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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

King of 🌽

"For example, I have a decent grasp of the 'impression' of this place. I know the three people's names, and their faces. I know we're in a luxurious private room aboard a train. I can grasp things in a wider scope, like the positions of beds and tables, or the periodic movements of the train. But when it comes to Predictive Foresight, fine details like the colour of light, the individual intonation of each sound in our voices, the second to second movements of our eyes, the gradual changes in our body odours or the shade and colour of the fog outside are all recorded, and the calculations are made together with the knowledge of the environment and the people within them to create an image of a single world...even unconsciously, that level of information is enough to fry your brain."

"...memory, and calculations..."

I thought through what Caules said.

Though the amount of information was more than someone like I could handle, it still gave me a bad feeling. After thinking about it for a while, I realized what was bothering me.

"But, then...isn't that more something for the brain to do, rather than the eyes?"

"It varies from case to case, but from the perspective of magecraft, eyes have their own kind of Magic Circuits. Those are capable of holding that kind of memory and performing those kinds of calculations on their own."

Now that he mentioned it, I remembered hearing that Magic Circuits could be used like a kind of computer for recording and storing information. Perhaps Mystic Eyes operating under Predictive Foresight used the same principle
Magic circuits can store information
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The gales gained direction, putting a stop to all winds assaulting the west side of the United States.

All wind, all hail, all thunder focused on Snowfield as the hurricane with more energy than a giant earthquake poured 80% of its power into spears of thunder-wind.

With this much natural energy amassed, shattering it would be an act of rebellion not against the gods but against planet Earth. He launched them against the incoming serpent-clad arrow, expecting it to vaporize Alcides along the way.


The torrent of energy engulfed the avenger hero.

All the energy of a hundred-meter-long hurricane was compressed into two twisters, charging in the form of Gugalanna's horns, and passing through where Alcides was.

A torrent of power.

It was capable of shaving away the hero's Saint Graph, erasing along the mud and lethal Hydra venom within him.

The Nine Lives he shot was wiped in the crash against the twisters. The platform Alcides stood on became a gallows to be minced along the subject of the execution.

The Heroic Spirit engulfed by the deathwind would be erased in less than three seconds.

bit feat for Gugalanna in its death throes (Isthar's dead and her temple's destroyed, so he's rapidly losing form and using what power he's got left to try and erase Alcides')

When 30% of himself was shaven away, he mockingly laughed.

"You're exposed…"

At that instant—the air enveloping the world changed.

The presence of the goddess Ishtar had already vanished, and the local Texture of Snowfield was returning to the era of men until it began flipping again into another kind of heterogeneous environment.

The pivot of the alteration was Alcides's whittled Saint Graph.

The mud-like magical energy covering his body attempted to fill up the lost parts of his Saint Graph, instead flowing into Gugalanna and beginning to eat away his divine aura.

When Gugalanna noticed the disaster, it was already too late.

The blow that was supposed to completely catch his opponent–the twisters from the Age of Gods charged with his divine aura and the energy of the galestorms–was used by the lone avenger as a trap for Gugalanna.

The magical energy at the tip of the repelled arrow expanded in the form of a serpent.

The arrows shattered into nine pieces ascended to form the Hydra, and this nine-headed venomous dragon tried to strangle the thickest cumulonimbus in the hurricane: Gugalanna's head.

"Bring this to a close, divine beast."

The divine aura devoured by the mud and the serpent mix together to surge into Alcides's body, but he refuses to make it his flesh and blood.

"It's your turn… this time, your kind will be the ones paying tribute."

The repelled divinity refused to let go.

By driving his magical energy and "mud" into the lightning-colored divine aura, Alcides forcibly twisted it, twisting along the space around it.


"Nothing will be left. Neither this repulsive mud nor the divinity I'm stealing from you."

Alcides knew precisely how much time he had left.

He was greatly affected by having parts of his Saint Graph chipped away just now, and instead of absorbing divinity to replenish those parts, he spent all of it on an exoskeleton.

How much time did he have left?

