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Calc Final Fantasy IX Feat Collection Part 2


Soul Cage's Magical Power

Soul Cage dies, the power it wielded to keep the Mist Continent full of Mist is dispelled and the Mist leaves the continent at a rapid pace in it's absence.

Ergo, it's magical power causes the Mist to leave.



So, welcome to the hollowed out dimensional core of Gaia, that houses Terra. We get a view of the whole space when Zidane and company enter Terra for the first time. I can use the Radius of Terra to derive the diameter of the Iifa Tree Root.

I'd love to use this scan to scale shit more directly, but I can't given the internal consistency between Gaia and Terra is kind of fucked using it.

Can use it to note that the size of the root extending to the Core is roughly the same as the one seen on the Surface of Gaia though.


Image 1

Gaia = 282 pixels
Terra = 255 pixels

Terra/Gaia = 0.904

Gaia = 12,742,000 meters
Terra = 11,518,768 meters

Image 2

Terra Radius = 790 pixels
Iifa Tree Diameter = 7 pixels

Iifa Tree Diameter/Terra Radius = 0.009

Terra Radius = 5,759,384 meters
Iifa Tree Diameter = 51,834.456 meters


Iifa Tree Diameter = 48 pixels
Root Radius = 565 pixels

Root Radius/Iifa Tree Diameter = 11.771

Root Radius = 610,143.382 meters
Root Diameter = 1,220,286.764 meters


Root Diameter = 35 pixels
Mist Continent Length = 556 pixels
Mist Continent Width = 493 pixels

Mist Continent Length = 15.886
Mist Continent Width = 14.086

Mist Continent Length = 19,385,475.533 meters
Mist Continent Width = 17,188,959,358 meters

I doubt it was on purpose, but the map scaled fully off the root comes within rounding error distance of what Gaia's circumference should be. Neat little bit of internal consistency at any rate.

Surface Area = LW/2

L = Mist Continent Length
W = Mist Continent Width

Why half? Because about half that surface area appears to be water.

Mist Continent Surface Area = 166,608,075,536,120.2 m^2

Any rate?

How tall is the Mist?

Should at least be as tall as the Tree Trunk of Cleyra given that was entirely submerged beneath the Mist.

From the previous post?

Cleyra Trunk Bottom Height = 9,197.885 meters
Cleyra Trunk Top Height = 10,997.949 meters

Add them for...

Cleyra Trunk Total Height = 20,195,834 meters

Cleyra Trunk Total Height = Mist Height

Multiply the Surface Area by Cleyra Trunk Total Height for...

Mist Volume = 3,364,789,036,586,945,000 m^3

Fog Density = 0.0005 kg/m^3 (here; the Mist is genrally pretty thick so eh)

Mist Mass = 1,682,394,518,293,472 kilograms

Root Radius = 610,143.382 meters

How fast did the Mist disperse exactly?

Time Frame = 10.46 seconds (here and here)

Mist Dispersion Speed = 58,331.107 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Mist Mass
v = Mist Dispersion Speed

Soul Cage's Magical Power = 2,862,188,852,680,105,000,000,000 joules or 684.08 teratons


Bahamut's Mega Flare


After all, while the Flares were fired well into the Rooted area, having crossed non-rooted parts of the Outer Continent to reach them.

Root Diameter = 35 pixels
Outer Continent Strip = 19 pixels
Mist Continent Strip = 28 pixels

Outer Continent Strip/Root Diameter = 0.543
Mist Continent Strip/Root Diameter = 0.8

Root Diameter = 1,220,286.764 meters (derived above)
Outer Continent Strip = 662,615.713 meters
Mist Continent Strip = 976,229.411 meters (I'll need this later)


Continent Strip = 509 pixels
Megaflare Travel = 1249 pixels
Megaflare Radius = 680 pixels
Debris Diameter = 79 pixels

Megaflare Travel/Continent Strip = 2.454
Megaflare Radius/Continent Strip = 1.336
Debris Diameter/Continent Strip = 0.155

Mega Flare Travel = 1,626,058.96 meters

Time Frame = 1.73 seconds (here and here)

Bahamut's Mega Flare Speed = 939,918 m/s or mach 2,762.109

Hard to really say, I low balled the time frame because while I have the reflections in the water to work with, they kind of blend together.

