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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread


well aside from retro

too many ppl in null zone and not posting, cant magically read them

i think we got a live one in ultra/magic/ratchet

and in polar/orca/melkor/dofla/lethal

it's like shots in the dark

and possible deep wolf like posyer, tho i think his play individually is townie, just got weaker

why do you have nothing concrete outside of retro? what is with these shitty lists.


im off to sleep this is where am at, gonna try move ppl away from null based on the little we have on them

nibel - trending down
tweet - trending down
alco - early push on watson was good, hope he can play more in day 2 or will trend down. will look better if watson flips mafia

lean town
aurelian - he's talking mad shite, but he's not gonna approach me like this as scum imo. idk what new strategy he's cooking but i think his playstyle has been mostly the same lol, minus the silly town tell
tpein - he's not trying any silly shit, might actually just be town. weak af read
orca - fook it, town reading him for agreeing with my posts and going against ultra

no idea/need to post more and be pressured
gad - i see ppl susing him but idk why, i havent played with him as scum. his posts don't seem THAT terrible to me out of hand
polar, don't think his PR (if true) shud stop him from scum hunting

lean scum
magic/ratchet/ultra, atleast one here is, maybe 2

watson - shes basically playing totally opposite of her MO. she's over aggressive for no reason, voting a player she later on call as indie, and makes posts and takes positions without giving them thoughts and convolutions like her normal town play.

if anything atleast follow this after my flip, i dont really have the energy nor the time to puff my chest on anyone, i think lots of ppl have been treating me in bad faith, allowing an easy wagon to build up with lots of people on it not explaining their votes. i think ppl like ultra who shud be able to read me town are unable to do it which reflects poorly on their alignment. i think people like aurelian who never read me correctly shudnt receive the same level of scrutiny. i think magic is starting to lean more into his tunnel scum play, and this time is being more slimy about it by indirectly talking about me more so than to me, the main person he is susing

i think out of the townies, i can see poyser being scum if it gets to late and he's still alive. i can see xadlin being scum if he continues not talking live and just posting like AI. and i can see alco being scum but that'd require him to start the game with a harsh bus on watson who i have as scum. if watson is indie or town i think alco might need to be looked at.

who else?
youve posted so much shit yet have almost no scum reads and the way youve treated me slot is still nothing like youve done in the past(as in you typically accuse me of bad tunneling because im scum and cant resolve your slot properly). pretty sure i mentioned this already and you still didnt bother.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
You know, fwiw, Gram just mentioned that he rebalanced the game to fit 21 players, and I don't think that confirms in any way that it was to make space for an indie. The confidence best buddy has in hunting indie kinda stinks. Small nitpick, but yeah.
gram told me in disc that they almost always puts indies in ws style games as part of the balance when i suggested games without indies


i dont think im going to end up reading back on all these pages but i briefly skimmed here and there

i dont really understand the push on dofla? idk lmao
i feel like he always plays kinda strange
idk if i ever saw him try to solve other than maybe atla but that game was his fave flavor plus i hosted
can you give an unbiased read on dofla pls and ty cause this aint it


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
youve posted so much shit yet have almost no scum reads and the way youve treated me slot is still nothing like youve done in the past(as in you typically accuse me of bad tunneling because im scum and cant resolve your slot properly). pretty sure i mentioned this already and you still didnt bother.
i suggest u reread that post again. uve clearly not read it

why do you have nothing concrete outside of retro? what is with these shitty lists.
look at how the day has been played out m8


that isnt going for anything in absoluteles. that's making you take a firm position as i expect out of everyone otherwise everyone just sits the fence.

if you dont like any of ekko's early play or directions id expect you to scum read him, not have him as a null. if you think it's a red flag he doesnt go after melkor then i dont expect you to end up voting melkor instead of ekko. it doesn't track.

because he is the main wagon that was being pushed and it was a main topic and the fact you had him as a red flag but didnt partake in the wagon was off and thus memorable.
Your predicating this entirely around claiming my progression from suspecting you and Melkor of being aligned to my read on Ekko not firmly putting him as town OR scum and claiming that I'm not being logical. You have claimed in every game since our first one played together you can read me because I make weird jumps in logic or don't properly articulate the point I'm making when arguing and debating someone.

