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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread

Hans Tweetenberg

can you define underwhelming in that context. i dont think doflas first posts were underwhelming. ultra called him out for chest puffing which is like the opposite

doesnt matter if i find him sus after or before u. its my first time actually reading the thread

ok help me out here. since when is puffing chest a scum indicative for him? seems like u were just throwing shade or distancing with a teammate. and ratchet is reading him for the total opposite yet u r cool with it but wont vote dofla or question ratchet about his reasoning
How is "Doflas posts weren't underwhelming" a real opinion lmao


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Why would I bother reading them
then why ask if u dont care? regardless of my alignment do u think the wagon is pure?

ur either one cocky ass town or scum, there is no in between


Legit fair

Knee jerk reaction was imo a response to your knee jerk reaction

Why you specifically? I don't know your scum play well enough to see how you push agendas and do certain things as scum - your vote was quick with a very small explanation to boot and I'm not sure if that's alignment indicative or not, hence my questioning your vote

From what I've observed when you're town, you follow and coordinate with town on votes before going gungho on who you vote - it's never an immediate thing because if it's players you hold in high regards, you first discuss and see whether you agree what players would be a better lynch
Notably, you and Craig and Gram do this by soundboarding off each other because you're comfortable with them leading first until you yourself feel you had really nabbed scum

I could, of course, be completely inaccurate but that's just how I personally read your plays

tweet hasn't really waited to vote others in recent games. he's seemingly arrived at scum reads and then voted them and then eventually votes elsewhere if that person doesn't get traction. i wouldn't say this is accurate for tweet.

also tweet/nibel interaction looks T/T. i like nibel's defense of himself and tweet has been going for multiple people rather than narrowing his focus on any one particular player which is typically indicative of a town!tweet.


Polarized Noob
then why ask if u dont care? regardless of my alignment do u think the wagon is pure?

ur either one cocky ass town or scum, there is no in between
wow so im either town or scum thank you for the insight
and you didnt answer my question whos saying that
you just deflected with another

The Orca

They're extremely townie! In the scum game they played with me they tried to pocket me pretty blatently. Here they're kinda white knighting me which, while I don't love, but it's more townie than the blatent pocket they did. In addtion to that, we share most of the same reads.

*Didnt this post..I can't get it off my phone now lol


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
wow so im either town or scum thank you for the insight
and you didnt answer my question whos saying that
you just deflected with another
its literally in thread lol


Polarized Noob
vote lynch alco
more confident on that
its also a low poster so I want to give ekko time to town tell
we cna probably come up with a POE thats accurate atp just dont wnat to put in the effort