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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
so piecing my 2 brain cells together, i've came with this budget PoE: rugrat, lethal, and one of cp/ultra, and maybe tpein

tpein flips town we look at BPD
lethal flips town we look at evans

who else is alive? thats everyone?
im null on tweet havnet read anything from him, TR on fuji ratchet flower
i dont have a strong lean on balsamic eitherway but agree that her response to having a wagon isnt the same as last time, also tracker is usually self resolving etc so down to give her a chance to do something with it. she's already specified the shots count so no wiggle room either


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
oh an alco, he also kinda sus

and if ultra flip scum and cp town then may need a more extensive look at balsamic


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
ratchet one thing i dont like about u today is u throwing a PoE of like 8+ names

im sure u can narrow this further, atleast to the 5 most priority


Leprous Monarch
better today

im interested in how CP reads ultra and where is CP's head today
I don't feel good about Ultra's d1 play despite the scum flip. He seemed to think Psychic was totally obvious scum right off the bat which I just didn't gather, her first MQ post seemed fine to me and then the other thing was her reacting but not posting which is something I've called her out for before and she's been town. but the way he immediately went to "wow it's so weird cp hasn't mentioned her" so fast like he was already dead certain she was scum even though IMO her play was within her town range still at that point and trying to paint me as looking bad in relation to her did sus me out. feels like a pre-flip in retrospect, and also like he wanted to put me on the back heel from the get go. it definitely worked if that was the plan as I feel like I've spent what little time I've had to play so far just defending myself


ratchet one thing i dont like about u today is u throwing a PoE of like 8+ names

im sure u can narrow this further, atleast to the 5 most priority
I literally did this already. I posted a larger list, put an asterisk next to some names to specify the main ones I'm scumreading, and then have worked to shrink it down since then.

For the record it's only a PoE in the literal sense, as in I have decent reasons to townread everyone else.


Evans is kinda scummy in the sense that he's actually forming reads, questioning players, and having sane takes that show some level of understanding of the game state instead of death tunneling Ekko/Pein from the word go



I don't feel good about Ultra's d1 play despite the scum flip. He seemed to think Psychic was totally obvious scum right off the bat which I just didn't gather, her first MQ post seemed fine to me and then the other thing was her reacting but not posting which is something I've called her out for before and she's been town. but the way he immediately went to "wow it's so weird cp hasn't mentioned her" so fast like he was already dead certain she was scum even though IMO her play was within her town range still at that point and trying to paint me as looking bad in relation to her did sus me out. feels like a pre-flip in retrospect, and also like he wanted to put me on the back heel from the get go. it definitely worked if that was the plan as I feel like I've spent what little time I've had to play so far just defending myself

Dislike how you're suggesting my play has had a causal influence on yours. Feels like you're aware you're not quite playing up to par and pointing the finger at me. Where's the bite? Feel like you'd be calling me a mental patient at this point as town.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I don't feel good about Ultra's d1 play despite the scum flip. He seemed to think Psychic was totally obvious scum right off the bat which I just didn't gather, her first MQ post seemed fine to me and then the other thing was her reacting but not posting which is something I've called her out for before and she's been town. but the way he immediately went to "wow it's so weird cp hasn't mentioned her" so fast like he was already dead certain she was scum even though IMO her play was within her town range still at that point and trying to paint me as looking bad in relation to her did sus me out. feels like a pre-flip in retrospect, and also like he wanted to put me on the back heel from the get go. it definitely worked if that was the plan as I feel like I've spent what little time I've had to play so far just defending myself
who u have as potential teammates of his as of now? if hes scum we need ur voice to be louder hes taking control of the game


Leprous Monarch
the "this was my lynch and we will do whatever I want to do d2" feels hammed up to me too tbh, I don't agree that it's some hallmark town Ultra post lol, if he was scum and felt like psychic was making herself dead weight and was going to catch heat from ratchet then I could see him wanting to get as much credit as possible and puff his chest as much as possible so he can control the rest of the game after going down 1 scummate

Hans Tweetenberg


Your reason is "I want CP more"

I'm asking you to elaborate on why you 180'd on him, thanks.
You mean from yesterday to today? If so, I haven't 180d at all, I just really liked the points people made regarding BV. I'm kinda on the fence regarding CP rn because yeah his play around Psychic is ass but it's in fact so ass that I can't help but think he'd try to look better off her flip if they were actually teammates. The only thing he really did was debunk the 50% random chance thing.


Lonely at the top
1. Lethal Ron Weasley
2. Flower Bellatrix Lestrange

3. Vinegar Dracos Mom
4. Melkor House Elf of House Slytherin

5. Ultra Lucius Malfoy
6. CraigPelton Salazar Slytherin
7. Whicker o7

8. Tpein Harry Potter
9. Tweet Draco Malfoy
11. RDK Horrace Slughorn

12. Miraculum Arthur Weasley
13. Alco Rons Mom

14. Evans Dolores Umbridge

15. Ekko Dracos Henchman
16. BPD Severus Snape
17. Hime Hermione Granger
18. Ratchet Merlin

19. Kurumi Wormtail
20. Fuji Tom Riddle
21. Dalton Albus Dumbledore

I solved the game thank me later!



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
the "this was my lynch and we will do whatever I want to do d2" feels hammed up to me too tbh, I don't agree that it's some hallmark town Ultra post lol, if he was scum and felt like psychic was making herself dead weight and was going to catch heat from ratchet then I could see him wanting to get as much credit as possible and puff his chest as much as possible so he can control the rest of the game after going down 1 scummate
thats fine, in that instance who wud u think the team is? also a serial can ruin all of this credit lol


You mean from yesterday to today? If so, I haven't 180d at all, I just really liked the points people made regarding BV. I'm kinda on the fence regarding CP rn because yeah his play around Psychic is ass but it's in fact so ass that I can't help but think he'd try to look better off her flip if they were actually teammates. The only thing he really did was debunk the 50% random chance thing.

Sorry, when I'm saying 180 - you spent a decent portion of early yesterday questioning my case on CP. You voted him during Psychic's claim with no elaboration, I'd like to hear your thought process because you didn't give one.

The X

so piecing my 2 brain cells together, i've came with this budget PoE: rugrat, lethal, and one of cp/ultra, and maybe tpein

tpein flips town we look at BPD
lethal flips town we look at evans

who else is alive? thats everyone?
im null on tweet havnet read anything from him, TR on fuji ratchet flower
i dont have a strong lean on balsamic eitherway but agree that her response to having a wagon isnt the same as last time, also tracker is usually self resolving etc so down to give her a chance to do something with it. she's already specified the shots count so no wiggle room either
Why the fuck would you look at me if Tpein flips town when I'm literally saying he's most likely town with my info
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