Mega Flare Radius = 885,254.593 meters

Surface Area = 4PIr^2

r = Mega Flare Radius

Mega Flare Surface Area = 9,842,966,722,010.601 m^2

Time Frame = 4 seconds (here and here)

Debris Expansion Speed = 221,313.648 m/s

Circumference = 2PIr

r = Mega Flare Radius

Mega Flare Circumference = 5,559,398.844 meters

Debris Diameter = 102,705.436 meters

Surface Area = LW

L = Mega Flare Circumference
W = Debris Diameter

Debris Surface Area = 142,745,120,542.729 m^2

Mega Flare/Debris = 68.955

Volume = PIr1r2*H

r1 = Debris Diameter/2
r2 = Debris Diameter/4
H = Mega Flare Circumference

Debris Volume = 1,158,025,415,636,596 m^3

Air Density = 1.225 kg/m^3

Debris Mass = 1,418,581,134,154,830 kilograms

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Debris Mass
v = Debris Expansion Speed

Debris KE = 34,740,861,028,095,670,000,000,000 joules

Now multiply by the Mega Flare/Debris ratio

Bahamut's Mega Flare Yield = 2,395,556,072,192,337,000,000,000,000 joules or 572.552 petatons

Again, scales to better, roughly 1/4th of Alexander given his parity to Kuja.

Also mostly evident from not having been immediately wrecked by Divine Judgment, which took the full payload to defeat it while the initial numerous impacts were endured

Alexandrian Airship Bomb Artillery Power and Speed

Which is kind of important to the beginning of the game, as we know literally everyone kind of no sold the Bomb that Queen Brahne shot as the Tantalus.


Lindblum, how large we talking?

Here and Here, it used to take an hour to travel between districts by Chocobo. Here and Here, we know Chocobo can run 35 km/hr. The 20 mi/hr is a shitty translation that's all.

Dissidia Museum Chocobo Entry ChatGPT Translation and Raw Text said:
translate from Japanese to English with proper grammar and context


"The running speed is 35 kilometers per hour. Because it can surprisingly reach such speeds, in some parts of the world, a Chocobo license might be required."

Any rate?


Thank you concept art? Thank you concept art. Helps you have the Aircab Stations specifically highlighted too.

1 Hour Travel = 35,000 meters = 398 pixels
Gate = 140 pixels

Gate/35,000 meters = 0.352

Gate = 12,285 meters


Gate = 40 pixels
Airship Port = 38 pixels
Tower = 102 pixels

Airship Port = 0.95
Tower/Gate = 2.55

Airship Port = 11,670.75 meters
Tower = 31,326.75 meters (will need later)


Airship Port = 423 pixels
Destruction Diameter = 75 pixels (seems about right given how it looks here later on)
Debris Thickness = 15 pixels
Debris Distance = 101 pixels

Destruction Diameter/Airship Port = 0.177
Debris Thickness/Airship Port = 0.035
Debris Distance/Airship Port = 0.239

Destruction Diameter = 2,065.723 meters
Debris Thickness = 408.476 meters

Volume = PIr^2*H

r = Destruction Diameter/2
H = Debris Thickness

Destruction Volume = 1,368,296,989.551 m^3

Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3

Destruction Mass = 3,694,401,871,787.701 kilgrams

Debris Distance = 2,789.309 meters

Time Frame = 0.2 Seconds (here and here)

Debris Speed = 13,946.545 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Debris Mass
v = Debris Speed

Alexandrian Airship Bomb Artillery Yield = 359,291,882,166,751,800,000 joules or 85.873 gigatons

You can also get a speed for the projectiles reaching Lindblum given Brahne randomly has her fleet sitting in the Ocean instead? I guess they're not Airships?

