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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


need people to actually give me some criticism
Nobody's reading this much shit mate :kobeha

Reality Marbles themselves are also Textures
Just skimming through ... this ain't true.

Like, at most you might be able to argue that in an OBD outside of verse scenario, their different mechanics work in such a way that at the end of the day , they would reach a similar result , but in verse... they're fundamentally different .

Like, just think in terms of a video game .
The Texture is the main rendered you see there and a RM is basically a tool that you'd use to hack it .
Never mind other shit.

I'll link this for a more plastic explanation of the mechanics involved behind MPs and RMs.

① First, let’s clear up the meaning of “marble.” It can mean “marble” as in “a marble floor” or “a marble pillar.” It can also mean “marble” as in a small glass ball. Let’s leave it at this for now.② Next, let’s clear up the meaning of “clustering illusion.” When you search for this term along with the word “probability” you can find an example about a jar which is filled with marbles of two colors, white and black. After you fill the jar and mix up the marbles inside, instead of the marbles appearing like a chess board, with the colors equally and evenly mixed together in a checker pattern, you will notice clumps of white marbles and clumps of black marbles here and there in the jar. These clumps, which seem non-random, despite actually being randomly distributed, are the clustering illusion.
③ From the above explanation you can see that the term marble comes from marble in the glass ball sense, not the marble floor sense of the word.
④ Even in a situation where you have half black marbles and half white ones and you mix them up, “logically” you assume that the white and black should be evenly mixed since there are equal amounts, but when you check the result you don’t see an even mix, you see clumps and groups in the pattern. This is precisely where clustering illusion comes in, and the result of a series of random coincidences may seem as though it was purposefully realized by someone, despite it actually being a natural phenomenon1. So when probability itself is being interfered with, one might understand that materializing Brunstud Castle might not be so implausible (through a perfect series of “natural” and “random” coincidences brought about by the reality marble or marble phantasm).
Accordingly, when the world is connected with a marble phantasm or reality marble, probability is interfered with, and a series of phenomena, which could only ever be considered to be random coincidences, is deliberately generated.

As for the concept behind it :
Alright, gonna add in something from the 3rd series of Case Files:

