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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Heaven's Feels
The only good thing about this movie is the graphics, the Saber vs. Hercules battle is of course my homage. This movie is only for fans who have already read all of Fate, and the rest of the people who have not read the visual novel can only sympathize.


This movie is only for fans who have already read all of Fate, and the rest of the people who have not read the visual novel can only sympathize.
You can say this about all Stay Night adaptions.
Hell, you can say this about most TM movie adaptions.

HF is the best put together movie adaption bar maybe KnK which is far more inconsistent but more adequate as a cinematic experience due to its structure .

Also , it goes without saying that this is gonna be confusing or the shit in it is not going to hit very hard for someone who watches this without at least watching Deen Stay Night and UBW before.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Hypothetically, how strong would be "too strong" in terms of Goetia actually starting to care and interfere if someone were to show up in place of Ritsuka in FGO anyway?

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Hypothetically, how strong would be "too strong" in terms of Goetia actually starting to care and interfere if someone were to show up in place of Ritsuka in FGO anyway?
I.e stronger than Wodime it seems. Though Wodime was only overpowered in the Greek lost belt due to his magecraft being amped there iirc.
Hypothetically, how strong would be "too strong" in terms of Goetia actually starting to care and interfere if someone were to show up in place of Ritsuka in FGO anyway?

Basically being an obvious threat to him(i.e. Being stronger than the typical Magus, showing you know more about shit than you shouldn't, stupidly saying his name and drawing his attention).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Does LB Zeus start with all of the Greek Pantheon's Authorities or does he have to build up to using them?

(remind me what each of those Authorities do again)
Does LB Zeus start with all of the Greek Pantheon's Authorities or does he have to build up to using them?

(remind me what each of those Authorities do again)

I'll have to go through Olympus and check but usually, Zeus doesn't start out with all of the Authorities activated if the person is too weak or they played their hand and are as dangerous as he believes.
Doesn't really matter though as even then, he's Large Planetary+ even without them so it's a TALL fucking order and you need a massive opener to hurt him AND hope he doesn't use Demeter's Authority to basically regen himself effortlessly and make your advantage worthless.
@Paxton I can recall some Authorities but I don't know the others that are stated in Olympus:

Demeter's can revive anyone she sees wholesale(even if they are obliterated by any of the Gods outside of Zeus) and grants herself bullshit hyper regeneration(to put this into persepective, Super Orion as Grand Archer can instantly kill any Beast he fights, her Nanomachines inside of the Cerebus was able to HEAL PAST THAT). Apparently she can also recreate matter as she can recreate the city she's destroying in Olympus.

Artemis can induce Madness(Basically see how Caligula's NP works except on a scale you can't block unless you ARE Caligula)

Aphrodite can fuck with your mind through "Semantics":
Her Authorities over Beauty and Love tend to be seen as something weak or inconsequential, but as Aphrodite explains herself, from love and beauty, humans create worth, values and philosophies. From being able to choose what is seen as beautiful and worthy of love, Aphrodite is capable of revising people's personalities and everything they can sense.

And apparently Hades just dismantles whatever he wishes, piece by piece into nothingness.

And altogether, Lostbelt Zeus at his most powerful MIMICS YHWH which is why he's seen as just that strong even if he really isn't(And how he's a Mini-Chaos which is equally no joke, same with Romulus Quirinus whose his equal).


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
@Paxton I can recall some Authorities but I don't know the others that are stated in Olympus:

Demeter's can revive anyone she sees wholesale(even if they are obliterated by any of the Gods outside of Zeus) and grants herself bullshit hyper regeneration(to put this into persepective, Super Orion as Grand Archer can instantly kill any Beast he fights, her Nanomachines inside of the Cerebus was able to HEAL PAST THAT). Apparently she can also recreate matter as she can recreate the city she's destroying in Olympus.

Artemis can induce Madness(Basically see how Caligula's NP works except on a scale you can't block unless you ARE Caligula)

Aphrodite can fuck with your mind through "Semantics":
Her Authorities over Beauty and Love tend to be seen as something weak or inconsequential, but as Aphrodite explains herself, from love and beauty, humans create worth, values and philosophies. From being able to choose what is seen as beautiful and worthy of love, Aphrodite is capable of revising people's personalities and everything they can sense.

And apparently Hades just dismantles whatever he wishes, piece by piece into nothingness.

And altogether, Lostbelt Zeus at his most powerful MIMICS YHWH which is why he's seen as just that strong even if he really isn't(And how he's a Mini-Chaos which is equally no joke, same with Romulus Quirinus whose his equal).
So like, regeneration from complete physical destruction?

