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V.I.P. Member
Good luck trying to get an entire genre of music classified as calls to violence. You're essentially asking for rap to be made illegal because there are individuals making poor choices in their lives. This would probably have the opposite of spiking crime since no ones going to sit by and watch an entire genre disappear.
Don't go after the whole genre, go after the dipshits literally going out of there way to rile up people for actual violence and crime. A Rapper making his image off of weed and hoes is different from one literally calling himself a gangster and making threats of violence against others or calling others to do so.
Even gangsters have rights. Can't start arresting people left and right for shit they say or holding them accountable for shit other people do because of their music. You'd need to apply that logic universally and it wouldn't be good for any music genre if we could start policing words. You also have to remember, criminals don't give a fuck about the law or going to jail anyway it would probably just be another way of getting "street cred"
When the words they say can be traced to actual crimes committed in their name that they have not condemned in any way that's when it changes. And who says they need to go to jail? I'm talking about the kind of shit that just makes life unbearable for them, fine them for shit so high it cannot be ignored and hurt their chances at getting actual publishers so making music itself becomes a chore. Try seeing how much they "Don't give a fuck about the law" when the IRS keeps knocking at their door and they find their credit and bank accounts frozen for failing to pay the bill. Jail is a waste of time because even if they get put in they will get "Street cred" like you said and it will just be costly for everyone having to pay their ass off for both the trial and the prison time. Make them be the ones to pay.
It won't happen because it violates the constitution lol Unless they are directly calling for people to kill others no ones going to get behind policing an entire genre of music.
Except that's exactly what I am talking about in this case. Guys acting gangster and riling up their fanboys to kill others and saying nothing about it after something happens need to be told off and since Prison time is too annoying to go through, the best option is to just hurt them where it hurts most, their wallet. You don't need to give them the serious sentence, just the minor but annoying ones that make their self built "gangster" image a burden rather then a benefit. Try acting Gangster when you now have multiple bills that will keep catching and building up as you ignore them until you get your bank account locked and get charged for "Serious Crimes" which is not paying your taxes. Shit worked for actual Gangster like Capone, should work fine for wannabes like these.
Like I get it, something actually needs to be done about it but trying to erase the genre isn't it. It starts with changing the hearts and minds of the young men and women who embrace this culture and have them influence others. It's just hard to do when the music and crime promise fame and fortune as quickly as possible. There are to many young people thinking about how to get rich and not enough thinking about actually building futures for themselves but that's a whole different can of worms.
And that's why we need to dispel that notion that being gangster can make you rich. Just make it to where if you start acting like an actual gangster and call for violence and do nothing to condemn it you will be facing financial charges that hurt your credit and funds to the point being a gangster is not worth it. All the big names will see how bad their financial statements are getting and either choose to give up their faux "Gangster" profile and go for some other more viable option that will keep their funds afloat, or they go broke. Younger generations will be less influenced by these types as they start to disappear and the only ones left will do it only because they are in it for the "Fame" or are actual gangsters in which case, they already have trouble with the law and are not gonna be easy to get into by Normies because of it.

But like I said, in order to do that the people in power need to have the balls to do so but they are too pussy ass to try it or they are in bed with the "Gangsters".

did this. What are yours get to know me 4 top fave charatcers?

I have a lot of favorites, hard to choose but these are the ones that pop into my head.


V.I.P. Member
Don't go after the whole genre, go after the dipshits literally going out of there way to rile up people for actual violence and crime. A Rapper making his image off of weed and hoes is different from one literally calling himself a gangster and making threats of violence against others or calling others to do so.

When the words they say can be traced to actual crimes committed in their name that they have not condemned in any way that's when it changes. And who says they need to go to jail? I'm talking about the kind of shit that just makes life unbearable for them, fine them for shit so high it cannot be ignored and hurt their chances at getting actual publishers so making music itself becomes a chore. Try seeing how much they "Don't give a fuck about the law" when the IRS keeps knocking at their door and they find their credit and bank accounts frozen for failing to pay the bill. Jail is a waste of time because even if they get put in they will get "Street cred" like you said and it will just be costly for everyone having to pay their ass off for both the trial and the prison time. Make them be the ones to pay.

