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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Just gonna leave some quotes here that I mentioned before in the circus thread just so we have them indexed here.

Tens of thousands of cards flew from within his pitch black clothes.
Cards carved with flame runes spiraled around like a typhoon and in no time at all had covered the walls, ceiling, and floor without gap.
It was just like Hoichi the Earless.
- OT1

Stiyl holds tens of thousands of rune cards on his person and can telekinetically control them to spread them across the battlefield.

As he ran, Stiyl pulled out a few rune cards.
Stiyl’s runes activated after he arranged them.
His magic displayed its greatest power within an area he himself indicated, so he should not have been able to use his proper strength while constantly on the move.
However, the cards floated in midair.
Countless cards flew around like swallows and created magic circles, sticking to the trees, the ground, and the streetlights.
Richard’s expression twisted.
(So he set up other runes to send out his main runes. …He just has little tricks all over the place.)

- Index SP

Stiyl, again, telekinetically controls his rune cards and spreads them across the battlefield.

With her personality, it is indeed quite possible that she would lend a hand without ceasing to think of the consequences.
Were she of average or below average strength, that would be one thing.
However, as this is Kanzaki we’re speaking of…” Lola heaved a sigh, unamused.
“I would like to settle things afore Kanzaki has time to make a mistake.
That is our top priority.
I care not what method you select.
You may retrieve the Book of the Law and Orsola, force the Amakusa to surrender by negotiation, or eliminate them along with Kanzaki by force.”
“You’re telling me to fight Kanzaki?”
“Verily, I am, depending on the situation,” replied Lola simply.
“Our own personnel are scattered, and they prepare even now to make for the Roman Catholic search party in Japan.
But you will be with a separate unit, so I would like you to make contact with Academy City in advance of that.”

Stiyl blew white cigarette smoke from his mouth as if to voice his doubts.
Not regarding the part about him being in a separate team.
The magician Stiyl Magnus was never meant for team play.
His personality was one reason, of course, but since he specialized in the usage of flame magic, going all-out meant nearby allies would run the risk of getting caught in the fire and smoke.
His Innocentius was partly unstable because its strength wildly fluctuated depending on how many cards Stiyl deployed, but it still boasted power enough to be true to its name.

- OT7

Laura Stuart, the leader of the Anglican Church, states that if things were to come to it, Stiyl would have to face Kanzaki solo and eliminate her along with the Amakusa Church by force.

Stiyl, who isn't exactly a team player, doesn't deny that it'd be possible for him to do so solo.

Also, Innocentius' strength is stated to be dependent on how many cards Stiyl has deployed at the time.

“…” Oriana tried to breathe a little more calmly.
She couldn’t quite figure out if this Kaori Kanzaki was actually coming here or not.
Even if a saint was really on the way, she didn’t think she’d necessarily lose to her.
If she came up with an effective tactic and went at it prepared to lose a limb or two, she was pretty sure she could kill a few saints at the cost of her own life.

But that wouldn’t work.
She couldn’t be preoccupied about winning or losing a simple personal battle—she had something much bigger to accomplish.
She couldn’t let herself get hurt too badly.

- OT10

Another magician, Oriana Thomson, who fights evenly with Stiyl, doesn't consider it a necessary loss even if a Saint (such as Kanzaki) were to show up and deal with her.

She then goes on to explain that if she played it smart, and was prepared to suffer heavy damage (or death, at that), she could even kill multiple Saints, if need be.

The Logistic Hornet’s atmospheric control was based on altering the density of the air through temperature differences. This was accomplished by scattering naphtha or liquid nitrogen at precisely-calculated coordinates.So what if something could produce flames even greater than ones made by the 5000m aerial spacecraft launch pad?A blinding light broke through the cold night’s shadows.
Kamijou knew someone whose magic could grow endlessly powerful as long as he had sufficient rune cards.
- GT4

Stiyl's magical potency grows with the number of rune cards he has active.

He did not have that kind of inborn talent. He was one of the “talentless” magicians who used knowledge to make up for what he lacked in strength.
However, he could boost the range and power of his rune magic by scattering enough laminated cards around the area.
30 million people had vanished from Los Angeles, but the power was still on and all of its modern conveniences were still accessible.
So he could print off as many cards as he needed.
By increasing the number of cards to the point that his power was greater, he could mess with the Logistic Hornet’s weather control. Ignoring him had been a mistake.
- also GT4

Once again, Stiyl's the range and strength of Stiyl's magic is dependent on the amount of rune cards he has active/spread out at a time.

