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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Hurr durr I am ultra I dont know how to play mafia.
how does it feel to finally play the game in anything above easy difficulty. seems to me ur panicking over a measly couple of votes from ppl u read town

what happened to "try me" and "you can try yeeting me" etc..


how does it feel to finally play the game in anything above easy difficulty. seems to me ur panicking over a measly couple of votes from ppl u read town

what happened to "try me" and "you can try yeeting me" etc..

this isn't panic. I have won scum awards on every site I have been on.

I am actually just insulting any members of town voting me atm.

thinking any of you are capable of making me panic is hubris on your part, which is typical. It feels good to think you've got a scum cornered. Gets you going you know. But no, once again you're just voting town.

I'm mostly caring on flower's behalf who invited me to play with you all and who can no longer advocate for herself or this town.


Polarized Noob

So, I can give like... endless examples of wolf games where I had to messily murder a buddy who wasnt very good. Instead, I an ignorant and retarded townie, think "oh this seems fine" until ratchet's death smacks me in the face. It makes no sense for me to kill someone townreading me just to turn around and then go "hurr durr I guess gadz is scum"

For one, I am not a moron as scum. Ratchet kill was basically asking for Gadz to die. Secondly, Luka can say this that when scum are in a position to be murdered day 1 I dont mind driving the bus over them. @Luka cereal killer mafia? hello? I had all of town fooled due to interactions? What about this game resembles that game?
I don't know what resembles that game and I don't make a claim to have a good read on you. The best I can do is the fact that Sky was killed D3 their I don't think that you were fully considering the slot. I do think that you're annoyance here is probably genuine if I had to give you some leeway.


I dont give a fuck what you find convincing. If you want to kill town, keep your vote on me. You're top posting, alive day 4, mafia knows your worth and now so do I.

I can see your patience has been exhausted

But you have to understand why after seeing you wrap around to a solve that resembles mine from like 2 days ago, all the whole saying I'm a useful idiot and the PoE needs questioning, why I'm finding a hard time reconciling the two and how this line of argument seems to serve you and you alone


I did tell her that I was going to show up today, so you know.

If you want to keep crying about me not showing up previous days that's up to you and if you think I am scum then hey, what's one more dead town tbh.


Polarized Noob
I don't think playing supportively around your team mates is moronic. Are you the type to callously bus as scum? Because otherwise I don't see why you're positioning this in your defense. I don't really take you as they type to lead your mates on the side of the road anyway.
He would bus as scum if it improved his chances of winning for the record. I think that he's similar to a few players in that way.


Polarized Noob
@Luka okay now that you are voting me I have to be a little mean. In what way does this game, in any regard, resemble known scum games from me? I was ok with you poe'ing me because like you know, sure I have been taking my time, but fuck flower asked me to come here to save towns from failure so I feel like I'd be a bad guest if i took this laying down so time to fucking nuke you idiots until you can see my town role pm.
I don't know, hence why I said I hated myself. I cant see a scum perspective from recent posts either that's just inciting drama, I think it's genuine as compared to uhm, the 1v1 tournament. But I'm also kind of afraid of being wrong on you aijoajitojtsi


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I dont give a fuck what you find convincing. If you want to kill town, keep your vote on me. You're top posting, alive day 4, mafia knows your worth and now so do I.
achro mathematically speaking if u r town we expect u to hand us a scum case on players that make sense

the ground is open on luka orca aurelian hime OLU lethal RDK melkor. feel free to tear them apart, we r listening

give us a team of 4 from there that makes sense


I can see your patience has been exhausted

But you have to understand why after seeing you wrap around to a solve that resembles mine from like 2 days ago, all the whole saying I'm a useful idiot and the PoE needs questioning, why I'm finding a hard time reconciling the two and how this line of argument seems to serve you and you alone

I don't understand what you are trying to say here. We have a lot of confirmed town, if the POE is wildly off we're probably just fucked. You took a pot shot about OLA when... I have been discussing OLA's scum equity the entire day man lol.

If you are 2 off in your direct poe it puts town in a bad position. You don't need to be 0/4 or whatever to serve mafia's purpose. I know one townie flower who died last night wouldn't be voting today that you are. You may not be 'the worst' but it's day 4, you're alive, if you think it's because i as scum want you alive over flower then I cant help you.


Polarized Noob
What do you make of his response here

I don't know, hence why I said I hated myself. I cant see a scum perspective from recent posts either that's just inciting drama, I think it's genuine as compared to uhm, the 1v1 tournament. But I'm also kind of afraid of being wrong on you aijoajitojtsi
But, don't take my read as gospel I'm bad at the game!
I'll let you know by end of day, town read on HOLD for now.
Does Achro take his read back on me as wolf, I don't see a reason he cant just continue grounding a TR on me since I'm easily pocketed


achro mathematically speaking if u r town we expect u to hand us a scum case on players that make sense

the ground is open on luka orca aurelian hime OLU lethal RDK melkor. feel free to tear them apart, we r listening

give us a team of 4 from there that makes sense

I have literally explained why MATHS why i think RDK is scum.

But also, just of note btw, I have no fucking clue how you mother fuckers balance games. Eever stop to consider that leads to me being hesitant to understand which PRs are solid and which may not be? Like, I laid ot due to ratchet's poe why RDK is almost certainly scum. Do you need a cookie platter with it?


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
this isn't panic. I have won scum awards on every site I have been on.

I am actually just insulting any members of town voting me atm.

thinking any of you are capable of making me panic is hubris on your part, which is typical. It feels good to think you've got a scum cornered. Gets you going you know. But no, once again you're just voting town.

I'm mostly caring on flower's behalf who invited me to play with you all and who can no longer advocate for herself or this town.
do u think u have been extremely visible townie that everyone shud read u town or we r morons?

this specially applies to those who know u more btw, like flower and luka. she read u town but he didnt. shudnt this be bad for him?

we dont rly know ur meta so its harder for us to assess that

i think im playing very townie and anyone reading me scum is a muppet but what can i do about it? magic lethal melkor and aurelian are muppets or scum, happens

but i wont blame you if you read me scum. why? u dont know my meta like they do


do u think u have been extremely visible townie that everyone shud read u town or we r morons?

this specially applies to those who know u more btw, like flower and luka. she read u town but he didnt. shudnt this be bad for him?

we dont rly know ur meta so its harder for us to assess that

i think im playing very townie and anyone reading me scum is a muppet but what can i do about it? magic lethal melkor and aurelian are muppets or scum, happens

but i wont blame you if you read me scum. why? u dont know my meta like they do
I think if you EARNESTLY work with me, and stop jerking yourself off that "when I die town is doomed so we have to go hunting" that town wins. I never expect to be obvious town, but im not the fucking play today and if you're experienced you should know that.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
@Achromatic since luka dodged my question can u find me a game where u r town and luka scum, and another where u r scum and luka town pls. wud be appreciated


Like seriously, you and ultra both work with me at times but then have this like slam dunk contest at others. "nah I dont buy that" like guys, all I've been doing today is trying to piece things together. Not everyone solves the same way you do. I have no meta, no understanding of balance, but I am trying to piece things together but if you expect me to be very confident in my decision making when I am new here then you want me to be scum. Scum Achro can just feign confidence. I dont need to have town's best interest.
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