Philosophy Foundation
"I already mentioned something to that effect in Singapore, but magecraft original to the Orient is different from the Occident's. That's because some concepts have different bases. Let me see if I have a good name for this concept. How about Sharing?"
"What's Sharing?"
"Think of the Philosophy Magecraft spread all over continental Asia. What makes it valid are the Philosophy Foundation, which is an effective simulation of an artificial Root."
"An artificial... Root?"
She lost me completely.
But those words alone were enough to make a shiver run down my spine.
"I know that the Root is the ultimate goal of every mage. I can't imagine it as something people have a way to make."
"Of course we can't. But by 'we', I mean modern Western mages."
I felt my definition of common sense being suddenly flipped upside-down.
I mean, I've heard the circumstances hundreds of times in the Clock Tower. All mages pursue the Root. The Root is the very truth of all, and whoever reaches it would learn the laws and reasons of everything, etc.
I've seen so many mages sacrificing their fortunes, lives, and families just to get one step closer to the Root.
A thought that took me years to digest was flipped on its head.
"I'm sure you heard in the Clock Tower about how pretty much everyone played by their own different rules in the Age of Gods, right? Did you know that Age of Gods mages weren't after the Root?"
I remember hearing that.
That was because the gods were a regular part of reality in the Age of Gods.
"If I recall correctly, it was because in the Age of Gods, making a contract with a god closer to the Root connected the mage directly to the Root."
"That's right", Rin nodded.
She reminded me of the Professor with her approach of taking things step-by-step, always checking how much the learning party knew before moving to the next layer. Although both of them would get angry if I said it out loud.
"But here's the thing, the East and the West's approach to Mystery is completely different. Mainly in how the mages who created Philosophy Magecraft didn't attach greater importance to the gods. Instead of connecting to the Root using the gods as a relay, they created their more refined magecraft systems by building a Mystic Code of themselves when they fused with the planet."
"... Say what?"
I'm sorry.
Listening to this insanity threw me so off myself that I can't even think about whether or not I understood it.
"Hey, wait a second. Did you just mention Mystic Codes fused with a planet? Which planet exactly are we talking about?"
"Our planet, which else? That's the Philosophy Foundation, a Supergiant Mystic Code fused with Earth."
Rin hopped up a hill.
"It's a pretty basic principle, but you'd be surprised by the amount of people who never heard about it even in the Clock Tower's New Age classes. I mean, it has barely anything in common with the magecraft we study. Actually, no... our teacher would probably call them the same in how they use spells as formulas to construct Mystery. He's very nitpicky when scoring tests."
I could almost see the Professor's figure in the background. I might be going insane, but I'll save that thought for later.
"Excuse me, could you put that in simpler terms?"
"The gist of it is that while the mages in the West use all sorts of foundations for their magecrafts, the Philosophy Mages stick to the Philosophy Foundation. That's all."
A "that's all" doesn't cut it here.
Rin speaks like this is common knowledge, but I still haven't accepted any of that. It's like she brought up nuclear power in a conversation about the steam engine. Wait, I remember the Professor saying something about how nuclear power is still generated by a steam turbine.
"Uh, I, uh..."
I can't find the words to say.
"Is this even possible? I mean, making Mystic Codes fused with the planet?"
"It's obviously impossible to build a second pseudo-Root, even in the Orient. The Philosophy Foundation is an item that took all those Xians from the Age of Gods working as a group to build."
Learning that can't be mass produced restored the bare minimum of my sanity.
With this, I finally can push the most pressing question off my throat.
"Well, does that mean that Wuzhiqi... the one we fought in Singapore..."
Rin and I stopped talking at the same time.
It was a really uncomfortable silence. The kind we could tell we both already knew the answer but didn't want to say it. Speaking out loud is forcing ourselves to acknowledge the reality of it.
"Yeah, unfortunately."
Rin's sigh didn't interrupt her walk.
"The creation of the Philosophy Foundation is credited to the Ten Officials of the Fangling Shating. With that, they codified the law for the magecraft systems in continental Asia. But of course, she called herself an extra eleventh member, so she could be the exception."
Now I lost my words for real.
She was basically a true god.
What exactly are we fighting against? Did the Professor and Rin know all this when they chose to face Wuzhiqi?
"Here's the difference in the rules that apply for us.", Rin said. "Most magecraft in the West is activated through the foundations carved in the leylines and the spell's formula. But for mages using Philosophy Magecraft, what gets the magecraft going is the spell's formula and the Philosophy Foundation that they constructed and now share and maintain among themselves. It's like a library membership. The restrictions on their formulas and Philosophy Keys changes what books they can borrow, but everyone is still using the same Philosophy Foundation."
She took a pause.
"Now, back to the original topic. Japan's magecraft is different from those two."
The conversation is finally back on its tracks.
Or rather, we're finally at the entrance.
Her long-windedness really resembles the Professor.
"The Mysteries from the Age of Gods always lasted longer in island nations, and Japan was no exception. While this isn't the center of planet, if we look only at its retention time, the records tell that Japan outlasted Britain."
And the Clock Tower was built in London because that land was considered Earth's navel, as far the world's Mysteries were concerned.
Was Japan similar in nature?
"This degree of retention made Japan's magecraft take an extremely unique shape. Specifically, there were shards of the gods left out there."
"You mean the Divine Bodies?"
The crystal of Mystery they're trying to implant in Akira.
"Yeah. And one more thing. The country was influenced by the continent's Philosophy Magecraft. Going by the previous metaphor, they imported the know-how of building a library everyone can use. That's how they ultimately came to share their gods. That's the Sharing I first mentioned."
I can finally see why she felt the need to include that enormous exposition about Philosophy Magecraft.
A Sharing... of the gods.
"The mechanism of Age of Gods mages making contracts with gods is pretty much the same, but here they took all sorts of measures to try to counteract the gods' decline in scale and output. The Yakou mansion and this Mt. Kuchinawa are probably clusters of those techniques."

