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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Dr. Watson

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No protections and the likes on me this game. It‘s a waste. Thank you.

Anyway I claimed self resolving, so you can treat me as an IC. I‘m gone Night 4, so nobody has to bother with my slot this game.

Claiming this is probably better than drawing protections on me which are a waste.
You seem to ignore the fact that getting killed powers up scum. If you're Town it's not only me who's gonna get fucked by this. So you should want to protect me.
Explain your above posts, please.

The Orca

Like this. Probably have dotg more in the middle
Stop doing this fucking shit

This goes for anyone:
It fucks up the integrity of the game and leaves you (and anyone else ignoring people) without context when solving. Man up. If other's posts make you explode in a paroxyism of outrage just step the fuck back and gloss over the posts or go touch grass. Step away from the fucking screen and take a breather, I do not care. Enough threats of putting people on ignore or encouraging others to place (proverbial) you on ignore.

If someone is legitimately upsetting you and you've ignored someone prior to the game, that's different and more personal and understandable. Otherwise, e fucking nough.
You can probably make Watson more green then me @Polar Bear lol


This is another point I wanted to raise toward I think whatever Orca brought up?
Literally the reason as to why her current play isn't lining up with her historical town play is /because/ she's indie.

Let me present you with a theoretical:
There is no logical reason for her to make a cacophonus outburst because as scum it only draws unnecessary attention to one's self. If you're basing it off as "well, she can get away with it so that's why she needs to get in the bin" ask yourself whether it makes sense any scum team would allow this. This only really works if it's 1) a stronger scum team with atleast one expert manipulator 2) they are confident in their ability to take the heat off her from the getgo.
Why do this???
It's far too convuluted as a strategem when there are far more efficient ways to secure a thread position for her if she were scum.
She's indie.
She's openly scum siding out of self-pres which makes sense from an indie POV generally, too. Not really a fan of the begging and pleading being so utterly transparent, mind you, but everything else checks out.

At this point, forcing a lynch on Flower over other candidates is just hypertunneling, not on anything based on logic or concern over the slot being detrimental.


How about instead of hypertunneling obvious town and the 3P we give some attention and love to AFKs, maybe with some votes piled on them they will stop being shy?
Vote to Lynch: Aurelius

Dr. Watson

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(except RDK, but he always spites me and can be ignored in that regard).
You act like - and imply - he never is willing to re-evaluate his read on you.
He does value objectivity. He just doesn't care whether you get lynched or not. That doesn't rule out him properly and fairly examining your slot.

Hans Tweetenberg

Oh fuck it. I'm just gonna claim this because I'm just never winning anyway.

Nacho Varga, Hunted Survivor. Can win with anyone, but the scum team gets a boost for lynching or killing me. I think they figured it out already else why pile on like this.

Scum team are the Salamancas, SK is Gus or somebody else who hates the Salamancas (it's mentioned I can specifically win with somebody who hates the Salamancas, too).

I can suicide Night 4 and win with Town and that's what I'm planning to do, but guess the scum team are a bunch of spiteful fucks.

Polar looks like he has TMI on my role since he started pushing me when I said I could be Indie and he also said I'm just trying to survive. He knows.
Never change Flowa

Dr. Watson

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How about instead of hypertunneling obvious town and the 3P we give some attention and love to AFKs, maybe with some votes piled on them they will stop being shy?
Vote to Lynch: Aurelius
Fang is actually in the process of attempting a catch up and playing (I think), but if he fails to meet those expectations I'm willing to follow behind ya and give more pressure if he doesn't

What other slots would you like to press and focus on after Aurelian?


Fang is actually in the process of attempting a catch up and playing (I think), but if he fails to meet those expectations I'm willing to follow behind ya and give more pressure if he doesn't

What other slots would you like to press and focus on after Aurelian?
Anyone that has 20 posts or less.

Dr. Watson

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Anyone that has 20 posts or less.

Here's everyone with less than 20 posts–I'll need to ISO the ones with atleast some content to work off of.
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