But in this ONE game you somehow seem to be struggling to understand me? I simply don't buy it. Either way I don't necessarily have to rein in an absolute read of town or scum reading someone day 1 simply because their day 1 content hasn't impressed me or put confidence in reading Ekko strongly one way or another. Also I would say my lack of reluctance to happily hammer Ekko should be indicative of where my thoughts are so stop dissembling around this point.

i consider myself an expert on everyone!

the progression didnt make much sense as you made a leading question that looked like it was always going to land on suspecting me. i still think that. no matter who i answered to your question of "who do you struggle to read" you would have made the point "why not spend time on that player/those players opposed to orca". that's why the question wasn't as innocent as youre playing it off. it was always going to have the same post.

what is my normal townie play?
Well I'm going to have to revoke your license on reading me sadly today, Magic-san! I preempted your question and asked you a few ones back about why you were digging so hard with your heels defending Orca who by general consensus hasn't done anything proactive or real solving and retraced himself back to voting Poyser for ??? reasons. Saying my progression here is strange and that I was putting a smoking gun to your head because of the contrast between how your defending Orca vs barely making an inquiry about Craig seems odd when you've mentioned plenty of times in past games Craig would always be a primary play you want to try and figure out as soon as possible.

But from this your basically accusing me of having agenda by asking, thanks for confirming that.


i suggest u reread that post again. uve clearly not read it

look at how the day has been played out m8
you just used the word tunnel, but again that isn't how you lean into me when i sus you incorrectly when youre town.

it just all feels very safe.

i haven't even given you that much scrutiny relative to other players.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
gram told me in disc that they almost always puts indies in ws style games as part of the balance when i suggested games without indies
Can't say I have much to say to this tbh. Good for you if true ig?

I need a beer best buddy. I miss America and easy beer buying culture.


that was my first time bringing up the melkor thing. you also didnt answer the question. what looked like coordination to you there?
I already said before it looks way too on the nose for my liking how you two went about voting them.
i wasn't, i was asking you a question. youve avoided answering the question.
You kinda of were though? And what question did I avoid?
you don't, but that goes back to what i said that the answer never mattered and the question was never innocent. it was a question to simply end up sussing me.
Your gaslighting me and misframing this entire exchange from earlier. I don't believe for one second you actually are justifying your rationalization that by asking you some questions in regards to Orca who your main threadplay was around and being questioned on in that point of the game that you think I was setting you up. There isn't any other way to signify your intent that my "question wasn't innocent".
poyser gets into rambling arguments where he ends up mad and frustrated that the other person isn't making sense. im not doing that. im trying to determine your alignment because i often find you easily town and haven't yet this game.
@Poyser is this true? Also no, Magic. If you are an expert you know I'm town but I think your feeling the heat and trying to diffuse from both yourself and Ekko to push this much back at me and try to redirect the Retro/Watson wagon. But let me give you a liferope: what haven't I done here that I have in past games to easily read me as town?
what is the agenda? he didnt even mention an agenda.
Why are you strawmanning my reply to Craig? He didn't say that, I did. That's my belief lol.
because your distrust and suspicion was pre-emptive. i came into the thread and you made it seem like i spent a lot of time on orca when in reality i was responding to my mentions/quotes then moved on. you asked me a question with a pre-emptive motive of sussing me with it.
You weren't moving on. You were digging in and trying to hold your ground with Ultra, Poyser, and myself around your play with Orca and the others on Orca's own play pushing a meaingless lynch on a then absent player. If you think this isn't innocent on my part to question you on it then I don't know what to tell you but tough tiddies.
in most games you do stuff like what you accused me earlier on of, as in coordinating with melkor to do whatever. it's not the reality, but in your mind that's what youre seeing. here you didnt elaborate on that at all and have instead been streamlined in thought and accusations.

being proactive is not how i town read you, no, nor will i state how i town read you as you might end up doing it!
I'm pretty sure I did elaborate on why I'm treating you as scummy and why I don't town read you. And as well I don't think you have an actual adequate basis for why you don't have a town read me on me currently so your stalling here imo.


what is your new gameplan?

why is it that you OMGUS all the time yet ekko susses you and you suddenly have no appetite for it due to your new gameplan?
I can't reveal that confidential information. Also how am I OMGUSSing anyone here? Your grasping at straws.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
you just used the word tunnel, but again that isn't how you lean into me when i sus you incorrectly when youre town.

it just all feels very safe.

i haven't even given you that much scrutiny relative to other players.
well i already know whats the hold up. ur focusing on tone and not my actual content. u havent sat down and thought why cant this come from town ekko whose just decided to slow down on the tone..i dont think uve given my play wider consideration in that aspect

as for my pushes. maybe i was wrong early on luka but i still maintain its objectively scummy to make reads that u cant explain well. and u havent discussed my town reads which i am more confident in than scum reads given the activity and contribution levels from most of my nulls

i dont really have the power to steer anything now on my own and nothing is gonna happen while i am leading so im not going to be able to progress the reads much without any sort of pressure


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
pretty sure aurelian is town now. hes done the town tell

the melkor thing is just shit content by him which is normal



I think if Ekko's lynched or not I'm game for Magic day going on the chopping block next tbdean