TL;DR Asian Mages are fucking insane, literally adding themselves like an MC to the Planet to basically create an Artificial Root to basically not the same effect but something real close. Apparently, the Xian are the ones who built it's Foundations. Japan basically got some of the hand-me-downs from Philosophy Magecraft(primarily sharing it's Gods) which is why it's still closer to the Age of the Gods than even Britain(The MA set up shop in London as they went with it being the Planet's Navel).
So yeah, this explains alot of shit but it also throws you for a fucking loop for real.
....Time for Napoleon Bonaparte?

○Character in 「FateGO」

The man of possibilities.
Or, the idol of a hero created by the expectations of the people.
The first French emperor. For a period of time, he came to rule the majority of Europe, but ultimately fell in the end.
That life full of ups and downs was not solely dependant on the individual Napoleon Bonaparte's desires and abilities, but was guided by the wishes of the people─────at least that is the kind of existence that the Heroic Spirit Napoleon is defined as in the Throne of Heroes.
During his life, he was an existence that "meets expectations and answers wishes".
He stood as an emperor supported by many; he who would return even when confined to Elba if the voices of those who were eagerly waiting for the emperor swelled, however, he would be defeated if the people denied the emperor.
And so, the Heroic Spirit Napoleon would make sure to meet the expectations and answer the hopes of anybody. He materializes as a Servant that affirms all Napoleonic legends, and embodies the possibilities of mankind (the apex).

Legend says the word impossible is not in his dictionary. Legend says he met Iskandar inside a pyramid. Legend says he destroyed the Great Sphinx of Giza with cannon fire. Legend says the French Revolution was plotted by the secret society and he was deeply involved in it.
The man, who spent his life answering the expectations of many, could make many impossibles possible, just like the saying that "If it's Napoleon, he should be able to pull off something like that" goes. Such a way of life could already be called superhuman.
"─────Well, that too sounds like something I'd say."
The Light of Possibility, akin to a rainbow.
Adversaries who encounter him would eventually bear witness to the rainbow soaring through the skies.

He materialized in the Scandinavian Lostbelt as a Servant of the Human Order.
Along with the group from Chaldea, he fought against Queen Scathach-Skadi and the King of Flame Giants, Surtr.
Even though she should have been his enemy as one of the Crypters, he instead decided on Ophelia Phamrsolone as his fated partner; sacrificing his own life in order to save her soul and the world, he cast a rainbow across the sky as he dispersed.
The Heroic Spirit Napoleon who Chaldea summoned has absolutely no memories or records of that time, however, he is observing the speech and conduct of Scathach-Skadi who, the same as him, materialized as a Servant...

Video Format Here.
Napoleon practically explains that his Spirit Origin and Noble Phantasm are practically afterthoughts and making a note in history is harder than he believed it would be here.

Napoleon states he never had a Cannon like he does in life(no shit) but his exaggerated qualities are ultimately not that uncommon in Modern Day Heroic Spirits here and here with Babbage used as an example among others.

And again here, Ritsuka brings up that Innocent Monsters can primarily affect them too and Napoleon brings up the example he's much taller on top of that.

Here and here, Napoleon all but states he is more of the will of the people than the actual known Napoleon(the profile states this too but just to put it out there)
During his lifetime, he was one who fought for the hopes and dreams of all around him. He rose to power as emperor with a great deal of support from the people. Even after he was exiled to the island of Elba, he returned when the people cried out for an emperor, and then when the people rejected the emperor, he once more fell to ruin.

Napoleon the Heroic Spirit answers pleas, responds to desires, and does what is expected of him to accomplish whatever he takes on. Through the acknowledgement of various Napoleonic legends and becoming an embodiment of possibilities for humanity (apex primates), the man manifests into this world as a Servant.

Imperial Privilege B
As the first French emperor, he possesses the Imperial Privilege skill, but...
(In "FateGO", it isn't used in general.)

