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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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V.I.P. Member
No. That’s the rub: so far, she hasn’t destroyed anything else than the island.


The only times we've seen her fight were with the super summons from the hero faction, where she was altering the landscape of the Underworld (which has far more land than the human world because no oceans) and Trihexia, where the target was just standing out in the ocean from what I remember.


He can use it. Once. Then he'll die. :zaru

The main point was that the idea he couldn't take his own hits was silly, anyway. Though if you can breathe in space blowing up the planet and running away is still an option.
In that case, current Issei does still need AxA form for planetary level firepower.
According to statements, Issei is indeed Planetary.

There's just one small problem. The author of DxD simply loves to first give something like: this ability will destroy everything, one volume later This ability will destroy the entire Archipelago after another one The ability was activated at full strength and one island was wiped off the face of the earth.
Tbf, DxD' main appeal isn't fighting and firepower but rather Issei' and his harem' wacky personality and interaction (as well as Issei' perverseness)

  • All canon feats and scaling are allowed
  • Draco is at her strongest

Pick Shinrabanshoman and The Evangelist/Haumae and go down from there.

She could probably beat Faerie and people weaker than him for sure though, even if his gravity powers are fucking weird.

Then please don't look at this thread untill you finish FF without spoiling, by the end of it the verse jumps in power so much it completely dwarfs the HST (One Piece, Bleach Naruto) and it would take some of the strongest characters in the Nasuverse characters to take on the God Tiers and servants including Gilgamesh and Enkidu would get stomped.


Draco at her strongest
Which would mean Draco after she reincorporated the Dragons back into her
Said Dragons became strong enough to become Beast VI in their own right
Beast VI explicitly did Goetia's plan under her own power which would make her Galaxy tier

Like the rest of this shit is garbage but you have got to be kidding me to pretend FF at it's strong outstrips the HST(Especially with the stupidity in Boruto) by a vast degree and somehow would not just stomp Gilgamesh and Enkidu but would take "some of the strongest characters" as if Shinrabanshoman dwarfs them that hard...
I guess we are going right back into Universal Shinrabanshoman and The Evangelist then...


Idk what the dude is talking about anyway. AAA isn't his strongest form, that's still his DxD form. AAA is just more consistent while DxD involves a lot of charge moves (and also fucks up Issei when he uses it).

Also the "can't tank it" is BS because his only use of AAA so far involves trading blows with a being that can match that level of firepower.
DxD form is normal basic form isn't it?


DxD form is normal basic form isn't it?
From what I can get, DxD form is the strongest form Issei can achieve (it also doesn't need any assistance)
It just current Issei can't use its full potential without him dying.
Current DxD form that Issei used is a nerfed one

His basic form is him with Scale Mail, which is mountain buster at minimum.

@CrossTheHorizon is the above correct?
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From what I can get, DxD form is the strongest form Issei can achieve (it also doesn't need any assistance)
It just current Issei can't use its full potential without him dying.
Current DxD form that Issei used is a nerfed one

His basic form is him with Scale Mail, which is mountain buster at minimum.

@CrossTheHorizon is the above correct?
Ah that makes things more clear. Tnx.


V.I.P. Member
From what I can get, DxD form is the strongest form Issei can achieve (it also doesn't need any assistance)
It just current Issei can't use its full potential without him dying.
Current DxD form that Issei used is a nerfed one

His basic form is him with Scale Mail, which is mountain buster at minimum.

@CrossTheHorizon is the above correct?

Yeah, pretty much. Issei has a bunch of armor stages he can change to.

His basic armored form is Balance Breaker, then comes Cardinal Crimson (which at this point is his "normal" form for any serious fight), then there's DxD.

DxD was him channeling the power of Infinity, but it's too much and he could only use it twice before it nearly killed him (and also made him temporarily allergic to girls because lol ecchi), so the original source of the power of Infinity modded it so there's a nerfed state.

AAA (or AxA) is him using his familiar to access more of that power than he can handle on his lonesome. So it's between current DxD and True DxD.

Issei can technically still use True DxD if he has to but it's basically in the same category as the Eighth Gate from Naruto. He'll clobber whoever he's fighting and then die unless there's immediate intervention, and even then he'll have some pretty long rehab to look forward to.


