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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

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No, I disagree. As scum, he'd have to be aware of the fact he'd be excited as town, and would then try to make posts aimed explicitly at emulating that. It may sound easy to fake, , but there are quite a few layers there that need to be considered, and Polar does not strike me as a player that would even think about these things as scum. In the scum games I've seen him in, I've certainly never seen him display that level of thinking-ahead. I think it comes across exactly what it purports to be - a player happy he's rolled town.

He is more or less more the type to just sit back and allow TEAM MATES TO DO THE WORK FOR HIM and coast, if he's pressured to do any heavy lifting he doesn't even really bother with that

He's not like me - he doesn't really hyper analyze and consider what play to emulate that aligns with his town self
There was a post that Townpinged me that was similar to his normal townplay - throwing out names of slots he felt needed to provide more content because they lacked it

(The clap back is in jest, btw)

Dr. Watson

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Don't bother analyzing Frinckles posts after his duel lmao
It's not that

It's "what is the likelihood of Frinck and scum signing off on bussing one another as a last ditch effort" or alternatively "would a last ditch effort just simply go for an easier LHF slot while suspicions were building on it?"

Dr. Watson

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It's scum tactics I'm trying to pick apart and the probability of three scums being caught

I don't know how dirty Frinck would get and what type of things he would plan if he was under the impression he wasn't going to last
Lethal's attempt to throw shade at RDK points to RDK's spaghetti Picasso like move on Alco

It's just making me wonder if the read on Nibel was just an easy thing to lead into or the read on Nibel had something to it thus creating a conflict on whether the slot is scum or not

Dr. Watson

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Wait no I do, actually

He admitted he didn't give a fuck about his team mates and plays to win, so there's also that

Dr. Watson

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It's scum tactics I'm trying to pick apart and the probability of three scums being caught

I don't know how dirty Frinck would get and what type of things he would plan if he was under the impression he wasn't going to last
Lethal's attempt to throw shade at RDK points to RDK's spaghetti Picasso like move on Alco

It's just making me wonder if the read on Nibel was just an easy thing to lead into or the read on Nibel had something to it thus creating a conflict on whether the slot is scum or not
Imitating le spaghetti Picasso move*


It's not that

It's "what is the likelihood of Frinck and scum signing off on bussing one another as a last ditch effort" or alternatively "would a last ditch effort just simply go for an easier LHF slot while suspicions were building on it?"

Frinckles is aware he's being scrutinized so trying to extract information after he's hitting the dirt is wifom


I did just check out champs game and Frinckles didn't vote a single team mate over the 3 days he was alive, so I'm reasonably confident if there's bussing going on it's limited to one slot

Dr. Watson

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Why is xadlin a better direction than chuck

it is

why though? the scummiest thing about xadlin i remember was saying nibel sound like indie or something like that

where does it come from?

Vote lynch Xadlin

Vote Lynch Xadlin

Can you explain why you're lynching Xadlin over frinckles

Gonna go slep

Vote lynch Xadlin

You asked me this earlier?

His poor activity, he also looks like he can't take a decision and already saying excusing to Magic before voting him like he knew Magic was town and decided to vote him anyway.

Vote Count

Frinckles 1 - Alco
Ultra 2 - Aurelian, Frinckles
Ratchet 1 - Tweet
Cubey 1 - Retro
Alco 1 - Cubey
Nibel 4 - Hime, RDK, Chuck, Polar
Lethal 6 - Ultra, Ratchet, Orca, Flower, Nibel

Hime: Ultra > Nibel > Ultra > RDK > Nibel
Ultra: Hime > Frinckles > Hime > RDK > Lethal > RDK > Lethal
Polar: Frinckles > Aurelian > none > Nibel
Alco: Frinckles
Orca: Frinckles > RDK > Hime > RDK > Lethal
RDK: Alco > Xadlin > Ultra > none > Lethal > Nibel
Flower: Alco > Ultra > Alco > Nibel > Lethal
Retro: Xadlin > Cubey
Frinckles: Orca > Ultra
Cubey: Chuck > Lethal > Ultra > Alco
Chuck: Frinckles > none > Nibel
Nibel: (Xadlin >) Ratchet > Chuck > Lethal
Aurelian: Polar > Ultra
Tweet: (Xadlin >) Ratchet
Ratchet: Hime > Lethal

Duel Votes

Orca to win 9 - Orca, Polar, Ultra, Hime, Nibel, Gad, RDK, Flower
Frinckles to win 2 - Aurelian, Frinckles

It is Day 2. With 17 players alive, it's 9 players to decide a lynch. You have 1.75 hours.


Vote lynch Lethal
Reason I'm quoting these posts is retrospection

If we go back and examine our perspectives on a slot like this, what would have changed?
Let's *pretend* Xad didn't get replaced. Would we think he'd still be a viable direction?

Dr. Watson

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I did just check out champs game and Frinckles didn't vote a single team mate over the 3 days he was alive, so I'm reasonably confident if there's bussing going on it's limited to one slot
Okay thanks homie

Alright so Nibel I'll treat as being "soft cleared" for now despite his play being less than satisfactory

Dr. Watson

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Points not in previous slots favor:
-10 for voting Magic
-10 for inactivity and slithering in and out of the thread
-100 for not even realizing he was replaced (????)

Points in current slots favor:
Being Ratchet

Dr. Watson

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Re: Xad

Was sniffing and ingesting Craig and Magic's breadcrumbs - the Magic vote made me consider this direction as it's agenda driven and looks like a way to induce paranoia imho

I don't know how good a player or poker face Xad has, that's the missing part of the equation for me


Let's *pretend* Xad didn't get replaced. Would we think he'd still be a viable direction?
Yes, silly question to pose. Like every other nearly inactive player, there isn't much to solve a pattern to their directions and votes. Ratchet swapping in doesn't automatically town clear that slot.

Dr. Watson

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Yes, silly question to pose. Like every other nearly inactive player, there isn't much to solve a pattern to their directions and votes. Ratchet swapping in doesn't automatically town clear that slot.
....It doesn't, that's my entire fucking point dude?

Dr. Watson

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My soft spot for Ratchet is out of selfishness, but the way he's presented himself is more town adjacent then scum adjacent

Theoretically he could be bussing, but as scum, he'd have far more influence trying to divert suspicion off Frinck and there were probably (from a scum!Ratchet's POV) numerous openings to do so

But he didn't


Had a nightmarish day at work yesterday and today, my apologies.

Excellent to discover Frinckles' flip :garrett
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