Well... that's a fucking lie(unless they mean in battle and not instory...)
Here, Napoleon literally uses Imperial Privilege(and states it by name) to establish a telepathic communication with Ophelia as he's dying

The Light of Possibility B
Although it's a skill similar to Pioneer of the Stars, it is more akin to Innocent Monster.
The great feats he actually achieved and the legends that in truth had nothing to do with him, the idol that made everything his own is what the Heroic Spirit Napoleon is; he who acts as the embodiment of 'expectations' and 'possibilities' upon materializing.
The word impossible missing from his dictionary, subsisting off of minimal sleep, the destruction of the Sphinx in Gisa, meeting the phantom of Alexander the Great (Iskandar) in Khufu pharaoh's Great Pyramid; his manifestation incorporates all of these as facts and truths.

Here, it's heavily implied that Napoleon is using The Light of Possibilities as a boost which is why Mash is able to keep up with First Ascension Sigurd-Surtr(You can say it's potentially Charisma or Fire Support but technically, it feels that TLoP is boosting those beyond the pale anyway).

Here, it's also heavily implied that it's what allows Napoleon to keep doing his large scale attacks against the Envoys without losing any Mana alongside Mash.

Here(Video Format) Napoleon, under the effects of Scathath Skadi's Primordial Rune, is still able to move and fire his Cannon implied by this.

Again(Seriously, it's always heavily implied and never stated) here and here, it's all but implied it's due to this that Ophelia is able to break the hold against Surtr's curse.

Noble Phantasm

Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile: The Iridescent Bow Sonorously Announcing the Triumphant Return
Rank: A
Classification: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~99
Maximum number of targets: 100

Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile.
A bombardment type Noble Phantasm crowned with the same French name as the Triumphal Arch.
The potential of mankind (the apex) is transformed into a cannonball, flying through the sky almost like a rainbow.
Based on Heroic Spirit Napoleon's existence itself, the Noble Phantasm sublimated the tale of the Great Sphinx of Giza’s bombardment.
Its outward appearance is that of a transforming, one-handed cannon.
Due to the story of the bombardment that 'destroyed the Sphinx', it is especially effective against Mystery.
Hope, humans.
Do not lose heart. Do not cast your eyes down. Do not give up.
For you, nothing is impossible.

Here(Video Format) Napoleon overclocks his Noble Phantasm and puts his Spirit Core into it to the point he ultimately dies from it to damage Surtr.


Here the sheer blow from it is enough to "block" Surtr's Loptr Laegjrn(I'm pretty sure this is more by weakening him enough that he has to ultimately stop using it)

Here, Ophelia notes once Surtr finishes forming his head, he'll start moving again all but stating Napoleon blew it off entirely with his last resort.

Here, he ultimately does enough damage to the point that next to him using Loptr Laegjrn, Surtr literally has to heal for awhile giving everyone enough time to mount a counter offensive

And here, Brynhildr states that they are benefiting from Napoleon's "Rainbow"(You can say it's the NP or TLoP that was enveloping the NP either way)

Strength, Speed and Durability?

Here(Video Format)Napoleon has a chief resistance to Illusion Based Magecraft due to his Class... though a fraction of the Primordial Rune's power(i.e. Basically something from the Planet itself) is able to effortlessly bypass it

Here and here, Napoleon fires a powerful shot of light(unknown if this is his True Name Release but it is implied earlier by Greta that Napoleon DID fire it before) into the group of Envoys and takes out a good number of them with ease.

Here, Napoleon mentions he has fought and defeated Giants before(Though if he met a Muspel Giant before is up in the air)

Here, Napoleon states moving at 200 klicks(Kilometers) per Hour is nothing for a Heroic Spirit though he does mention he can't keep it up all the time due to the obstacles in the way(And no, this isn't a maximum or anything stupid, I have seen people use this in the worst way possible like they do with Lobo's speed... you know who you guys are)

Here, Napoleon undergoes the 2nd Ascension state once he forms a contract with Ritsuka.

Here, Napoleon(in his 2nd Ascension state) takes out 3 Muspel Giants with a shot each, the third one uses his dead brethren as a defense but Napoleon later on blows him away and then fires 3 extra shots at the Emptiness Tree Seed to blow him into the castle.

Here(Video Format), Napoleon not only can tell that the Fire around the Ice Palace is based on Magecrat but also see the fact it wasn't created at the point of the Age of the Gods but only recently and is only an imitation.

