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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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If we have kill power and they dont wanna kill off the 3P, we should try to box scum in by killing these slots, as these types of slots are future mislynches if they are town. We kill them at night and force scum to engage and push active people.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member






If we have kill power and they dont wanna kill off the 3P, we should try to box scum in by killing these slots, as these types of slots are future mislynches if they are town. We kill them at night and force scum to engage and push active people.
Fuji won't be scum. Not with this level of inactivity.

The Orca







If we have kill power and they dont wanna kill off the 3P, we should try to box scum in by killing these slots, as these types of slots are future mislynches if they are town. We kill them at night and force scum to engage and push active people.
Your best post. At least I'll have some backing with this logic in the future lmao

Dr. Watson

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Starts right off the bat with an Orca vote with no further detail. Could likely be due to his being lazy. Might chalk this up to a thoughtless vote.
I’m gonna sheep this tbh
More laziness.
No elaboration on this - I reckon he couldn't be bothered to vote properly if I were to believe his explanation for such a weak entrance and play.
I’ve played enough mafia to know that my style involves a ton of D1 retrospective. Who cares about it while it’s happening right?
Similar to me, I do like this kind of style and can see it coming more from town. He needs to step up his game next phase if he's serious about this.
Dude you know how many people have told me this in my life? And they’re always wrong

Tbf that’s not in mafia. I’m pretty obvious scum yeah lmao
I don't know what these posts are frankly, probably irrelevant but added them anyway.


Now let’s get some votes pile on them and force them to come out, we must be willing to execute them otherwise or they will just think we are bluffing.

Dr. Watson

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Lethal ISO:
Howdy all. I don't have much time tonight but I'm gonna do what I can while I'm here
This is NAI, but below he does put effort in to solve a slot with the time he has:

This will be a fun read back then?

Why are you taking attendance?
Sniffing around.
You...you never do this. Overly excessive and uncharacteristic of you. Suss.

Anyway, onto pg. 1

(this quote was on the page I was tagged on)
This is rancid. Is there more of this?
Ok I'm gonna be real here I don't have time to do a full read through tonight. I'll try and do more tomorrow night when I get home.
I will give lenience to this, like I stated previously I'm not a fan of jumping on slots immediately when they're either in the process of catching up or have limited time as it gives scum a chance to lynch LHF as the biggest contender for slots with low activity is lurking scum.
And Lethal historically is LHF or improperly read. Need more from this slot.

The Orca

Starts right off the bat with an Orca vote with no further detail. Could likely be due to his being lazy. Might chalk this up to a thoughtless vote.

More laziness.

No elaboration on this - I reckon he couldn't be bothered to vote properly if I were to believe his explanation for such a weak entrance and play.

Similar to me, I do like this kind of style and can see it coming more from town. He needs to step up his game next phase if he's serious about this.

I don't know what these posts are frankly, probably irrelevant but added them anyway.
The first of the bottom two is just recalling Whicker's pokerface skills imo (literally)

The first "vote" non vote of me I like


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Lethal ISO:

This is NAI, but below he does put effort in to solve a slot with the time he has:

Sniffing around.



I will give lenience to this, like I stated previously I'm not a fan of jumping on slots immediately when they're either in the process of catching up or have limited time as it gives scum a chance to lynch LHF as the biggest contender for slots with low activity is lurking scum.
And Lethal historically is LHF or improperly read. Need more from this slot.
Lethal gets lynched every game. I don't think that's a direction worth pursuing unless he pulls something really outrageous.

Dr. Watson

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Did not see your Hoaquin banner before this moment.

Never watched the show to be honest. Never ended Breaking Bad.

Fant-art? I thought it was from one of the games
Starts off with meaningless fluff. Only oneppost of substance below:
Okay guys. Power keeps cutting out endlessly, so I will make a post from what I've read so far(page 13).


Town :
Gullio : really like how's playing
Luka : seems the townie one

slight town:
Flower, claiming like she did is very ballsy and I have doubts she would do this as scum


slight scum:
either ratchet or cubey due to the claim thing, will see if there's more about
He's torn between Ratchet and Cubey, but he has atleast read up to the significant event that built up to it.

The nulls, however, weren't expanded upon. Could be avoidance or simply doesn't have a strong enough opinion on the three. Can go either way with him.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Lethal gets lynched every game. I don't think that's a direction worth pursuing unless he pulls something really outrageous.
I never said it's the direction I want to take, I'm merely analyzing and elaborating on my interpretation of the content he's provided thus far.

I do agree with the latter.

Dr. Watson

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@Flower can you explain why you feel Fuji's inactivity is indicative of him being strongly town?

From what I can recall, he's been MIA as scum before. So for me it's NAI for the most part. I need to see more from him, too. I don't really even know where the dude is
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