Calc Feel the lols (gintama) the BOS edition

a bunch of gintama feats
1.Gin gotta go faster
Gin blitz some random amantos

random amanto should have the average dude head 23.6cm it has 40px
panel width is 365.38 px
panel height is 451.739 px
2*atan(tan(70/2 deg))*(365.38/451.739) 56.618 deg for pov
2*atan(40/(451.739/tan(56.618/2 deg))) 5.46135508 deg
which gives me about 2.474 meters

now we have the fucker head as 269.31px
panel width is 754.71 px
panel height 329 px
2*atan(tan(70/2 deg))*(754.71/329) 160.576596 deg for pov
2*atan(269.31/(754.71/tan(160.57/2 deg))) 128.73891 deg
which gives me 0.056 meters from the viewer
gintoki body is 123px
his body is his 177 without a head 1/7.2 of it
gintoki body=1.77-0.2458
gintoki body=1.5242 m
now the distance from gintoki is
2*atan(123/(754.71/tan(160.57/2 deg)))=87.1798074 deg
or about
0.80057 m
which is clearly utter bullshit on both situations because there are 2 bodies after gintoki and a whole arm after the head :catpathy
and that's why imo the formula to get the panel pov is actually
2*atan(tan(70/2 deg))*(bigger size/smaller size)
which gives me a pov 30.5150323 degrees
2*atan(269.31/(754.71/tan(30.51/2 deg)))=11.116922 degrees
or about
1.2125 meters for the head (which given it is farther than his whole arm spread actually makes sense)
2*atan(123/(754.71/tan(30.51/2 deg)))=5.08998974 deg
17.146 meters
which...also makes no sense

oh well screw that noise
panel too fucked for getting pov
2*atan(269.31/(754.71/tan(70/2 deg)))=28.0575376 deg
0.47226 meters
2*atan(123/(754.71/tan(70/2 deg))13,02 deg
6.6785 meters
6.6785-0.47226 + 2.474
Distance gin crossed= 8.68024
for time we have 2 blitz frames 0.1 (those amantos had swords so peak human should be fine i guess)
and 0.00833
D(LE)=86.80 m/s
D(HE)=1042.0456 m/s

Gitoki speed=0.255-3.065 mach
faster than the eye supersonic gintoki
2.Pesu-kun too stronk
pesu-kun destroy a house

the door is 44px
given it is a immigration hotel and big aliens go all around those 2 meters should be even a low end
house height is 166px (7.54 meters)
house lenght is 247 px (11.227 meters)
will assume thickness equal smaller end
so let's shape it like a rectangular prism
volume=7.54 x 7.54 x 11.227
Volume=638.2729132 m^3
90% is hollowness
volume of destroyed material is 63.82729132
so...i like have no idea if this is a wood house (it does looks like it but dunno) or actual concrete
i will use the two
white oak fragmentation is 8.34 j/cc
concrete fragmentation is 1.4 j/cc
E= V x F
E(LE)=63827291.32 x 1.4
E(HE)=63827291.32 x 8.34
E(HE)=532319609.609 joules
PESU dc=0.0213571242-0.12722744 tons of tnt
so he is like building level ?
oh well that's to be expected

3.Kagura the gunner

kagura reacts to a weapon after it was shot
kagura is 155cm
155/6=25.834 (110px)
kagura arm is 186px (0.43682 m)
kagura head on the second panel is 27px
the rest of her hand is 18.97px (0.1815 m)
kaguya whole arm is 0.1815+ 0.43682=0.61832 m
the distance covered by her and the the umbrella 97.53px (0.9331 m)
now let's get the distance between her and the gun
panel width is 217px
panel height is 570.27 px
2*atan(tan(70/2 deg))*(217/570.27) 26.6365055 deg for pov
2*atan(110/(570.27/tan(26.6365055/2 deg))) 5.228894 deg
which gives me about 2.7375 m
now i take 0.9331 m out it
2.7375-0.9331=1.8044 m
now let's compare this to the distance kagura arm crossed
she moved at least 90 degrees
S= R x theta
S=0.61832 x 1,5708
S=0.9712 m
hand guns have like 380 m/s
T=1.8044 /380
S=0.9712/ 0.004748
S=204.549 m/s
kagura arm speed=0.60 mach
faster than the eye kagura

4.katsura bomb dc
katsura preps a bomb

kagura head is 51.24px (25.834cm)
bomb is 24.59px (0.1239 m)

now let's try again
panel height is 553px
panel width is 179px
2*atan(tan(70/2 deg))*(179/553) 22.6582278 deg for pov
bomb is
2*atan(88.4/(553/tan(22.6582278/2 deg)))=3.66873862 deg
or about
1.9343 meters
now for gin chan 100px (1.77m)
2*atan(100/(553/tan(22.6582278/2 deg))) 4.1497604 deg
or about
24.428 meters
explosion radius=24.428-1.9343
ER=22.4937 meters
nuke formula is
r_thermal = Y^0.41 * constant_th
r_blast = Y^0.33 * constant_bl
5000 tons = 476m R air blast, 100% fatalities
E=0.00009620414 x 5000
E=0.4810207 tons of tnt

Katsura bomb yeild=0.4810207 tons tnt
so building level random explosives
5.Kagura throwns a car away
this one i'm doing because is like easy as fuck and i wanted to show a kagura dc feat and this gives gintama humans something:catwave
Car is running and kagura sweeps it anyway
average weight of a car is like 3k pounds=1360.777kg
let's say he was running at 80km/h=22.23m/s
She needed to macth the car ke
KE= 1360.777 x 22^2 x 0.5
KE=329308.034 joules
Kaguya casual dc/fooder dura=329.308 kilojoules
so wall level dura for fooders


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