Mist Continent Strip = 976,229.411 meters (derived with the Iifa Tree stuff earlier)

Time Frame = 6.66 seconds (here and here)

Alexandrian Airship Bomb Artillery Speed = 146,581 m/s or mach 430.753

Speaks volumes about how durable the ships are tbh given shit like the Tantalus Airship mostly endures this shit exploding intact.

Doesn't stop Bahamut from ruining Brahne's day though.

Atomos' G-Force 199

Any rate?


Tower = 93 pixels
Destruction Depth = 64 pixels

Destruction Depth/Tower = 0.688

Tower = 31,326.75 meters (derived above)
Destruction Depth = 21,552.804 meters


Tower = 108 pixels
Destruction Diameter = 98 pixels
Destruction Height = 144 pixels

Destruction Diameter/Tower = 0.907
Destruction Height/Tower = 1.333

Destruction Diameter = 28,413.362 meters
Destruction Height = 41,758.558 meters

Volume = 0.2((PIr1r2*H)/2)

r1 = Destruction Diameter/2
r2 = Destruction Depth
H = Destruction Height

Destruction Volume = 4,014,870,574,082.927 m^3

Rock Density = 2,700 kg/m^3

Destruction Mass = 10,840,150,550,023,900 kilograms


Tower = 420 pixels
Debris Distance = 80 pixels

Debris Distance/Tower = 0.19

Debris Distance = 5,952.083 meters

Time Frame = 0.6 seconds (here and here)

Debris Speed = 9,920.138 m/s

KE = 0.5mv^2

m = Destruction Mass
v = Debris Speed

Atomos' G-Force 199 Yield = 533,384,935,378,653,000,000,000 joules or 127.482 teratons

Again, scales to Ifrit, but neat.

Garland Moves and Fuses Terra and Gaia

Final Fantasy IX Ultimania Translations here

Relevant page here

Final Fantasy IX Ultimania said:
A world with a highly advanced magical civilization. Terra?s people made use of the ultimate magical art, Fusion, in order to attain eternal life. In modern times, Garland watches over the people of Terra until the Fusion process ends and the day comes that they awaken once more.
Final Fantasy IX Ultimania said:
Fusion is cast when the crystal of the world of Terra?s people becomes old. They seek out young planets whose cores have not yet grown through receiving the experiences of living things, assimilating the pure crystals of such young worlds and circulating the power of souls through each person of Terra to finish the process ? this is Fusion.
Final Fantasy IX Ultimania said:
The fusion of Gaia and Terra
Unable to find a young planet with a pure crystal, Garland was driven to the limit and had no choice but to select the young planet Gaia for Fusion. [See Figure 1]

However, Gaia?s crystal was not pure and rejected the process; Gaia?s entire civilization was destroyed in the subsequent cataclysm, and the surface of the world was left in ruin.

The effect of the incomplete Fusion on living creatures and nature was the production of many sub-races, as well as several structures from Terra shifting to the surface of Gaia; as for Terra itself, it was shifted inside of Gaia. Also, because of the incomplete Fusion, Terra?s moon remained and adjusted to Gaia?s original, giving Gaia two moons. (Note: The locations from Terra that ended up on Gaia are Gulug Volcano, the Desert Palace, Ipsen?s Castle, Oeilvert, and, of course, the Iifa Tree.)

The moons receive their crystals? radiance, which is why Gaia?s moon is blue and Terra?s moon is dyed red. Also, in the sea near Esto Gaza is ?the Shimmering Island,? the ?interval of both dimensions (Gaia and Terra),? where the radiance of the crystals emanates (for more details on the moons, refer to P.43, ?The relationship between the moons and the radiance of the crystals?).

In order to facilitate the recovery of the ruined environment, Garland transplanted Terra?s magical tree Iifa to Gaia. This incident was 5000 years ago.