And holy shit at how the Manga shows off how a weakened Vasavi Shakti murked the fuck out of Cu Alter.
Yes, the game does ultimately have Cu Alter retreat from it regardless due to it's damage but the Manga seriously shows how bad the damage truly was and why he had to retreat.
It also ultimately shows how even a weakened to hell VS would absolutely murder most Servants even then.


V.I.P. Member

And holy shit at how the Manga shows off how a weakened Vasavi Shakti murked the fuck out of Cu Alter.
Yes, the game does ultimately have Cu Alter retreat from it regardless due to it's damage but the Manga seriously shows how bad the damage truly was and why he had to retreat.
It also ultimately shows how even a weakened to hell VS would absolutely murder most Servants even then.

I....don't think its weakened. Its whole thing is that it's an all or nothing Hail Mary assault, so it's not like getting gutted would actually do anything to depower it. Especially when Karna has shown he can get gutted and completely ignore it in Apocrypha.

That doesn't make it any less impressive considering its fucking Cuzilla on Grail juice and he clearly can't regenerate, though.
I....don't think its weakened. Its whole thing is that it's an all or nothing Hail Mary assault, so it's not like getting gutted would actually do anything to depower it. Especially when Karna has shown he can get gutted and completely ignore it in Apocrypha.

That doesn't make it any less impressive considering its fucking Cuzilla on Grail juice and he clearly can't regenerate, though.

True, Karna has been capable of sheer bullshit before and since on pure willpower(Mahapralya anyone?), I guess I just stuck on that too much.


V.I.P. Member
True, Karna has been capable of sheer bullshit before and since on pure willpower(Mahapralya anyone?), I guess I just stuck on that too much.

Karna and Herc keep getting scenes where it's like "okay you are definitely absolutely dead now it is physically and magically impossible for you to survive" and they go "eh, not feeling it" and keep going anyway :skully
Karna and Herc keep getting scenes where it's like "okay you are definitely absolutely dead now it is physically and magically impossible for you to survive" and they go "eh, not feeling it" and keep going anyway :skully

You forgot Achilles? "I literally just lost my heart back there but I keep on swinging anyway, fuck this army" and it took Lostbelt Chiron going all in just to get his body to finally accept he's dead?


V.I.P. Member
You forgot Achilles? "I literally just lost my heart back there but I keep on swinging anyway, fuck this army" and it took Lostbelt Chiron going all in just to get his body to finally accept he's dead?

I did forget Achilles, actually :skully

He's only done it once, maybe next time he'll get to deflect an Anti-World NP with his shield. I want to see that thing get proper use


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Karna wasn't running on full, it wouldn't be on par with grail hooked VS

and uhh where are you getting "Hail Mary type move" from to say it wasn't' weakened? It breaks his armor, it doesn't destroy his spirit core. He disappears immediately after launching the VS in game, which doesn't happen when he's healthy.

Karna doesn't completely ignore getting gutted either, he just powers through it despite the pain.
Last edited:


Karna comments in the game that the VS "didn't reach him" , whether that means that it was depowered and that allowed Cu to escape or it literally meant that the blast didn't completely reach Cu, and he only took a part of the blast leads to the same result really. Cu didn't eat the full powered thing.
Karna wasn't running on full, it wouldn't be on par with grail hooked VS

and uhh where are you getting "Hail Mary type move" from to say it wasn't' weakened? It breaks his armor, it doesn't destroy his spirit core. He disappears immediately after launching the VS in game, which doesn't happen when he's healthy.

Karna doesn't completely ignore getting gutted either, he just powers through it despite the pain.

Actually his Spirit Core was gone when Cu Alter hit him with Gae Bolg.
So yeah, I'm not saying it was at full power but it definitely was weakened which is what I should have went with as my point to Cross.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Yeah I meant VS on its own doesn't destroy his core or anything, so normally after using VS he'd be "fine" to keep fighting on

and what Rey said, in game he somehow avoided taking the full brunt of the attack
Alright we are finally at the endgame here of Lostbelt 2 Archives and luckily, it's a short one

Ophelia Phamrsolone

Height: 166cm
Weight: 48kg
Born in: Germany
Talents: Spiritual Evocation, Summoning, Mystic Eye of Delay, baking.
Likes: Käsetorte, Lindt chocolate, Kirschtaria.
Dislikes: Sundays.

