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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Polar Bear

So ultra is hard town imo.

I refuse to believe he is scum with Orca, janitored the cop and faked results on Orca to clear them both. Now if he red lettered Orca, that's a different story


Magic vocalized a read on Polar early Day 1 that I felt was quite on point - Polar seemed genuinely unshackled by having rolled scum like 8 or so times in a way that felt genuine. Aside from that there's a lot of common ground positionally. Fairly confident in Frinckles scum and think he wouldn't bus this hard. Moved him down to lighter side of town as these aren't cast iron reasons.
Fair enough, I haven't seen much around how the Frinkles suspicion started. Different topic but I do have some notes on Hime that I want you to consider - I won't have time to pull them up directly but I want to point you to her reaction to finding she's a wagon late yesterday. I know your position there was she was leaning into it, but I think you're completely wrong on that.

Iyo, what is the likelihood of scum claiming a janitored role this early on?
Likely so long as they were forced into claiming today, but I'll note that with Frinkles being duelled I don't believe they'd burn the claim there. In regards to Ultra it's certainly possible, but there are a few elements working against that. Namely, his posting when he was close to being half majority betrayed obvious panic - if he has a cop claim in his pocket, but instead he appeals to a sense of urgency. To play devil's advocate, sure, Ultra could anticipate that he would need to display this sort of consideration for the game state as a cop, and thus fakes it, but there are a lot of extra layers there to it that I think would be impressive to completely fake.

I'll need to read over his posts carefully regarding Orca today, as in theory he should have hinted towards his investigation in some way.
Heyo Flower.


Is Chuck, Charlie? If so, I was on him in a previous game for using a duel as town based on what the entire group wanted vs what he actually believed. I told him in a duel you put up who you think is scum. As town duelist you have believe in your usage, if not its just scum oriented on the surface. I'm fully in on Frinckles as scum and he and everyone else was just wasting the day going in circles of nothing. Now we can off him and get some real discussion on others. How you can think it is a bullshit use I dont know that's just terrible logic @Chuck
Tbh, i remember there was town duelist in Ultra's game and i was sceptical about it. Who was it, i don't remember. It does make sense to go after someone if you're 100% they're scum though, imo
Well...they could be lying
Well duh, I'm just pointing out similarity. Like, scum hime wouldn't know town PR's have 2x usages for example.

Thoughts on these players from everyone
Lethal is pretty much inactive. Should appear before EoD so i hope to learn more.
Alco. Skimmed through his post and there's nothing I'd straight up disagree with, but overall i'd just say meh.
Flower i have as solid town.

I mean, he's not even here.
Not necessarily
Welp, nvm then.
What's happening, Japan?
How important is your role? If it’s not doctor, roleblocker or vig then go for it
Claiming not doctor, not roleblocker or not vig only narrows down pool of people who are doctor, roleblocker or vig though .-. And him not claiming to this would be saying he's doctor, roleblocker or vig .-.

I don't get that post. Either he's going to claim or not.
No. I was a town bomb who was trying to tell my vig read to not hit me. No idea what Orca's deal was though, or about the 24 hour dayphase.
Welp. Is it night only bomb? Or you can like, pick one person of your wagon too?
I still have a vote right?
You're still alive. I can't see why you wouldn't be able to vote.


Threshold of Armageddon
fuck it just claim rdk so ultra stops tunneling. I lean town on u but I’d prefer not to have this back and forth muddle the game any further than it already has


Fair enough, I haven't seen much around how the Frinkles suspicion started. Different topic but I do have some notes on Hime that I want you to consider - I won't have time to pull them up directly but I want to point you to her reaction to finding she's a wagon late yesterday. I know your position there was she was leaning into it, but I think you're completely wrong on that.

Likely so long as they were forced into claiming today, but I'll note that with Frinkles being duelled I don't believe they'd burn the claim there. In regards to Ultra it's certainly possible, but there are a few elements working against that. Namely, his posting when he was close to being half majority betrayed obvious panic - if he has a cop claim in his pocket, but instead he appeals to a sense of urgency. To play devil's advocate, sure, Ultra could anticipate that he would need to display this sort of consideration for the game state as a cop, and thus fakes it, but there are a lot of extra layers there to it that I think would be impressive to completely fake.

I'll need to read over his posts carefully regarding Orca today, as in theory he should have hinted towards his investigation in some way.

Heyo Flower.

Just fyi I'm not on board to lynch Hime anyway because she has potential to cover me and can get me to obtain a reliable result. Host confirmed Bus Drivers cover Strongmans and they have higher priority than blocks. So coordinating openly may be viable here.


Or we can lynch either Ultra or Hime, so all the debate between these two is finished
See it's posts like this that make me think you're scum - instead of directing attention towards the two because he feels like it needs to be settled, Nibel stays away from it and mealy mouths about it being a debate that could be finished. He seems to be very cautious and self-aware as to what his positions lend themselves to.
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