If the magical energy supply from his contractor Bazdilot were severed, he'd instantly be swallowed by the mud and forsake the Saint Graph and consciousness of a Heroic Spirit.

Because the avenger knew that to be the case, he took his time for his first and last expression of respect to the embodiment of gust and thunderbolt Gugalanna—the beast serving the loathsome god.

"Return to the sky… You have fulfilled your duty."

(Did he get to hear it?)

The divine beast momentarily stopped, but only for a few seconds.

He quickly resumed focusing magical energy, only for Alcides to ultimately plunder all of it.

However, Alcides felt no hatred or sorrow to be found in his final struggle.

Third parties have no way of determining whether that was a delusion he had while showering in the immense torrent of magical energy or if the beast really changed in some way.

Alcides himself was also losing his means to verify it.

His last words to the divine beast, his human memories, and his remaining life were all swept away by Gugalanna's immense torrent of energy and sunk to the bottom of the deep well.

The fact that he managed to preserve his ego while the deluge ground everything into unclear particles is evidence that he was an awe-inspiring hero.
As his last light fades, the world began to slant again toward its ambiguous borders.

He was sure of only one thing: at that moment, goddess Ishtar was replaced by an equal threat in the lands of Snowfield.

alcides uses the chance to steal the bull's divine core with reincarnation pandora (cuz fuck it ig)
So yeah, it confirms a few things:

1) Narita basically turned Alcides completely into Wankpachi. It was well known but it's fully documented now that's the case.

2) Reincarnation Pandora legit has no limits to what it can steal compared to what we believed beforehand(Where it could only do Noble Phantasms, stealing a Divine Core completely is a whole ass different can of worms)

3) So even in it's death throes, Gugulanna is well above Planetary+


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yeah, and it probably scales to Alter Ego Gil at least, cuz he just straight up crushes Alcides with the bull's power with a hand later on iirc


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i do wanna wait for comun to translate the shit 'fore sayin anythin' for sure, but yeah, it's not surprising. alter ego gil's prolly the strongest fucker left in the war atm


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since he's some version of Gil that completed his journey w/out Enkidu (if im remembering You's summary right), he might just be straight up stronger than Archer Gil. if the big events stay the same, he 1 v. 1'd Humbaba and the Bull, maybe w/out Ea or the Chains cuz he straight up removed his divinity at some point
To go on another topic, I finished the Event and hilariously, Nasu and the writers most likely decided that they REALLY wanted to just go tell SB and other downplayers to go fuck themselves lol(While proving their words in the Sea Monsters Event was true):


The Event takes place in the Singularities that are the mythological Ryukyu Islands which is stated to be an Archipelago. Right before this, Tametomo and Super Orion basically clash NPs(Tametomo with his "2nd shot" and Super Orion with Artemis Agnos) and their clash was so powerful, some of the leftover energy actually destroyed 3 Islands and caused a horrific, damn near unending storm at Shimousa:



While Tametomo did have the energy from the Holy Beads to do this, they never actually powered up his shots, just basically gave him the energy to basically augment his arrows to absolutely insane degrees(Basically being able to adapt while still being in flight to absolutely ludicrous degrees from multiple different fighters).
It got to the point William Tell was the only one able to destroy the final arrow BECAUSE his shot cannot miss under any circumstances(Thank you conceptual bullshit).

Tametomo in his boss battle even has a line that comes off similar to what Machine God Artemis can do which is relevant since he is the remains of her Machine God form. So yeah, Event basically gave the biggest fuck you it can to downplayers(Who will still try anyway):

Anti-Army Noble Phantasms can destroy Archipelagos because Tametomo's aftershocks literally blew up 3 islands and completely fucked over a 4th, Orion is still nonsense for being able to fuck it up to that degree and even Fusehime gets some kudos which makes sense considering how the whole thing started and whose it's connected to.
i do wanna wait for comun to translate the shit 'fore sayin anythin' for sure, but yeah, it's not surprising. alter ego gil's prolly the strongest fucker left in the war atm
since he's some version of Gil that completed his journey w/out Enkidu (if im remembering You's summary right), he might just be straight up stronger than Archer Gil. if the big events stay the same, he 1 v. 1'd Humbaba and the Bull, maybe w/out Ea or the Chains cuz he straight up removed his divinity at some point

Aw great, is he gonna make ANOTHER Wankpachi? Alcides was already ridiculous and Heretic Hassan was pushing it as is...