A woman wearing an eyepatch over her right eye.
She sworn her loyalty to Kirschtaria Wodime and acts like a subordinate to him.
She strives to behave as a cool-headed and intellectual secretary, but she can’t hide her good heart.
She refers to the Servant she summoned as “Knight”, but it’s unknown if that Heroic Spirit really is a knight.
She was part of Spiritual Evocation Department in the Clock Tower.

Comment from the Illustrator
Since she was a tragedy heroine, I tried to imagine a character that would look more beautiful than ever on the moment she died. From the character profile I received, I wondered if her character would be in a constant mental breakdown, but in the actual story she was written as quite calm. Well done, Ophelia. One of the suggestions in the commission was “gothic clothes” and I still kinda want to draw that. (La-na)

Alright ultimately, there's nothing truly MAJOR about Ophelia here to be on this list... past the main reason she would ever be here(aka, the main reason why Kadoc will NOT be here as he really does anything majorly significant that would require it as he's otherwise just a low tier Mage)

Here, Ophelia is able to figure out(though sadly cannot fight against it) that Surtr has cursed her soul and is melding it with his.

Here, She's capable of using a floating spell for awhile before it fails.

Here, Ophelia has Sigurd-Surtr under forced Limiters to lower his power levels to most likely restrain Surtr(Which are unleashed through Forced Spirit Ascension).

And now pretty much the reason why she has a profile in the first place:


*Looks around* Alright, it'll be a placeholder as I was very absent-minded about it and I really don't like going back to My Room and watching scenes all over again. I'll go get without the Text later.

As far as I got, Her Mystic Eye: Prolongation(She states it's one of Prolongation but otherwise, it's not stated similarly to MEoDP or Cybele).
Mystic Eye: Jewel

Use from the 2nd Sigurd fight(Video Here)

Here, Upon completing her spell, Mash's Ortinax Armor immediately loses it's output even when it's in Auto-Maintenance Mode.

Here, Ophelia explains in a half-assed measure how her Mystic Eye works(if she doesn't want something to "shine", it will never shine in front of her again) and Mash here believes that it manipulates time at first.

Use from the 3rd Sigurd fight(Video Here)

Here, she aims and ultimately stops Brynhildr's Odinseal Prototype from working but she still suffers from the adverse effects of the Odinseal Prototype.

Here, Brynhildr ultimately overcomes Ophelia's Mystic Eye.

Here, After Ophelia fails to utilize her Mystic Eye against Brynhildr, she explicitly states that Ophelia's Mystic Eye actually determines possibilities and shuts that possibility away, not rewind time.

Here, Brynhildr states that she ultimately narrowed the possibilities for Ophelia's Mystic Eye to take effect(i.e. literally narrowing it to just the one possibility), rendering it useless and Ophelia literally freaks out stating that Brynhildr literally held her mind in place and how it's practically impossible and Sigurd-Surtr even states it's impossible for most beings and even Demi-Gods can't do what Brynhildr has done easily(And to be fair, it is basically Discount Kojirou-Musashi Tier bullshit to ultimately pin a Possibility in place and allow it to occur while allowing the effects to still transpire. It's basically near King Crimson Tier bullshit with the only weakness is basically forcing her in a situation where only one possibility can ever happen... like her death)

Here, Ophelia truly explains what her Mystic Eye actually does. She only temporarily pins a possibility in place and only allows that to pass, it's true purpose is seeing the myriad of possibilities in a form similar to Precognition.

Here, there are limits to Ophelia's Mystic Eye and guaranteed events also mean no matter what she looks at, she cannot use her Mystic Eye to stop it.

Here, Ophelia is able to see Wodime's conversation with the Foreign God in almost it's entirety despite the nature of what's happening.

Here, her Mystic Eye ultimately sees the Scandanivan Lostbelt and Surtr despite still being in her coffin.

Here, it's confirmed that Surtr's Soul was ultimately linked to Ophelia's Mystic Eye by merely seeing him back then and this is what allowed him to bodyjack Sigurd when she summoned him.