(leaving this here for indexing purposes, just to reiterate)


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Could someone remind me if there are any quotes that actually say Aiwass is literally from/"born" in the Pure World, rather than just residing there?

I feel like this is a bit of a misconception at this point.


V.I.P. Member
Doubt you’ll find anything like that. Even Archangel’s are described as having existed since time immemorial and that’s with it saying they were created by God.

We know even less for Aiwass


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I know, I'm just looking for a quote that says he is so I can at least understand why people would think that.

It's pretty unlikely that Aiwass existed since "day 0" so to speak (unlike the masses of energy that eventually got "formed" into the phases/respective phase beings due to human belief/cognition), since Secret Chiefs are all but said to be former humans.
Was it Mathers who had said the Secret Chiefs had the physical appearance of those who had drunk the Elixir of Life?
They were a similar yet different sort of being from the Magic Gods.
They were experts with superhuman skill.

Some might call them the people who guided humanity from the shadows while giving approval for the establishment and management of all magic cabals…but that might be trusting Westcott’s claims a little too much.
Technically, he had never said the Secret Chiefs were Rosicrucian experts, but the Golden cabal had undeniably been focused on the Rosen.
After all (according to Westcott), it was the Rosicrucians who had given permission for their magic cabal to be established, so the Golden only existed to promote the Rosen.
If the Rosen turned out to be frauds, then their own reputation would take a hit as well.
However, Anna Sprengel was not actually a Secret Chief.
She was something like a priestess capable of contacting them at will.
Comparing Aiwass with Othinus might help clarify the difference between Secret Chiefs and Magic Gods.
There’s no point in going to the trouble of becoming a Secret Chief when you can set up a position for yourself that lets you draw on their power.
Those transcendent beings are like credit cards.”
- NT22R
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V.I.P. Member
Or that humans can become Secret Chiefs themselves.

Aiwass is the same kind of existence as Coronzon or the Archangels, neither of whom are humans nor ever so, he just happens to be classified as a Secret Chief too


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Yeah I know, I kind of figured that there are "natural" Secret Chiefs and that humans can become Secret Chiefs as well.

Which quote are you referring to regarding Aiwass being compared to Coronzon/the Archangels?


V.I.P. Member
Yeah I know, I kind of figured that there are "natural" Secret Chiefs and that humans can become Secret Chiefs as well.

Which quote are you referring to regarding Aiwass being compared to Coronzon/the Archangels?
Too lazy right now to post it, but several times it’s said how all 3 are masses of Telesma


V.I.P. Member
Caught up with the Mental Out manga









Can’t wait to see this continued next chapter
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V.I.P. Member
And seriously, how could you watch Misaka’s fights with Mugino, Doppelgänger, or Kimi in Railgun and still say that?


V.I.P. Member
So far, Accelerator, Misaka, and Shokuhou have been more than fleshed out.

Misaka and Shokuhou both practically overshadow Index as the main female leads even in her own series at this point.

It’s #2, 4, and 7 that actually fit this meme better.

Kakine has only just recently stepped out of being within Accelerator’s shadow from his whole character being defined by his one-sided rivalry with him thanks to that Dark Matter spin-off, im just waiting for Kamachi to actually follow up with this development eventually.

Mugino is the worst jobber among the Level 5s and only now backing her status up with the ITEM spin-off

Gunha needs to do more than just be the occasional side character that shows up every now and then. Nogi has mentioned that after Mental Out is complete, he’s interested in doing a Gunha story next
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Gunha is the actual potential man of To Aru now that I think about it :tupac


V.I.P. Member
Gunha is the actual potential man of To Aru now that I think about it :tupac
*Hyped as something like the Science equivalent of a Magic God if he understood his powers

*Still shows up just to be bullied by Ollerus or Level 6 Misaka to show off how strong they are


V.I.P. Member

feels like it’s been forever since we had anything new for Imaginary Fest. This time we’re getting the Hawaii Invasion Arc from early NT made into an event




V.I.P. Member
GT10 cover is out


Yup, NT9 vibes.


Not sure why, could be Haimura’s more detailed style but somehow the illustration here of just Touma and Alice in an empty, dilapidated classroom manages to more haunting than Touma staring into the void for NT9


V.I.P. Member
GT10 cover is out


Yup, NT9 vibes.


Not sure why, could be Haimura’s more detailed style but somehow the illustration here of just Touma and Alice in an empty, dilapidated classroom manages to more haunting than Touma staring into the void for NT9
I don't like the new cover, I was hoping for Index and Touma to appear, something reminiscent of the first volume or when Touma and Index met.