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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


1. Well, I usually go for the bigger and active posters, jsut to check that they dont nestle in as town when they are actually scum.
and yeah i do believe flower is town
2. Which claim?
3. I dont know anything about that either. it got back as ??? as well to me.
I roleblocked him but that all i did, i did not kill him

you want my full claim! alright sure here we go:
Im Cindy! the model that doctor hogback turned into his personal assistant. im town since im part of thriller bark and i can roleblock people 2 times during the night! and i used my first roleblock so there, ya happy! @Flower

I'll blame you if i get modkilled
You targeted fuji?

This game is legit so so so warped


Given that a cornerstone of your argument on potato is that he is 0/3, can you see why someone may think this is entirely hypocritical?
No I don't. Mate your arguments are shit. He's saying overtly stupid shit like fake claiming as town is scummy even tho stupid town do do it.

I'm saying 3 of his scum reads that have flipped have all been town.

You're nitpicking is growing aggrevating. Go do something else.


So you have no interest in getting people to contribute. Noted.
You didn't answer the question.

How does voting cause activity. We weren't voting rugrat and yet he's shown up and been more active than xaldin. Sounds like it entirely depends on time availability and the player, but go on and explain how you're contributing properly by just voting others to contribute.


(Sadly) Pein


Not sure about the rest anymore, but feeling like they're all Townie to varying degrees and the Fuji kill doesn't really make sense for either and looks more like Magic's doing than anything (PR hunting rather than player hunting). Yoho is here because of his reactions + my mech.

Not sure I buy the Tweet RC tbh. They're firing a RC at him blindly rather than the claimed MC and claimed BP player (????). It's odd. Thinking we should still get a claim there. Tweet's self proclaimed useless now anyway.
Why would I kill fuji who literally agreed with my reads?

The only one that made commentary about knowing who fuji could be was gp. He otherwise didn't hint a power role AFAIK.


p15 - concerned why Magic is looking to vote Watson when gad is hot topic. Almost like he's deliberately avoiding the player?

The Orca

Xadlin is outed scum. He said he received a ??? from his roleblock kek.

Polar Bear

Luka: Xadlin
Flower: Xadlin - Unvote
Magic: Orca-Great Potato
Great Potato: Xadlin
Chairman Nibel: Xadlin
Grammaton: Magic
Polar Bear: Watson-Tweet
Yoho1996: Great Potato
T-Pein: Great Potato
Hans: Tempest
Orca: Tempest
Tempest: Magic


Great Potato: 3
Xadlin: 2
Tempest: 2
Magic: 2
Tweet: 1

Let me know if there are any mistakes with this vote count
You have Luka, Potato and Nibel voting Xadlin so should be there unless some other mechanic going on
Polar made up some shit about him visiting Fuji, he fell for it.
It wasn't even an attempt to make something up and catch him on mechanics, just some post to see if he was reading and caught up and would claim. I never thought it would become a land mine lmao
You targeted fuji?

This game is legit so so so warped
Why warped?
Xadlin is outed scum. He said he received a ??? from his roleblock kek.
I think I saw something in the op that proves he got caught with the "???"


No I don't. Mate your arguments are shit. He's saying overtly stupid shit like fake claiming as town is scummy even tho stupid town do do it.

I'm saying 3 of his scum reads that have flipped have all been town.

You're nitpicking is growing aggrevating. Go do something else.


Being wrong doesn’t make you scum

fuck me get in the bin