And of course, here Ophelia ultimately destroys her Mystic Eye to destabilize Surtr's Soul despite the sheer damage it would do to her at best and at worst(Though it matters little since the Sirius Light ultimately kills her using it to boost Sigurd to kill Surtr)

Alright, done with the Crypter of LB2, and after this, we will hit the nature of the World itself and I'm out
Oh yeah, don't expect me to do Kadoc for real... seriously.
Alright, I was plan on doing this yesterday but to get it over with and to fast track to adding in the Lostbelt 3 Archives(as I'm still in a ridiculous rush to finish this, 3 and start 4 before LB5.2 happens in March...)

The Life, World and Culture of the Scandinavian Lostbelt:

(Yes, I'll try and add more of these types of maps later, give me time...)

The Hierarchy of the Lostbelt:

(Video Here)
Da Vinci goes over the totem pole of the Lostbelt creatures here and humanity as a whole in this lost era with Humanity at the absolute bottom and barely any other creatures even LIVING in the Lostbelt.

The Giants:
(Video of First Encounter Here)
Here, we see that they are 5 meters tall(Although considering from Golem Keter Malkuth, the 4th Anniversary PV and how Napoleon speaks of Muspels, they aren't just limited to 5 meters tall like the rest of the monsters in FGO). 5 Meters = 16 Feet
Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Royal Crown, the Light of Wisdom [Noble Phantasm], p.166 [T]
Royal Crown, the Light of Wisdom [Noble Phantasm]
Golem Keter Malkuth. The Noble Phantasm of Caster of Black, Avicebron. It is not something that he created while he was alive; rather, it is his unfulfilled dream that was turned into a Noble Phantasm. It is an imitation of the “first human Adam”, a Reality Marble which has been given life of its own.
Just by stepping on the ground, it is endlessly supplied with prana, and at the same time it encroaches on the surrounding land and turns it into “Eden”.
Its full height was fifteen meters at the time of its birth, but this is only the measurement of “when it was born”. As the span of Eden expands, the giant’s size will change and multiple, until it finally exceeds a thousand meters. It is said that “a fifteen-meter-sized giant could be easily defeated by even a Servant with average C rank stats, but as expected, one at the size of a thousand meters would be impossible to kill without a group of first-rate Servants. And, incidentally, the stomachs of the people tasked with covering up it all up would die.
The reason Jeanne and the others were so frantic against the giant when it was still fifteen meters tall is because they could tell that the speed of its growth was extraordinary, and if their response had been even a bit slower, the giant would have grown to thirty meters and displayed even harsher resistance.

Here, they used to live in the Scandaniva region and potentially around Sweden, Norway and Denmark(or that would be where the Scandanivan Age of the Gods ended up becoming after it's destruction).

Here, Holmes seems especially steamed that Giants was thrown at us so soon meaning that they are thus a major threat.

Here, In the FGO 4th Anniversary PV, we do see Giants(Muspels) as tall, if not taller than Mountains though meaning.

Here(Video), Napoleon does bring up how he usually takes down Giants in the Lostbelt.

Here, Napoleon believes that Giants have an extrasensory organ that allows them to see Heat Signatures or a Sixth Sense due to the Masks they wear covering their nose and faces.

Here, Da Vinci Lily confirms that the Giants are Biological Heat Seekers and goes after anything "warm"

Here, They are also capable of infusing Mystics into whatever they touch, being able to damage the Bounded Field of the Shadow Border.


Here, Muspels are seen as the strongest type of Giant, as well as being seen as such a threat that even the gods keep them supervised at all times.

Here, They have enough intelligence to use their own as shields as shown in this scene.

Ice Beasts...
Here, Da Vinci notes that while they are stronger than humans, but as the Giants' pets, they have no real intelligence(obviously)

I won't include the Tree of Emptiness Seeds either since they aren't a part of the Lostbelt culture for obvious reasons.


Basically... Da Vinci isn't wrong when the Humans in the 2nd Lostbelt is seen as the lowest in the Totem Pole...