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unno. ain't none of those parts translated, but You says that this version of Gil basically exists as a system to raise humans to the level of gods, and i don't think Narita's talkin metaphorically
I can get it, I guess...
Gilgamesh was made to tether humans to the Age Of The Gods, Alter-Ego Gil, if he's a What If of who Gilgamesh is like the Alter-Ego Class should be.
He would absolutely be the one who decided not just follow through with it, but make them become gods to fit his parameters in his own ridiculous way.


Active member
tbh even if he ain't got more raw power than archer, he'd prolly still have a way cleaner record cuz he's the theoretical bloodlusted gil by default

New DLC time and it's fucking ZHAO YUN!
Alright, I decided to go tour the Beast's Lair Tsukihime Remake Page for the game and the localization is stated to be a step up from Witch On The Holy Night(Which did have some issues(I remember one being that a certain proverb couldn't work well at all translated but they tried and failed) but was otherwise solid.

They also renamed alot of things from the fan translation so yeah...
SHIKI is now Shiki(Yes, it's meant to be Italics) and if Shiki is meant to be emphasized, it's now in Capslock(the unironic switching)
Event Storage is now Phenomena Containment(I have seen mixed reception to this, it's either too long or it doesn't seem like it adds the temporal aspect like Event does compared to Phenomena. I'm fine with it.)
Luminary is now Lumina(This is less so, I think Luminary works better but looking at Google, I think they went with the Latin version of Light which if we go by how it's stated:
LUMINA is the Latin word to describe the LIGHT, origin of knowledge and of great historical movements.
I think it can work) Also, I guess they did a name drop with the latest Melty Blood game the entire time...
EDIT: I'm pretty certain Lumina is meant to be another fashion to close to how Archetypes are described to work in Lostbelt 7 as basically those who chronicle the life of the Prime Species that live on the Planet and otherwise... but then you have other True Ancestors being able to hit this form as well but then they are also the split off essences of Type-Moon so whatever.
Andrei Godbivouac is now Andrei Godbevach

Further grabbing from it from the Artbook(Which I plan on getting in a few days with the limited edition for the Switch):
Shadow Stitching is Shadow Binding, and The Plating Effect is now The Iron Bore.
Rank I DAs are now Zombies to differentiate from how RanK I-III are all together as “The Dead”. Rest of the ranks are unchanged.
I think Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors was just completely shortened to Twenty-Seven Ancestors.
Castle-therefore-Kingdom is Castle-Ergo-Kingdom
The Material didn’t bring up the word Principle at all (in the translation anyway, they just avoided the subject and called them Idea Bloods mostly) so I’ll have to play the game to check what they did there.
Old Blood and Young Blood are Elders and Neophytes
Kind of a minor thing but they changed Shikiller’s Natural Enemy of Perfection to “completeness”

So yeah, I'll confirm it in a few days if no one else does but it is Beast's Lair and they got more credibility than most sites on this stuff so...


How strong and capable is actually Kriemhild? As in how would she fare in normal grail war? I assume she'd be tactician due to "Revenge Plan", how effective is that skill exactly?
How strong and capable is actually Kriemhild? As in how would she fare in normal grail war? I assume she'd be tactician due to "Revenge Plan", how effective is that skill exactly?

Kriemhild theoretically should be strong as hell due to being more or less a no nonsense Servant, smarter than she looks and has Balmung and can use it in creative fashions so she can get a hit off.
In execution, Kriemhild is limited as hell in that while she has the broken as shit Balmung, she cannot use it to anywhere near the degree Siegfried or even Sieg can use it. Her "swordsmanship" is nothing to write home about and she's not all that durable even compared to the stronger of Heroic Spirits.

She's not Don Quixote level but she's not as strong as her husband for absolute, she's above average.