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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


yeah but the other reason was that I was defending psychic when that's not even close to the truth, i was trying to collaborate with you to form a better read on her and you know that
u didn't form any read on her at all even after the "collaboration"
Y should I believe that was ur intent?


@RDK Same question?
I'm weary of him but don't have a strong read either way

A bit worried he's trying to pocket me with his push on Whicker but he has at least fleshed it out a bit more than I did so it feels more genuine

Easily in scum range though


u didn't form any read on her at all even after the "collaboration"
Y should I believe that was ur intent?
In fact I literally pulled out receipts with a scum and town game of hers and her defense was "I like to change my playstyle"


u didn't form any read on her at all even after the "collaboration"
Y should I believe that was ur intent?
She's actually fallen pretty deep into my POE, her contributions are severely lacking this phase and I'm finding a lot of other people pretty towny

let me make a list as im not gonna be around most of the day after lunch

The Orca

@The Orca

What do you make of Poyser?
Wanting Whicker to claim despite multiple people stating otherwise seems forced

I think Whicker is hinting at info on me and hime maybe or he could be taking the janitored role...who knows, but I'm fine with Whicker as town for now

Poyser as scum for now. Just seems like a forced scum push from him and others


this is how games stall though and we already had no no lynch so i'm really prepared to show much mercy here if you're flat out not going to claim
This would sadden me. But I also can’t argue. I would like to see some more stuff happen


U think it's fake, I think it makes him townie
we came to the exact opposite conclusion on it so idk how I'm copying u

What r u doing that I should town read u for?
Nobody has done anything to be given a town read, I don’t really have a problem that you don’t have me in your town reads . My issue was that you said I was scum.

Re: Fuji it’s a fair point you make , but it doesn’t reconcile how it’s incoherent or anything as you suggested my play was


1. RDK
2. Nibel
3. Orca
4. Polar Bear

5. Fuji
6. Whicker
7. Psychic
9. Yoho

10. Gad
11. Rugrats
12. Poyser
13. Gram
14. Hime

Gram and Hime probably could be pushed up but I respect their game too much to clear them, Poyser is a GTH

Whicker and Rugrat I don't see being aligned and same with Fuji and Yoho.


Gad and poyser for overnight ignoring my thoughts on whicker while pushing him to be the lynch

You I still have as slight town. All of those are the group voting whicker right now and most happen to be on my suspect list
I didn’t ignore them, I just didn’t address them directly lol. I did address it however in my long-ish post about Whicker, which is where I asked if he had a rep of being erratic and saying how his erraticism in this game is completely unbelievable


My problem with this is that it's a bit of a 'poisoned pawn' situation

If you're town it's a net negative (and I'm not really fussed what your claim is, unless it's something obviously town)

If you're scum, the same applies except you're obviously not going to have something clearing

I can't say I'm entirely thrilled with whicker and ultimately I'm not that bothered if he gets lynched, but I kinda trust him more than you lol
Ok, where are you at on scum reads other than me? I did reply to what you said about me yesterday but you never responded and you’ve not really given me anything else to work with lol


Don't really see how this helps with anything tbh
And would rather not vote for a wagon on someone I think is town that 2 of my biggest scumreads r pushing

Do u think polar is scum? He wrote a long post abt y he believes whicker is town, what were ur thoughts on that?
It helps because we need a lynch and I’m fairly confident on whicker and if he flips scum it’ll obviously kinda destroy your current poe a bit.

And if im wrong then ill co-operate with you and claim without forcing you to get votes so you can do whatever else you need to do with the day etc

Why do you think Whicker is town tho? Dont think I saw you see why