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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 4 Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Man of Atom
...Do people not realize the reason Issei is "more potent against women" is because he will use Dress Break which destroys their clothing, forcing them to cover themselves up? ...That's literally it, he's not physically strong against women or have some insane skill that instantly knocks out women, he just has Dress Break... that's it.
and even then Dress Break would only work on people who give a shit if they are naked or not.

for example
Medaka would not give a single shit.
then issei get slugged in the jaw by Zenkichi

Triple Accel 555

I don't give a shit, I'm not saying that Issei isn't powerful, the problem is that Issei's max is Planetary is which is low as fuck and that requires going into Super Modes at that which is obviously nothing for anyone major in the Lostbelts.

Issei's lack of tact and just going in on people will get him absolutely killed in short order as well as the dude is no genius in how to basically go about combat. I FULLY expect his ass to treat the Machine Gods like his gods in his series and get absolutely smoked about it.

@Proto234 @Xhominid The Apex @Salfarc

I posted the thread because a similar topic already exists, although the content is different.


So...Issei doesn't have Planet-Breaking power like the guy said? Or it takes forever to get there? Because that still huge in context.


So...Issei doesn't have Planet-Breaking power like the guy said? Or it takes forever to get there? Because that still huge in context.
Afaik, he does have.
But he needs his familiar for that and he can't tank that same firepower.
Though, latest novel may change that


I've been saying that forever and a half LMFAO.

Issei's max is Planetary but it takes AWHILE to get there and even that's just general statements, nothing truly concrete about it either.

Yea but you didn't say how long does it take, how long is "AWHILE". Now that you say nothing truly concrete it paints a clearer picture ironically.

Afaik, he does have.
But he needs his familiar for that and he can't tank that same firepower.
Though, latest novel may change that

Assuming what you said is true, in addition to need time to reach that firepower, thats a considerable lack of info provided.

You know what I'll just take you guys words for it and I guess he can't clear most of the LB and Singularity except the early ones?

I've seen several threads in SB where they basically imply DxD verse>>>Fateverse outside of the Servantverse mainly because of Issei and Vali. So that affects my judgment as well.



Assuming what you said is true, in addition to need time to reach that firepower, thats a considerable lack of info provided.

You know what I'll just take you guys words for it and I guess he can't clear most of the LB and Singularity except the early ones?

I've seen several threads in SB where they basically imply DxD verse>>>Fateverse outside of the Servantverse. So that affects my judgment as well.
This familiar


This familiar
It was a rhetoric question too. But yea it change the context a lot since the familiar is never mentioned in the comment nor in the thread. So we should assume he fought without this...Sentient ship. Unless DxD fandom always assume he bring that familiar with him and just matter of miscommunication?




V.I.P. Member
@CrossTheHorizon check this shit out

Entire argument for Naruto is Existence Erasure via the TSB

Issei's girlfriend and brother in law literally have that as their basic moveset, and Issei has countered both

How the fuck do they know about AAA and not the power of destruction :whutpepe


@Proto234 someone said he can deal damage reaching the planet busting without the ship familiar

Why do you think his familiar is that important or pivotal to his feat outside of that one form?
Nvm now he said he need the familiar and need 30 volumes?...my god.
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@Proto234 someone said he can deal damage reaching the planet busting without the ship familiar

Nvm now he said he need the familiar and need 30 volumes?...my god.
I think he refers to Issei' power progression from volume 1 to volume 30 of the novel (DxD novel has 30 volumes,not including the sequel)

As for planetlevel Issei, yeah don't remember he is outside his AxA form (his form after gattai with his familiar). Even if he is it is stated that he can't defend/tank against that kind of firepower, so it's moot point anyways since even QSH, the weakest LB king is casual planetlevel
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I think he refers to Issei' power progression from volume 1 to volume 30 of the novel (DxD novel has 30 volumes,not including the sequel)

As for planetlevel Issei, yeah don't remember he is outside his AxA form (his form after gattai with his familiar). Even if he is it is stated that he can't defend/tank against that kind of firepower, so it's moot point anyways
It was mostly miscommunication <_< The guy said I can't read when he was the one who fail to read. I asked if Issei need the Familiar like you said:
I read that he need his familiar to reach Planet-breaking level? And not without it? Which also stays only for short time? Need clarification

Which he answers with this.
The planet breaking form is basically him merging with his familiar. It has "realtively short time" as in they run out of juice after a short battle.

So I told him that the familiar is not in this thread. And ask what can Issei do without the familiar.
The familiar is not mentioned anywhere in this thread. So he can't break planet without his familiar? How...strong exactly is he without his familiar? At maximum output? Only thing I can get from you is that large city blasting with mountains are the base.

And he answers with some "planet busting" statement
There's multiple talk about "world destroying" and Leviathan was specifically said to be able to casually destroy Japan, but measurable feats are rare because
1. Characters go out of their way to avoid collateral
2. Several times they fought inside pocket dimensions.

The planet busting statement was more of a new frame to contextualize previous statement really. In vs debate there have been people who tried to Boost cal Issei into star level (which the new frame neatly cut out) as well as people who wanted to discard anything above mountain because surely the dialogues are all just exaggeration.

The planet bursting form is consider much much more powerful than normal, but that doesn't make Issei an OOC or god among mortal relative to everyone in that form. He was fighting Hades when he gained that form and while it allowed him to defeat Hades it's not like he trivially crushed the god. If he went to fight the sealed 666 who has been fighting the top tiers of his verse he'd lose swiftly if alone and even if the top tiers helped him it'd take unacceptable long time to eventually win.
Similarly his long time rival is said to be able to beat him in that form unless he bursted the planet.

I think safest conclusion would be somewhere north of country, likely capable of life wiping Earth over time, considered that Ddraig once said this

Then I am like "I don't care about the safe conclusion, can he reaches everything you said here which include planet busting without his familiar?"

Is he capable of reaching everything you say here without his familiar? And if he does, does it take long? Thats what I am asking.

I even clarify what am I asking and this is the respond.

Why do you think his familiar is that important or pivotal to his feat outside of that one form?

And then he said Issei need his familiar.

Issei needs to fuse with his familiar to reach palanet bursting level. He does not need the familiar in any other form.

So my question was "Can he reaches planet bursting level without his familiar" and he answer yes and then say need familiar... I am guessing he didn't answer Yes to my first question and only read and answer the last question. :smh
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