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Game Unranked Archived Fairy Tail Mafia - The Dawn of Fiore [Main Game Thread] (Game Ended - Zeref Dragneel and Acnologia have won the game)

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The reasoning behind questioning Ratchet is acceptable enough given it could easily be seen as piggybacking off of Magic, but I have a problem with the way you immediately seemed to have a massive problem with an early town read on two players. You are correct that I am absolutely implying the possibility that you have an agenda, as it’s extremely easy to discredit reads with a half ass angle and try to stop any potential Town pool.
Like I said earlier. Of course I have an agenda, get rid of potential scum or hostile indies and any other non-town aligned players. Players giving out too many town reads just off initial vibes can be a crippling tactic since the game's foundation is based around trust, perception, and otherwise any kind of angle that can get a possible scum player in a position of authority or town credibility to lead or help influence mislynches. I have no problem with you realizing that my agenda here is to be extremely suspicious about easy town reads from someone to multiple people.
As far as I’m aware, any reads given by someone whether Town or Scum should be taken with an extreme grain of salt at this early of a stage in the game.
That should go without saying even to anybody on said lists, like myself. You say their argument was weak but it’s not as if there would be a massive amount of explanation to give in the first place.
Yes, could've just condensed this into "its day 1 so shit can happen any which way." But yes.
An initial read is a read, and they gave their reasoning. Also likewise to your wording, because if Magic has an angle to giving those early reads what exactly is it? To try and clear his potential scummates, which in this case would be me and poison? To give names just to name them?

Also, not sure how much relevance another game has, since like you said we never played prior to that?
I doubt if Magic was scum he would very easily be that blatant about giving early focus or pushing the spotlight on you and Poison just right out the gates when the game started. But I also have no idea what his level of skill as a mafia player in general is so I have to take it with a grain of salt and distrust still. There have been plenty of games where we have had strong town players misread a wolf whose lead or used fake cop results, behavioral tells and what not to lead town to lose. So understandably if you are a new player to me, I'm going to have less to work off past experience (read: zero) from you in our first game and be more distrustful in the early stages of the game.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
? what do you think about the Sword wagon btw?
Tbh I'm indifferent to it so far. I don't really know why he should remain a wagon, though. Dude went to sleep and won't respond to anything, so we can do sth else until he comes back as well. We should try getting everyone to talk this day phase.


@Magic @Juliet @Hans Tweetenberg what are y'all's reads so far?

town reads: poison/hayumi(poison stronger than hayumi, i like her re-entrance into the game and that she didn't need to be pinged to start producing even though it was after the initial 3 hour time frame she gave us for when she was going to start playing. overall good progressions).

town lean: aurelian(for being openly combative with two of the most vocal players early on). it could be somewhat teammate equity with tsword if tsword is to flip scum, but just taking such an opposing stance still felt relatively good to me. i didn't like that the stance was essentially against early town reads tho).

juliet was another town lean. admittedly i forgot why, but i did like her early game content.

i also thought that tpein observation about myself/kobe was a good one that he had mistaken me for the other player that used to go by magic(raem) and that it's unlikely we would have teammate potential because of it as he would have found out that i'm not that magic.

tweet generally had all the same observations and insights and even questions i did. this read would be stronger, but all of his commentary came after mine and while it still can obviously be independent id rather just keep an eye out for how he plays as it goes along. he also remained on the fence in regards to me, but i can't really blame him for that as i assume most familar with me would.

ratchet is null. he's posted a lot and made good input, but nothing he's done seems out of his town range so far.

tsword: slight scum read. as i pointed out earlier, he was completely aware that he was being reaction tested. that shows good awareness. he didn't bite. then he voted for dragon immediately afterwards because dragon said he was a weak slot. that was quite a scummy move in my eyes because despite showing keen awareness of the reaction test he went straight into a sloppy vote. it's a sloppy vote as plenty of pages had past and yet it's a fluff vote, not based in the game or content but just a vote out of pettiness/spite for being called a weak slot. it's blatantly avoiding being involved in any real content. he could have voted someone that he thought was suss going after him or suss for defending him, anything really. he just didn't.

One Last Username

I lowkey have a role related reason for why votes on me annoy me because my role basically punishes that.

I don’t believe you:
DO NOT flavor claim or hint or claim ability names or anything that may make the players guess which character you are. This game can easily be solved via flavor claiming or hinting, thus they will not be tolerated. Take this as your first and only warning.


Tbh I'm indifferent to it so far. I don't really know why he should remain a wagon, though. Dude went to sleep and won't respond to anything, so we can do sth else until he comes back as well. We should try getting everyone to talk this day phase.

he went to sleep roughly 12 hours ago lol. i doubt he's still sleeping. additionally, how realistic is it that we drop the wagon and it re-establishes after being dropped.

also you're absolutely free to start your wagon and rally the crowd to it. it's not like we need to stop one wagon to start another! do you have any scum leans or reads?


ratchet is null. he's posted a lot and made good input, but nothing he's done seems out of his town range so far.
Have we played together before? Assuming by "town range" you mean "scum range" (as otherwise the behaviour you've described is rather pro-town in general).


Have we played together before? Assuming by "town range" you mean "scum range" (as otherwise the behaviour you've described is rather pro-town in general).

we have not. it's an inference of your town range by the way you've posted this game/generally in the discord/what people have said about you so far.


King of Conquerors
Day 1 Start - Fairy Tail!


“When we're all alone, it might be too frightening to bear... but we're all right beside each other. We've got our friends close by! Now, there's nothing to fear! Because we're not alone!!"


Day 1 has started!

You have at least 1 day 19 hours to discuss and decide lynch.
[Vote End Day]
is disabled on day 1.

Day 1 ends in - Countdown

If an extension is necessary for the missed time, it will be provided.

Character Name

"character quote"

[Character Image]

Congratulations, you are Character Name, Fiore Aligned!

[S Class Active - Ability 1] - Once per night, you can target a player and motion track them, learning if they performed any action that night but NOT the type of the action nor its target.

At SS Class you will additionally learn the targets of the actions. At 10-Year Class, you will additionally learn the nature of the actions performed (protective, destructive, manipulative etc..).

[100-Year Class Active - Ultimate - Ability 2] - Once in the game, at night, you may activate this ability to use [Ability 1] on 2 players that night. This is an activated passive. [1-shot].

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to Fiore.​



No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
he went to sleep roughly 12 hours ago lol. i doubt he's still sleeping. additionally, how realistic is it that we drop the wagon and it re-establishes after being dropped.

also you're absolutely free to start your wagon and rally the crowd to it. it's not like we need to stop one wagon to start another! do you have any scum leans or reads?
None so far!

Would like some votes on Prof, though, pls, thx.

Tbh I have a hard time getting scum reads early game. I'm better at finding Town than scum. So I'm focusing on that rather than finding scum.


we have not. it's an inference of your town range by the way you've posted this game/generally in the discord/what people have said about you so far.
Can you elaborate? If I'm not mistaken on your wording, it would seem that you're looking for things you *wouldn't* expect me to say as Town - is this correct?


None so far!

Would like some votes on Prof, though, pls, thx.

Tbh I have a hard time getting scum reads early game. I'm better at finding Town than scum. So I'm focusing on that rather than finding scum.

fair enough! and who do you have as town? i know you said some earlier, but a list is always easier to remember with.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
fair enough! and who do you have as town? i know you said some earlier, but a list is always easier to remember with.
So far you, Juliet and Tweet. You also seem to agree on the latter two, so this can be my Town core for now.
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