphrodite later on. Europa does do stuff in Olympus but I'm not sure if I'm gonna pack her in since she's sorta benefiting from Hera but not at the same time? I can do it to bring in Talos though so what you guys think?
Speaking of that:


New feat for Morgan itself.

Although BB create singularity Morgan can maintain itself. Accourding to AA that really imposibble magic.

This feat isn't new, sorry mate. Remember that Rhongomyniad(and thus Goddess Rhongomyniad) was able to keep the Main Singularity Camelot up despite the Holy Grail being removed.
While you can say it's impressive in terms of Morgan doing so, we already know she's ridiculous in terms of Magecraft knowledge like Merlin is so the concept shouldn't be beyond her(See Lostbelt 6). Like it's nice for documentation but that's about it.

Honestly, remembering that Theos Klironoma can give Servants enough Magical Energy to use their Noble Phantasms but in the body of a Human, can raise their Life Expectancy to around 500 years and then some in comparison is a far huger feat in terms of comparison(And is only touched upon more vaguely in F/SN)



Ok, so not related to feats or plot, but considering Unity's CEO insane tax plan, what's in store for FGO future?
Hopefully this means that FGO 2 will happen (with different engine). Though there is probably a slight possibility that FGO will end prematurely (OC and Olga plot has just getting started). That or the whole download campaign getting scrapped
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As for FGO 2 , i sincerely pray that never becomes a thing and that TM goes back to doing VNs and investing into actual video games through their studios.


As for FGO 2 , i sincerely pray that never becomes a thing and that TM goes back to doing VNs and investing into actual video games through their studios.
Profit wise, gacha games are basically cash cow. And considering how popular mobile games in Japan are, FGO 2 is inevitable (assuming Lasagna decides to end FGO soon due to the whole Unity thing, even ignoring Unity it is still inevitable)


I know gacha games are cash cows. FGO made 7 billion in like 8 years.
Thing is , i don't give a shit about their profits as long as they earn enough to continue to do what they do and as long as the people working there can live comfortable lives. You don't need bilions for that . Bilions that Aniplex gets to pocket for the most part anyway, not TM. I care about the quality of the content provided which is why, i really wish FGO 2 will never happen despite the fact that it will most likely happen.
To just get my opinion out there:

Unity isn't about to make FGO close down, what the fuck are people thinking? Unity is basically going to back down after the insane backlash coming through and will continue to get worse and worse for them. Creating an FGO2 is basically going to be extremely difficult, moreso just to spite the shit out of Unity without killing the playerbase on the spot.

Now as for FGO2 itself, it's basically an inevitability(Especially with Sony absolutely will use it to push up their quarterlies) but I do ultimately have to agree with Rey here in that I'd rather they focus on the game development and VN's(Especially officially localizing them) rather than doing FGO2 in the first place.
Maybe if they get enough people where they can afford to do that and other projects? Sure but despite what some idiots like to say, Aniplex and Sony pocket most of the money and only give Type-Moon a monthly/yearly budget that can easily screw them over or not, they aren't like most other gacha corporations that tend to fund themselves. So yeah, considering how they are only just barely getting adequate staff back, I doubt they can do that or will get the budget to actually be able to handle multiple games development at once so...


TM is such a weird company tbh.

They're stuck in that miniscule space between a small niche company and a big one.

Like, you can't say that they're small time anymore but at the same time, you can't say that they're operating like a big billion dollar one either.

Japanese Boomerism is something else.
Alright, I'm gonna add in whatever crap comes up in the latest Interlude Campaign that can be seen as sorta important for the general feats of this thread in this post so...

- In Okita Alter's Interlude, they show her being able to use not only her original NP against Maxwell's Demon(Mukyuusendan) but also her Summer version's NP to kill another monster and purify(kinda hard to say exactly what happened) a melting child with Mukyuuissen.

- I also may need to re-read on this as well but Rengoku implies that her being summonable at all means her time is nearing it's end and that's it for her? I do want some clarification unless I got it wrong but I do plan on going back on this Interlude to make certain.

- In Ibuki Douji's Interlude with Master's assistance(though more being forced against their will with Ibuki holding them by the tail), she's able to not only repel Tsuna, Raikou, Kiyohime, Kintoki and Tamamo each in groups(the former 3 at first then the latter 2 after and Raikou, Kiyohime and Kintoki gain auras after the first break bar meaning they was being serious), she's even able to summon multiple Orochi as well(Tamamo even calls them Divine Beasts at that). Give Kintoki some kudos too as he takes out one in a single strike(Which again, Shimousa had Kotarou, Musashi, Caster Senji and Danzou have issues defeating one and the only other person to do so like that was Edmond Dantes).

- Also she ultimately flees the battle so fast, it's mistaken as teleportation until Tamamo reveals it was Rapid Movement and with Master in tow, she most likely found ways to mitigate the sheer forces she would put upon them at the same time.
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Okay, we had a stream of Samurai Remnant and here's all of the recorded info people got from it:


Servant Interludes for the playable Servants(apparently, I heard you can even play in some of these Interludes entirely but I'm not sure about that).


Multiple endings and Branching Paths(Though this is available at NG+ and yes, there is a True Ending behind the NG+ so...).

You can play as the other Master/Servant pairings entirely and some branching paths has you play as them.

Apparently Rider's Voice alone is a spoiler so it's definitely Raikou Lily.