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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Alright, I have finished loading up Part 2 of LB6 onto Imgur so I'm almost done with putting in all 3 parts. I'll also finish Achilles this week in earnest and also get started on the final part of the Atlantis Archives.

I was able to find a GIF of Mash's Black Barrel scene so I plan on adding that as an aside to LB5.2 in relation to the other Machine Gods. I wish I can find GIFs for the opening scenes of the Calamities but I got all of the pics for them otherwise.

In other news:

Demo of Fate/Samurai Remannt

And this was taken from the DLC Outfit of Miyamoto Musashi:

The Assassin Servant.
Alright, I finally uploaded all of LB6 and while I am going to be doing some other stuff, I plan on still getting Achilles shit done and get through LB5.1 this week.


I'm taking this with a grain of salt but Nasu did tease a potential PC release if he was able to do a Chinese or ENG TL first and we are getting the Official ENG Translation next year...
It'll be good for me as my Switch is hating on me hard for WoTHN as is...


Relationship between each Fate franchise

Quite interesting that Tsukihime happens in Fake world (or atleast some elements of it is in there) and all Fate series ended up in FGO
Relationship between each Fate franchise

Quite interesting that Tsukihime happens in Fake world (or atleast some elements of it is in there) and all Fate series ended up in FGO

To be fair, "connections" is different than the Multiverse Theory Nasu tends to do(Which is called Time Trees and stuff).
It's basically stating what series is connected to the others and by what.
FGO being connected to all of the Fate series makes sense as it's meant to be a Crisis Crossover from the start.

EDIT: Nevermind, reading it yeah, it is the Multiverse Theory stuff Nasu uses and it also states when they split off and become their own Universes and how connected are they till then(Like F/SN and the Extra series having the same Universe so to speak till 1970).
Just how strong Oberon-Vortigern compare to Morgan and Cernunnos ? Can Morgan Rhomyniad destroy Cernunnos if she still alive ?

For the former, it's stated that his Abyssal Worm wing beats alone was destroying Faerie Britain which is still a massive amount of Landmass right there. There's also the fact that regardless, Oberon Vortigern is still the White Dragon of Britain whose a cast off of Albion which means like Artoria, he should be capable of a truly absurd amount of power regardless.

In comparison to Morgan and Cernunnos, he's clearly the weaker of the 3 by his own statements and otherwise.

For the latter, it's legit hard to tell because the official english translation/localization tells us that the reason Castoria using Rhongomyniad failed was due to both Castoria is not it's proper wielder(and Divine Constructs are picky about their wielders) and the system was built for Morgan, not Castoria. Of course, Rhongomyniad is weaker than Excalibur at it's core and it's only pertinent that Morgan could probably do it but it would absolutely kill her to do so like for Castoria.
Apparently going to Beast's Lair and Comun, Tamamo Aria is one of many Servants in the setting of Samurai Remnant without a Master and you either have to fight them or befriend them(Meaning this is how we will get the DLC Servants to be playable). Another Servant stated is the Cockroach himself Cu Chulainn.


Tbh, I like her skills represents her journey as Tonelico/Aesc, with skill 3 basically represents her failure and trying the loop again


I can't believe we legit got Morgan Lily of all people!
No wonder that they was doing the simulcast!

Summer Castoria and now summer Morgan.

Isn't Takeuchi sick of drawing Saber everyday and then fucking off home ?

It doesn't seem to be Summer Morgan, it seems to be the literal Anniversary Servant which is even more hilarious and ridiculous.

Okay, now I'm really surprised of her first(?) Ascension looking like that.
It definitely what Nasu was talking about in her Breakroom in that she was going to have an upclose fighting style like Castoria before he changed it.

I do agree though in that yeah, is he just doing Saberfaces now and not giving the slightest of fucks anymore or what?


Also doesn't help that the last main story had like 5 variations of Sakura and 15 of Rani.

How about giving me a reason not to shit on FGO please .