I forgot America had this be properly explained. Basically how much "Willpower/Luck" you need to screw with Causality on the level of Cu's Gae Bolg... to not be instantly killed by it and just have it hit you like it did Artoria and Rama.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Does Ivan the Terrible have any notable abilities or is he just a pure powerhouse?


Does Ivan the Terrible have any notable abilities or is he just a pure powerhouse?
He's a Lostbelt King which means he can directly fuck with the LB and ze Tree.
He's a Yaga which gives him natural regen/ superior physical stats
He has a skill that lowers your skills's rank unless you have B rank Charisma and above
Weather manipulation
Power house to the point where he is said to be on par with Divine Spirits and even Zeus (probably the restricted version of him)

That's about it.

Also, what exactly does Kama/Mara do again?
Put you through one of the worst story events of the game mostly.
Does Ivan the Terrible have any notable abilities or is he just a pure powerhouse?

As Type-Rey stated, Ivan does have some bullshit under his hat(crown) but it isn't really shown much because his power is nonsense as it is already:
He's the oldest of the Yagas(to the point of being THE Yaga and going into the realm of assumptions, a potential starting point for a TYPE) who are basically really tough and can heal pretty well basically being Demonic Beasts transformed into humans.

Like all Russian Tsars, he has access to the Emergency Perogative which controls Russia itself, stopping the Tree of Emptiness from fully being planted and doing it's job:
Ivan The Terrible actually is able to understand the Foreign Priestess(most likely due to Menta Schisml) but is able to stop the Lostbelt Tree from taking root(Due to the Emergency Prerogative which is capable of controlling the very land of Russia) , which is why Kadoc executes his plan to get him removed from his power as a Lostbelt King.
Almighty Supreme Authority: A(It's translated as Emergency Prerogative and it's funny it doesn't mention how ridiculous it is in story since it was able to stop the ToE from taking root in general till Anastasia took the Crown and the Lostbelt King spot and it was all but implied that if they tried to root the ToE any earlier, Ivan The Terrible can use it to destroy it.)

Lostbelt Ivan himself is compared by Caenis to be on the level of Lostbelt Zeus(most likely his Human Avatar Form as that would be the Zeus they would see... who can still do Large Planetary+ Storms with ease) and his Mammoth is compared to Gugulanna in Gilgamesh's My Room Line:
We later on get from Caenis that his power is on the level of Zeus's Human Avatar Form(while we don’t get this from the story itself as LB5.1 and 5.2 was 2 years later, it’s still very much apparent Ivan’s power is exactly similar to Zeus’s in terms of scale and ability). In Gilgamesh's new My Room lines for Ivan The Terrible, he explicitly states that Ivan's Mammoth is equal to Gugulanna in terms of size and power(Which basically makes Ivan The Terrible casual Country Buster with extreme ease).
He's also compared to a Divine Spirit:
Ivan's power is first stated by Ophelia to be onpar with a Divine Spirit's:

Also, what exactly does Kama/Mara do again?

She's... complicated. Not because of any real way to basically point out how strong she is, it's more how WEIRD Kama/Mara is.
Basically, Shiva blowing him up caused him to become virtually a universe in and of itself(Because Shiva is destined to burn the Universe with his 3rd eye and due to Nasuverse bullshit, anyone he burns with that 3rd Eye MUST be the Universe itself and changes them accordingly, which is why he never did that shit if he encountered Sefar).
Because of this, Kama also gained some affinity with Mara who ALSO boosted her Universal Power some more but not to the level we've seen at the Ooku because well, in order to have that level of control, she must "spread naturally" which doesn't work that way for her. Which is why she pulled the bullshit she did in Ooku for 2 reasons:
1. To ultimately test her theory and see if she can confine herself into a "room" and modify it enough, will that space basically become the Universe for her to screw with?
2. To explicitly one up Kiara by actually beating Ritsuka because Beast L and R will never get along.
So just go with Type-Rey's answer basically lol.
She SHOULD come off like she's Space Ishtar/Ashteroth Origin where we explicitly see actually having the effects of a body that is basically a walking Galaxy and all the problems that comes with it and in a technical sense and how she lost could very much attest to that(They had to recreate Shiva killing her to defeat her after turning the Ooku against her) but it's never shown or mentioned.


nd his Mammoth is compared to Gugulanna in Gilgamesh's My Room Line:
It may be even more impressive than Guga since he's called a "Primate" from before the AoM which would mean that at some point in time , it/its species was the dominant one overall .

Guess that makes it easier to accept the notion that Ivan fused with it would be in the same ballpark as Olympians in their Altheya forms.
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