Figure 1

[Figure 1] Picture from development (Illustration: Hideo Minaba)
Gaia World
?The Shimmering Island (portal entrance) [top arrow]
?Gaia's moon
?Overlap of both worlds
?Gaia's crystal [bottom arrow]

The Iifa Tree [the ?bridge? in the middle of the diagram]

Terra World
?Overlap of both worlds
?The Shimmering Island (portal exit) [top arrow]
?Terra's moon
?Terra's crystal [bottom arrow]

So, summary?

Fusion is the Ultimate magic wielded by the Terran's. Garland is the one who oversees and casts it when they need to fuse worlds and renew their dying and aging one. The process goes on without a hitch barring the chance that the crystal of the planet Garland wants to fuse with Terra has already accumulated experience (a pure crystal has none).
Any rate?

The hologram is a historical documentation of the Fusion process (be it between Gaia and Terra or one of the many other previous Fusions Terra has undergone), much like everything else in the Oeilvert.


Its showing the event in real time.

How can I suggest that for sure?

The holographic model previously showcased sped up animation of the planet rotating while the moon revolved around it. Being a historical documentation of the Fusion process, both planets would have possessed a noticeable rotation around each planet's axis were the Fusion process actually shown to be sped up.

You can argue the scene that plays out in Memoria, being the memory of the event is the one actually in real time, but there's a few problems with that.

Namely the fact that the scenes we view in Memoria never advance (in the case of Gaia/Terra Fusion) or behave in the manner they did in the game proper (and we're treated to events we'd already been shown in game proper like the destruction of Alexandria and Madain Sari). At best, Memoria just codifies all of the memories in snap shots of the events as opposed to giving us a real time play back of how they occurred in full or at all.

So, that said, on with the calc.

Gaia = 12,742,000 meters
Terra = 11,518,768 meters (Derived Above)

Gaia Mass = 5.973 * 10^24 kilograms

Terra Mass = 4.875 * 10^24 kilograms

Combined Planet Mass = 1.0849 * 10^25 kilograms


Gaia = 298 pixels
Travel Distance = 146 pixels

Travel Distance/Gaia = 0.49

Travel Distance = 6,243,580 meters

Time Frame = 1 second (here and here)

Planet Movement Speed = 6,243,580 m/s

Garland's Fusion of Terra and Gaia Yield = 211,439,947,557,753,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 joules or 50.535 ninatons or 50,535 yottatons

Nothing new, just some rounding error and image quality.

Doesn't hurt to remember that this trickles to Alexander, which leads it to trickling on over to Bahamut on account that Bahamut did moderately endure Alexander's Divine Judgment for a while until he was hit by the entirety of its payload.

Alexander neutralizing Mega Flare is about the best physical feat in FFIX barring the defeat of the Ark itself btw

Zidane Tribal vs Iifa Tree Roots

So, by all accounts, it looks like the Root crosses roughly half the distance between the Iifa Tree's center and to Zidane's spot.


Root Radius = 610,143.382 meters (derived above)

Half that being?

Distance Root Traveled = 305,071.691 meters
Time Frame = 3.03 seconds (here and here)
Zidane outpaces the roots, thus...
Zidane Tribal's Speed = 100,684 m/s or mach 295.877

Final Tally

Soul Cage's Magical Power = 684.08 teratons

Bahamut's Mega Flare Speed = 939,918 m/s

Bahamut's Mega Flare Yield = 572.552 petatons

Alexandrian Airship Bomb Artillery Speed = 146,581 m/s

Alexandrian Airship Bomb Artillery Yield = 85.873 gigatons

Atomos' G-Force 199 Yield = 127.482 teratons

Garland's Fusion of Terra and Gaia Yield = 50.535 ninatons or 50,535 yottatons

Zidane Tribal's Speed = 100,684 m/s
About author
I do high school physics for stupid shit because I find it fun for some ridiculous reason.

I'm neither a physicist or engineer. I study psychology.

Before taking me at my word, think for yourself and don't just appeal to the shit I'm posting without evaluating it yourself. That should go without saying. I'm not an expert, do not treat me like one.


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