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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Leprous Monarch
Vote Magic.

I was about to do this lmao
Vote Magic.
I didn't like the line about Polar, simple as.

tbh I haven't read back on Polar at all. it was more about how magic phrased his post regarding him

Okay, maybe I'm tripping about Magic and I've got some reading to do still obviously. All im saying is the whole line explaining how Polar was apparently acting pinged me and after only 1 game I know how magic's brain ticks a *little* bit.

Is the line nessecarily incorrect? Possibly; unless you are psycho and have never experienced anxiety as town. I know players who are relieved to be scum and some of them are in this game rn.

So yeah my godread d1 thus far (and probably my only major read besides some townleans) is that Magic is sussy.
total nonsense to justify his "I was going to vote magic too!"
You didn't manage to say anything in this post, Frinckles

okay. im still voting magic.

I was expecting a back and forth with magic but he's kissing a mirror rn so fuck it I'll read early d1
God damnit magic.
just feels like I'm being meme'd on tbh
magic gives him nothing to work with and frinckles is frustrated
Anyway magic can be town today. Guess I just take issue with the "tunneled" thing, as if I wasn't onto his shit before and then he jedi mind tricked me out of it.
now magic is town after literally nothing happened that would've changed frinckles' read


Leprous Monarch
As for the "happy to watch counterwagon" part, this is what Flower was levying at me earlier. It's bad because it assumes that I am town's Dad or something, and that I don't let wagons play out and develop and let people play so I can evaluate that.

Also fairly confident Juice has been the lead wagon for the majority of the day regardless so

I'll be honest I've never seen your scum game but these lines make me Ultra sketched out about your slot.
I go hard at ultra and frinckles decides he has a reason to scum read ultra too
It's like you move meta around enough and then use colorful language to solidify control over the town.
nonsense explanation with no relationship with the post he quoted
what did that post have to do with meta

How many people have pushed that slot

my lucid thoughts are seeping into the thread
totally unable to explain himself


I go hard at ultra and frinckles decides he has a reason to scum read ultra too

nonsense explanation with no relationship with the post he quoted

totally unable to explain himself
I'm allowed to change my read on a slot. Particularly on one that I scumread -> townread and who flipped scum last game. You're reading me as frustrated correctly tho but not for that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also I was pretty drunk when I was pillow pushing ultra and wanted to make a pun.


Leprous Monarch
I'm allowed to change my read on a slot. Particularly on one that I scumread -> townread and who flipped scum last game. You're reading me as frustrated correctly tho but not for that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Also I was pretty drunk when I was pillow pushing ultra and wanted to make a pun.
who said you're not allowed to change your read? my point is that you can't EXPLAIN anything you're doing when asked.


total nonsense to justify his "I was going to vote magic too!"

magic gives him nothing to work with and frinckles is frustrated

now magic is town after literally nothing happened that would've changed frinckles' read
Didn't he do something similar last time I played with him.

I can kinda see that point tho.

Polar Bear

3rd man theory...check

Hard defending on day 1 ....check

Defending inactives.....check

Pushing hard on a Town day 1....check

Leaving out key facts to fit theories.. check

I got scum bingo on Aurelian. Lock scum at this point, only thing really missing is omgus (oh wait I think i got that as well 🤣)
Yeah I'm going back to this.

Vote Aurelian
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