Cosmically Evolved Entity



Cosmically Evolved Entity
Wait what

So there actually is an Elder God Demonbane?

Goddamit :oh
turns out vortex blaster demonbane or "Dead End" is just the bad end version from the LN that decided to just say fuck that and kill azathoth to break free from everything while corrputing all other demonbanes in existence including the elder god demonbane


Cosmically Evolved Entity
es, kinda. Vortex Blaster Demonbane (aka Demonbane Dead End, aka God of Destruction Demonbane) is (piloted by)/(fused with) a version of Kurou from the Bad End that happens in the VN, where the Shining Traphezodedron breaks and the Other Gods trapped inside are released into reality, turning everything into an horrifying mess of a loop.

There are only two options in the Bad End. One has Kurou continue the loop. The other has Kurou give up. Neither is a good option at all.

Vortex Blaster's Kurou is a version of Kurou that SOMEHOW broke free from the Bad End, with a third option to [extend his right arm]. Which led to Vortex Blaster killing Azathoth and breaking EVERYTHING.

Vortex Blaster's Lotus Throne (its version of Aethela Aethernum) then assimilated all versions of Demonbane (including Elder God and Two-Sword) and that which fights against evil (one guy with an evil-anihilating power of the same type as Demonbane was forced to use it to buy last people/fleet in existance some time, at which point he was promtply assimilated into the Lotus Throne).

The last thing we know is Kuzaku and Another Blood confronting Vortex Blaster at the end, with Vortex Blaster Kurou (who seeks to anihilate evil, aka existance) furious that (since they no longer have Demonbane) they would use the power of the Outer Gods to summon Deus Machina Clockwork Phantom (Nyarlathotep's avatar and personal mech, previously destroyed but later repaired by Doctor West). Or so it should have been.
It turns out the good doctor made some......modifications (aka, Clockwork Phantom Destroyer Robo editon), which actually made Demonbane and Kurou spechless for a little at the absurdity, allowing the Destroyer Robo to attack Demonbane's right arm and actually do more damage to it than everything Vortex Blaster fought before despite being impossibly weaker. The novel then ends.

We may know more in the future, but so far that's what's currently translated.


V.I.P. Member

It gets worse, apparently

FYI Vortex Blaster is not "piloted" by Kurou or anything, Vortex Blaster is a Demonbane that become sentient after the death of Kurou and Al from Dead End's loop, By the time What A Beautiful Dead End chapter begins they are already goners. The whole story is narrated from the POV of Vortex Blaster/Dead End himself but because he inherited the will of Kurou so he THOUGHT that he was Kurou. And the rest is history.

Also, Lotus Throne # Athleta Aeternum. The Lotus Throne is the highest plane of existence with Dead End's infinite Mandala as the center. The whole AA thing was just Dead End corrupted all Demonbanes in existence and turned them into his own army.

What does this even mean :catskully


Cosmically Evolved Entity
It gets worse, apparently

What does this even mean :catskully
yeah. the db respect thread got completed and the series is actually much stronger than the memes said lol

fucking imagine:
a verse gets memes made about it because its just so fuck off strong, so strong that people get salty, so salty in fact that they make a whole fake debunk to downplay the verse to be a fraction of what it was, only for someone to do the actual research and effort and wait for official translations to find out that the verse is now fucking even stronger than it was to start with.



Besides, demons are harmed by sunlight (or sunlight infused metals) and wisteria poisons. Even if a heroic spirit's attacks may harm the spirit, I still don't think it'll be more effective on demons than regular humans, and demons have that whole regen thing. Besides, when Lancer stabs Shirou in fsn (or when literally every servant attacks shirou and leaves wounds with a noble phantasm), shirou's soul isn't harmed, just the body. So there's no reason that a heroic spirit's attack should harm the soul anyways. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, there are other fate characters that are attacked by servants, which don't have healing artifacts embedded in them. We can actually see bedivere in f/go (even if it may not be lore accurate lol, but he is a human there) fight Mordred and such, who are heroic spirits, and not needing to get his soul healed afterwards.

Is from a fanfic, but the author argues that Servant, a being made of pure soul cannot harm soul.
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