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OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

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Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Yeah okay fuck off calling pit bulls a shit breed

It is literally not the breeds fault humans turn it into a blood sport animal, pit bulls have been helper dogs so it's not the fucking breed's fault


Man of Atom
Regardless of what the cause is. Pitbulls reputation as good dog breeds have been absolutely clapped by the sheer amount of maulings that happen. Regardless of how well trained they are, the stigma is gonna stick with them for all time


Man of Atom

Like fuck me they make up 2/3rds of all fatal dog attacks in the US over a 13 year period.

That shit isn't something people are ever gonna just get over or forget. Which fucking sucks for the dog
Yeah okay fuck off calling pit bulls a shit breed

It is literally not the breeds fault humans turn it into a blood sport animal, pit bulls have been helper dogs so it's not the fucking breed's fault

I'm gonna be 100%...
I actually agree with you. The big problem with dogs is always their owners, it's never the dogs themselves.
People love to say that "It's the breed itself" but that's not even true remotely as I have seen people domesticate Huskies and Wolves, people can work with pitbulls, it's just the fact that owners are absolutely fucking awful at doing so.

The issue is that most people train their dogs to be attack/guard dogs... and never get them to turn OFF and thus, you will end up with dogs that will attack anything and everything and damn the consequences.
I already fear a couple that I live not that far off have a pair of baby pitbulls that just go after any and everyone(though they don't bite, they just run at you) if the owners aren't careful that they may become big ass pitbulls and lead to people getting badly mauled because they aren't training them right.

That shit is far more important than the breed itself being a danger.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
Meanwhile people fucked over an entire breed for beauty contests/vanity points but no one says anything about that


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Meanwhile people fucked over an entire breed for beauty contests/vanity points but no one says anything about that
I've seen the 'dolling' up that certain dog owners did for their chihuahuas and so forth, and it gives off the same vibes as those mothers(and some fathers) who 'doll' up their daughters for those child beauty pageants, and almost always give off this seriously off-putting vibe at best. At worst, the instant they open their mouth, you can tell they're an abuser. :wow


V.I.P. Member
Most dogs aren't going to harass a fucking horse and get kicked several times in the face and yet continue to go after it.

If you have to train a dog not to do this, maybe it's just a shit breed?

As someone who literally worked as a cop for a racing company I can tell you you're dead fucking wrong. It's why you won't see barns and stables using guard dogs


Man of Atom
God you guys are reminding me of this video I had of this dudes dog getting attacked and he runs outside, picks up the other dog and powerbombs into the pavement before laying out the meanest hammer fists I've seen

Shit was crazy


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
:eksip You know I got a cousin with a Pitbull first thing I ask when I went to his place is does the Pitbull can still bite. He answered it got jaw surgery.

Like dude trained or not I'm not trusting a Pitbull probably most people too.

Even good owners can have accidents with a Pitbull.


V.I.P. Member
Yeah cause pit bulls are raised that way by bad owners

They're one of the least aggressive breeds naturally
Key words. Naturally.

Unfortunately, things like decades of inbreeding by idiots wanting attack dogs or for dogfighting (since Pit Bulls are common dogs with an incredible bite force making them a popular choice) leads to a breed today that you can raise perfectly well and still have it randomly turn on you and some other poor schmuck one day because there’s something wrong with it mentally.


V.I.P. Member
I’ll stick to my Yorkies and Brussels Griffon.

Only large dog breed I’d ever be interested in getting is another German Shepherd.

Darth Nihilus

V.I.P. Member
What anime is this from?

TrueG 37

>Some niggas on Twitter

"Sonic wouldn't be able to beat people like Omniman or Homelander, they're too strong."

Screw Sonic bro I can't think of a lot of characters I like who don't beat those two. Especially fucking Homelander :skully . Isn't that dude like wall or city block lvl at best :mjlol?
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