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Game Ranked Hades Mafia - Game Thread

Hans Tweetenberg

Angleshooting terminology is a bit rough, but I do feel like these kinds of "automatically die for X" roles are just fairly uncommon in ranked, takes no input or skill from the role recipient and guarantees a free night for a town PR (I assume Zeus would be)
Now that I think about it, in case we're all wrong, that role might actually be worth keeping around, since not only would it protect Zeus from a kill, it would also flip a player we all wanna see flipped anyway

On the other hand that's not a role I've ever seen outside of a game I hosted myself


Because if she's claiming this, and Zeus is a role in the game, she's needlessly including a clause that can outright disprove her claim?
Yes, I'm not following why you say Zeus existing disproves her claim? She said she takes a kill for Zeus.


The Nexus
Yeah no. Big Three Mafia, your team got rinsed.

Well my point was.
You think imma do the bare minimum if kekko was my m8?
You know I wouldn't.


This is why I think you saying me and kekko are scum m8s is disingenuous.
You just trying to keep a larger non cleared pool.

Imma go as far as to say you are actually aligned with kekko if he flips scum too.
Dirty busser.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
ekko/you/watson would be my top 3 scum reads, roughly in that order. altho i have no idea what you claimed.

ultra/luka/alco would be my strongest town reads. if ekko is scum then add craig/tweet as town. im thinking poyser might be town, but not confident in that. weaker town leans are tpein/orca/nibel with nibel being the one im least sure of. i dont really think im wrong on orca and i think his defense and the offense he took at people doubting his way of hunting/theory was genuine so i do still think he's town.
Cool. I'm scum read why?
No! I would never do that!
You're more comparable to a spider rather than a bug!
So, a cooler bug...

He called me cool y'all
The role Watson ia describing isn't a Martyr, ima call that claim outright fake

Also Ekko hasn't claimed Cop or Vig so he can go as well

Literally don't care which of the two we chop down here
I think you're grasping at straws here tweety
never played the game but someone help me out
would this make sense flavor-wise?
y have an ability to save zeus and not the main character?
The character? Yes. The role? Not so much but there's no guarantee that roles match characters, is there?


Well my point was.
You think imma do the bare minimum if kekko was my m8?
You know I wouldn't.


This is why I think you saying me and kekko are scum m8s is disingenuous.
You just trying to keep a larger non cleared pool.

Imma go as far as to say you are actually aligned with kekko if he flips scum too.
Dirty busser.
So you have me as scum if Ekko flips town, and scum if Ekko flips scum. Faux scum-hunting.