Except that's exactly what I am talking about in this case. Guys acting gangster and riling up their fanboys to kill others and saying nothing about it after something happens need to be told off and since Prison time is too annoying to go through, the best option is to just hurt them where it hurts most, their wallet. You don't need to give them the serious sentence, just the minor but annoying ones that make their self built "gangster" image a burden rather then a benefit. Try acting Gangster when you now have multiple bills that will keep catching and building up as you ignore them until you get your bank account locked and get charged for "Serious Crimes" which is not paying your taxes. Shit worked for actual Gangster like Capone, should work fine for wannabes like these.

And that's why we need to dispel that notion that being gangster can make you rich. Just make it to where if you start acting like an actual gangster and call for violence and do nothing to condemn it you will be facing financial charges that hurt your credit and funds to the point being a gangster is not worth it. All the big names will see how bad their financial statements are getting and either choose to give up their faux "Gangster" profile and go for some other more viable option that will keep their funds afloat, or they go broke. Younger generations will be less influenced by these types as they start to disappear and the only ones left will do it only because they are in it for the "Fame" or are actual gangsters in which case, they already have trouble with the law and are not gonna be easy to get into by Normies because of it.

But like I said, in order to do that the people in power need to have the balls to do so but they are too pussy ass to try it or they are in bed with the "Gangsters".
You're still basically asking for the death of rap

No one actually calls for direct violence against people in rap but again, violence is this genre. Talking about removing violence from rap is like taking the sun out of the solar system. You have artists that do try and paint a positive image but they aren't the majority. Sad to say no one gives af about most other genres of rap that aren't talking about topics like these outside of certain youtube entertainers. You seem to be under the assumption that a lot of artists are just "faking" or trying to keep up an image instead of being you know, actual criminals lol but believe it or not a lot of the stuff they talk about are lived experiences that a lot of kids, especially those in poor neighborhoods go through. It speaks to them in a way most other music doesn't or won't and when they see rappers and athletes that started from where they are, they are inspired to follow. In order to change this we need better role models for the younger generation. We start policing the language they use and you'll just spark a rise in crime especially when they inevitably refuse to pay these fines and people start facing jail time. It'll lead to more violence then it prevents


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
You're still basically asking for the death of rap

No one actually calls for direct violence against people in rap but again, violence is this genre. Talking about removing violence from rap is like taking the sun out of the solar system. You have artists that do try and paint a positive image but they aren't the majority. Sad to say no one gives af about most other genres of rap that aren't talking about topics like these outside of certain youtube entertainers. You seem to be under the assumption that a lot of artists are just "faking" or trying to keep up an image instead of being you know, actual criminals lol but believe it or not a lot of the stuff they talk about are lived experiences that a lot of kids, especially those in poor neighborhoods go through. It speaks to them in a way most other music doesn't or won't and when they see rappers and athletes that started from where they are, they are inspired to follow. In order to change this we need better role models for the younger generation. We start policing the language they use and you'll just spark a rise in crime especially when they inevitably refuse to pay these fines and people start facing jail time. It'll lead to more violence then it prevents
Basically Rapping is now an avenue this people can take so they won't end up as criminals. As most people in this part grew in places where crime is far more rampant than most.

:eksip So trying to ban the language for it will cut of their option. it's basically a necessary evil at this point unless your country is literally willing to totally clean up this shit.


V.I.P. Member
Basically Rapping is now an avenue this people can take so they won't end up as criminals. As most people in this part grew in places where crime is far more rampant than most.

:eksip So trying to ban the language for it will cut of their option. it's basically a necessary evil at this point unless your country is literally willing to totally clean up this shit.

Its more like, the only real success stories for kids in these situations are them becoming entertainers or athletes so they start thinking these are only ways they can make it. Either that or crime, because thats what most of the entertainers claim they had to go through to make ends meet which is the reality some families go through. Some also see it as the fastest way to the entertainer life style and figuring they wont amount to anything decide to live a life of crime.

That said it could even happen to those with potential. I think I mentioned a while back I had a cousin who was killed in 95 in our home. His little brother was considered a genius and they even had him skipoing grades. He got a full nassa scholarship at one point amd you know what this nigga does? He decides he wants to follow in his older brothers (plural)footsteps and he uses the funds to start dealing drugs and then started a pimping side business all in an attempt to live like his only remaining older brother who was killed in 07 at the ripe old age of 28. He got caught up in someshit and spent time in jail and now he's 43 and all the potential he had is gone. This is part of the reason I dont think its the fault of the entertainers since despite being removed from that environment with me and having the world at his feet his fucking chose to be retarded
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