Here, Gerda nor anyone else has ever heard of the concept of Parents or even the elderly(they are seen as a legend)

Here, If you have a child, then you can stick around until you are 25, if you don't have a child by 15, then you equally have to leave.

Here, By how Gerda ultimately states her fate in such a manner of fact tone and treating it as no problem on many occasions, it's shown they literally cannot think of any other way to live past this(When Mash defeats the Envoy and Napoleon clears out the rest, the sheer cluelessness of what to do next past wait next year proves it)

Here, Once the "Ordained Day" arrives, anyone who ultimately fits the above requirements have to leave through the Gate guarding the villages which is meant only to leave while being escorted by an Envoy.

Miscellaneous because of course...
Here, Each Village is protected by a Bounded Field centering on the large Gate.

Here, It's designed to keep the Giants, Ice Beasts and anything involving Magecraft out. Even Mash felt some pressure after stepping into the Village and believes it's connected to the Snow

Here, they do ultimately point out the "Sun"(Surtr's Prison and the connection to his true body Muspelheim) is WAY too big to be a normal Sun and would otherwise be a Red Giant

Here, Holmes states if it was true in any context, the whole area would be a scorching desert and while Mash would survive it, Ritsuka wouldn't.

I sadly can't really use anything from Sitonai because while she does have some basic feats(Like inadvertently messing up Ritsuka's body trying to establish contact too fast and why Scathath-Skadi locked her up), she really does nothing of note even compared to those in Lostbelt 1 or otherwise.

To clarify this further: It's not that Sitonai in the story or the character is helpless, she's a Dragon Slayer so by that logic, she's still a powerhouse and a High Servant so she's very powerful... the problem is that there's no real reason to list her feats because nothing she does is truly impressive for a list like this.

So that leaves one left... you guys know the one:

The beginning of Loptr Laejrn here(Video)
Here, Surtr's destination is Lake Vanern(in our equivalent area) to show Ophelia how the "richest" parts of the Lostbelt(Villages, Animals, Plant Life) will burn to ash with his Noble Phantasm.

Here(Video), Ophelia states the Sword is superheated over 4 million Celsius even before he does the TNR and compares the speed of it's descent to a shooting star.

Here(Video), Gerda confuses it for the Sun due to how bright it is(which actually makes sense for Fire that heated up).

Heracles(It's him, considering how he virtually appears everywhere Sitonai does, it's him 100%) Blocking Loptr Laegjrn here(Video)
Here, Sitonai explicitly states to take it all, including the Magical Energy to produce it(Meaning he truly did block it on his own even before he got assistance)

Here, Sitonai even states the recoil of Heracles blocking Loptr Laejrn to her is absolutely intense and she can't keep it up for long(again all but stating he was blocking it without assistance).

Here, Sitonai asks for backup from Scathath Skadi and Ortlinde and THEN they give backup(This also makes sense as they was in the Shadow Border with you meaning there was no way they could have gotten there any faster without you guys being there either).

I could bring up how different LB2's Scandaniva is from real life Scandaniva... but that's a matter of course.


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The beginning part of the chant Ziya used in the game is basically a poem used to describe himself in the original novel, that got elevated into a magic spell chant here.

It also worth noting that in that very same poem, it described him as wielding the Cixiong Swords. These are the actual names of Kanshou and Byakuya, Ci (female sword) and Xiong (male sword). So he is indeed the wielder of these blades in the original novel, Typemoon did not make it up.

That's... really interesting...
Lostbelt 3 Archives: The Synchronized Intellect Nation SIN
And now for the next:


The Synchronized Intellect Nation: SIN

Table of Contents:

1. Qin Shi Huang(Holy Form and Backup Body)
2. Xiang Yu
3. Hinako Akuta (SPOILER)
4. Chaldean Servants
5. The Frozen Humans of QSH
6. World of Lostbelt 3

Yeah, I'm going to be avoiding the Mayall explanation until we get to the page itself, it wasn't the best addition and it's better off for another characters' feat anyway.

And unlike the past, I WILL do my best to add anything additionally I missed and yes forgive me, it's hours of details and it's seriously easy to miss something important or atleast help with details with something like this, especially with Interludes and the like.
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