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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


V.I.P. Member
Can already tell this volume is going to be beating Touma over about his inability to save Alice, partially out of his own recklessness with saving Anna

Which is true, between Alice and Anna, Alice was way more deserving for actually being a decent person

Just wondering if this time, Kamachi is going to go all the way through with this to where Touma actually has to put down Alice for good as the undead curse she now is.

Failure is one thing, but Touma actually having to kill someone he was previously a friend to is a whole other thing


V.I.P. Member
Another Imaginary Fest pic taken straight from the illustration



The focus on Accelerator for the IF pic is because he’s the Battle character for this pic



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Damn... and the IT that Othinus crushed was weaker than it was against Fiamma

he really doesn't have any anti-feats to speak of :wow


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The silver girl could be heard coughing up blood.
This was not the conflict between scientific esper powers and occult magic.
Before even getting to that, magic was a dangerous thing in and of itself.
So much so that the person using it could take someone’s life without even realizing it.
She could not allow the negative effects of her magic to be released into the wide world.
She ensured the recoil of her magic was sent back to her own body.
The girl held a hand to her mouth but still smiled thinly.
As if to say this was the proper form of a magician. Even as the midwinter rain struck her, that human looked down at the empty ground and spoke.

- NT20

Espers are stated to not be incompatible with magic because they contain sparks and sprays within them.

(a common misconception that fans of the series seem to have)


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Where was it stated it was weaker against Othinus than it was against Fiamma?
It seems you produced decent results during the final stages of World War III, but is this all I find when I open the lid?
- NT4

The wording Othinus uses doesn't make much sense if it's the same strength it was against Fiamma in WW3.
If it were the same strength, it wouldn't be so underwhelming to her.

That's how I see it, anyway.
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V.I.P. Member
- NT4

The wording Othinus uses doesn't make much sense if it's the same strength it was against Fiamma in WW3.
If it were the same strength, it wouldn't be so underwhelming to her.

That's how I see it, anyway.
I saw it more like its power has developed but than she asks if that’s all it’s capable of at the moment.

We know each time Imagine Breaker is destroyed, the stuff released afterwards becomes both harder to control and more powerful / evolved


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
While we're on the subject, what are all of the quotes where it's actually said that the things within Touma are getting stronger?

Just recently I've started to think about the potential option of the things within him being no weaker or stronger at any given time, but the idea that Touma himself is the one manifesting them at different levels of strength, i.e., Touma himself is the one growing in strength, not the Invisible Thing.

It seems pretty obvious that depending on Touma's intent/will to kill, he generally gets a lot stronger or pulls out stronger things in his arsenal, so it'd track if that were the case :char
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
All of that could just be Touma/KnT (or Touma's true self, if you want to call it that) getting stronger and manifesting them differently like I said, tbf :mjpls


V.I.P. Member
Touma noting the thing that emerged from Imagine Breaker being destroyed in his clash with Kamisato’s World Rejector was both different and much stronger than the entity that emerged when against Othinus

He had run across unexplainable phenomena a few times in the past.

There was something about his right arm.

He knew that.


(It doesn’t add up.)

At the end of the chaos in the Eastern European Baggage City, his right arm had done something mysterious. A strange power had erupted from the severed wrist.

But incomplete Magic God Othinus had easily crushed it in her grasp.

If Othinus could defeat it on her own, then it made no sense for it to overwhelm Kamisato Kakeru who could instantly slaughter the full power Magic Gods. That was like saying you could not defeat a single gun but that you could defeat an army armed with thousands or tens of thousands of guns. Of course, there may have been an issue of compatibility where a simple pyramid structure did not apply, but it still felt wrong.

Regardless, the fact remained that Kamijou Touma had driven off Kamisato Kakeru.

He should not have been able to, but he had done it.


That bloody back appeared in the back of Kamijou’s mind.

Something higher on the food chain. An unbeatable predator. A supernatural power with those parameters set in stone.

Coronzon destroying Imagine Breaker was the last straw as the power becomes uncontrollable now

Whilst still standing, Aleister bent over and wrung out the beige habit’s skirt to remove the cold seawater.

“Still, I never expected this to happen. Is this a sign of the world malfunctioning because that which refuses to break down is clogging up the circulation?”

“You mean Aiwass?”

“And Anna Sprengel.”

After saying that, Aleister turned over her hand.

“Is that what you thought I would say?”


“You caused this yourself. There were a few past opportunities for the stopper to fail: against Fiamma of the Right, against Magic God Othinus, and against Aiwass too I suppose. …But you went too far this time. The lock has broken. What do you intend to do about that which refuses to break down and lurks within?”

In other words.

In other words.

In other words.

The short-haired Crosser of the Abyss gave the answer.

Using knowledge normal people could never reach.

“The biggest problem is Kamijou Touma and the power of his right hand. There is no holding that in anymore.”


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I've been thinking it over repeatedly and I'm still not sure if the "which refuses to break down and lurks within" is referring to two separate things or not :hm

i.e. that which refuses to break down
and that which lurks within


V.I.P. Member
Imagine Breaker is that which refuses to break down as Coronzon herself said

Black Cat Witch Mina Mathers started to say something, but Aleister cut her off with a hand.

Only Coronzon’s accusations continued.

“It might look like the flow of time mercilessly wears down all things, but there is far too much exceptional salvation in this world: Imagine Breaker, the Magic Gods, the original grimoires, resurrected Lilith, Aiwass who resurrected her…and me, Great Demon Coronzon.”

And that which lurks within is referring to all the supernatural fuckery sealed within Imagine Breaker that’s let loose every time Touma loses his arm

One and Only

fanfic character
Accelerator's profile is so bad he's getting put up against city level niggas

The only set of people I've seen running on pure head canon than the Toaru fandom are SB/SV fanfic writers. People are using fear aura as an argument in that vs battle thread when Misha could straight up one shot people with killing intent. There's straight up death hax from pure fear in the setting. There's literally no accurate complete power scaling thread for Toaru on the internet. None.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
The only set of people I've seen running on pure head canon than the Toaru fandom are SB/SV fanfic writers. People are using fear aura as an argument in that vs battle thread when Misha could straight up one shot people with killing intent. There's straight up death hax from pure fear in the setting. There's literally no accurate complete power scaling thread for Toaru on the internet. None.

DT indirectly saying any random ass ghost across fiction would be able to be unaffected by Accelerator's ability :tupac


V.I.P. Member
Accel’s powers worked on spiritual / energy beings every time he fights an Angel.

The form of an angel was basically a mass of energy, they had no physical body. More accurately, their bodies were not composed of physical matter.

Current Accel can literally yeet out souls, and on the science side of things, his powers have worked on gravity and even spatial manipulation when he Reflects being teleported

When he reflected teleportation powers, a strange phenomenon occurred in the 3 dimensional world, but this had felt entirely different.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
lmao DT's literally arguing against what the non-physical interaction/incorporeality page on vsb directly says

his hatred towards To Aru upgrades is almost comical :char