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OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

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If we are showing off dogs, might as well show off my brother's dog


Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
>Some niggas on Twitter

"Sonic wouldn't be able to beat people like Omniman or Homelander, they're too strong."

Screw Sonic bro I can't think of a lot of characters I like who don't beat those two. Especially fucking Homelander :skully . Isn't that dude like wall or city block lvl at best :mjlol?
Yes comic homelander aint it shit


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
>game devs are worried that baldurs gate 3 is gonna make people think they are being lazy with their games

how can one game make an entire job sector seethe this much
As if Baldur's Gate 3 is needed for that :tupac


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
>game devs are worried that baldurs gate 3 is gonna make people think they are being lazy with their games

how can one game make an entire job sector seethe this much
If they're worried, it's because, for most of them, that is the case. They are being lazy, and pretty much just coasting for that paycheck, while pretending they're giving it their all, when they're not. BG3 is just the latest game to expose how trash they truly are. :heston


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2

best collection for this version of megatron, idk wat else says, this version of megatron is top tier levels, amazing va, quite smart, tricky, very strong on his own when he fights seriously (mean, even prime couldnt handle him at the final fights) and adapts overall fast = pmuch what most shonen villains try to be and fail

TrueG 37

told ya its continental+, imagine, without lol numbers

so yeah, i obd calc without pixels and numbers, just sheer exp :mjlol
Some dude somehow tried to argue that the meteor there equates to Ichigo being planet lvl because he's stronger. God only knows what that correlation was supposed to be :bookerpls .
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