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OBD Convo #36: The Orca Scrolls Academia

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V.I.P. Member
I got Sayafushi and had to look it up


Not bad, but keeping the sword when I’m not using it is going to be a bitch since it’s so sharp to even put a sheath on


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member


I got Aizen’s as my Zanpakuto power 😳

Had no idea what the fuck this was, so looked it up.

It glows when it's released from its sheathe. Ability: Unknown

Uhh... Well, it will make for a good glowstick, I guess...? :jordangif

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Good morning


Well I got a great explosive. Hope this doesn't include white though.

I don't have nearly enough willpower to fight him.
Well considering that Hollow Ichigo IS Zangetsu, specifically the manifestation of Ichigo's Soul Reaper powers and therefore his Zanpaktou, I think you're shit out of luck. :mjpls

I mean if you don't try to deny him like Ichigo did, you MIGHT be fine, otherwise you'd be pretty fucked.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
that makes chars like thor and tyr over 7'5 feet compared to current kratos

baldur is like 5'11/6 feet, odin is at that level too, heimdall is 5'10/5'11 feet, yeah

what that

tells us

is, most of the norse pantheon are average in height, with few exceptions, meanwhile, greek pantheon were, at least most of them, taller than a 7'5 feet kratos, lmao

another L for norse land


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
In addition to his costume design, Kratos is noticeable thanks to his height. Thanks to a god of war III special feature, fans now know that Kratos is approximately 7'8'' tall, a staggering height for the spartan warrior.

When developers crafted the bearded-brute version of Kratos for 2018's god of war, they shrunk the spartan by a considerable amount, bringing his overall height down from 7'8 to around 6'5''. Game designers claim that this was done to make Kratos a more "relatable figure" as it pertains to humans. While it does seem like a pretty big reduction in size, it does to help make the ghost of sparta a much more believable character and it certainly makes his feats against some of the towering gods of Greecian and Norse mythology even more impressive.

wow, i downplayed him, prime kratos was actually 7'8 feet levels :mjlol


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
wow, i downplayed him, prime kratos was actually 7'8 feet levels :mjlol
Reminder, that prime Kratos, who would be taller than Thor, who is only 7'4, was a midget standing next to Herakles(Hercules). The greatest Greek Demi-God would've made fat-boy Thor look laughably puny too. Both in height, and in real gains, because Herakles actually knows where the gym is, and uses it effectively.:heston


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
even if you make him 7'5 feet (low-end), herc was like twice as tall as him, def over 8'5 feet :mjlol

then you have the titans, ares, prime zeus, hades, poseidon, etc, lmao


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
officially confirmed that the weather in greece > norse, and can make you far taller/ripped :heston
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