Calc because it seems that i want to establish a record for most low level feats (Zetman)

this time i will get through some zetman feats
i'm particularly inspired thanks something sherlock sempai asked me :catblush
1.Chameleon likes to play hard
Chameleon player throws jin and breaks through a house with him

chameleon should be about 1.70 m (82.56px)
house width 110px=2.265 m
house height 150px=3.0886m
making the house volume 15.801093m^3
10% of it for hollowness is 1.5801093 m^3
shear strenght of a japanese coast wood (douglas firaccording to this chart can vary from
12.76-3.76 j/cc
so lets take the average as a placeholder=8.26j/cc
E=1580109.3 x 8.26
E=13051702.818 joules
and for the sake of a low end lets take it
E=1580109.3 x 3.76
E=5941210.968 joules
Chameleon player destroys a house=0.0014199835-0.00311943184 tons of tnt
which means fucking kid jin tanked a borderline small building level attack

2.Young jin is 2superhuman4me
2.1 young jin breaks a hammer
no comment

jin should be about 1.70
which means his head is 23.6cm(44px)
bat width is 14px(7.50 cm)
destroyed bat lenght is 50.6px= 27.14 cm
destroyed volume is 1199.0084711966294cm^3
E=1199.0084711966294 x 3.76
E=4508.2718517 joules
this would be extremely underhelming wasn't for the fact you can also take ke out of this feat

bat lenght is 300.466px=80.91 cm
shaping it like a cylinder we have 3574.4943037m^3
white ash density is 0.75 kg/m^3
M=3574.4943037774237 x 0.75
Ke=mv^2 x0.5
KE=2.680870727 x 33.5^2 x 0.5
apparently the average swing in baseball works at 33.5m/s
jin should need to match it in order to break it the way he did
KE=1504303.58669 joules

Jin breaks a bat=4508.2718517-1504.30358669 joules

2.2 Young jin blitz the king of the thugs

basically he crosses a certain distance and kicks "king" head before he can react
king should be obviously a peak human being the gang leader and all
so timeframe is 0.1 seconds
jin head is 30px(23.6cm)
king head is 26px
he is damn tall so 1.8 should be more than safe making his head 25cm
meanwhile panel height is 293px
2*atan(30/(293/tan(70/2))) 5.554877 degrees
or 2.4323 meters till jin
2*atan(30/(293/tan(70/2))) 4.81516516 degrees
or 2.973 m for king
which means jin crossed 2.973-2.4323= 0.5407 m
now we need the distance his leg crossed
his head is 61px (23.6)
his leg is 225.8px=87.35 cm
he is crossing about 160 degrees (2,79253 rad)
so D= theta x L
D=0.8735 x 2,79253
total d=2.43927 + 0.5407
TD=2.97997 meters
S=29.7997 m/s
jin speed=29.7997 m/s
solid superhuman +

3.1Fire player shows the fire pillar
yeah thats all

window is 1.5 m(27px)
fire pillar width is 65px=3.61 m
as for the fire height we can see that on the bottom panel the bottom fire pillar width is 50.089px and the top one is 9.8px
given panel height is 399px we have
2*atan(50.089/(399/tan(70/2))) 6.80799535 degrees
which gives me 30.346 meters
2*atan(9.8/(399/tan(70/2))) 1.33350532 degrees
which gives me 155.1 meters
155.1-30.346= 124.754m
inpluggin everything as a cylinder we get
1276.9055203498035 m^3
average temperature on building fire is 900 degrees
air density is 1.225kg/m^3
E=M x C x T
E=1.225 x 1276.9055203498035 x 1000 x (900-20)
E=1376504150.94 joules
Fire player fire pillar=0.328992388 tons of tnt
so building level fire player
is worthy nothing that a pre awakening zet fooderized him


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