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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


A Simple Man
Good Morning everyone are we still stuck in limbo waiting for someone to nail Whicker or Poyser to the coffin or have we reverted to another possible scum candidate


Good Morning everyone are we still stuck in limbo waiting for someone to nail Whicker or Poyser to the coffin or have we reverted to another possible scum candidate
I want Fuji and Rugrat to nail their flag to a post


Can someone give me a VC?
Think it’s currently 6 for me and 4 for Whicker. Rugrat was voting Whicker before switching to Hime so I’m assuming he’d rather vote for Whicker than me.

And then I think Fuji and nibel are currently not on either judging from the last VC so could do with both of them deciding which wagon they’d rather get done


Good Morning everyone are we still stuck in limbo waiting for someone to nail Whicker or Poyser to the coffin or have we reverted to another possible scum candidate
What is your opinion on Whicker out of interest? Did you see my case on him?


You can hammer me if you're not confident lol. It's fairly low risk considering I'll still be around to play tomorrow. I'd just rather lynch scum obv
I plan on it tbh if people aren't gonna support me on whicker

No intention of another no lynch
Vote Count 3 Day 2 New



vote hime

Vote Hime

Vote Lynch Yoho

Alright we’ve got about 6 hours left and it’s fairly unlikely we can get a hime wagon done during that time and if she’s gone to bed then she’s not gonna claim either so whatever, I’m gonna hop back on Whicker

vote whicker

There’s not really much else I can say to defend myself as it’s not like anybody has even presented any kind of case on me lol, so if you want to lynch me then go ahead. I’ll still be here to talk tomorrow either way.

I would say tho before hammering me, please read whickers posts and also my posts around Whicker. Hes basically being town read by people like polar for being erratic, but he wasn’t erratic at all on D1 and only started after people pointed it out. He keeps outright lying and going back on the things he’s said in the past. He said he was confident polar was scum, but voted me anyway based on something that didn’t even happen (I posted a reply with quotes for proof on like the last page). He then stopped reading polar scum for the simple fact that polar read him town lol. He listed yoho on a scum team and then said he never read him as scum (probably because it was pointed out to him that me and yoho don’t make any sense together as a team). He’s just saying whatever he can to try and get pressure off. He doesn’t believe anything that he says and his actions show that

And if that’s not enough for you then oh well. But we need to make sure there’s a lynch today

No, shes absolutely right here, his phrasing makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. The fact youre so hard against this bothers me.

Vote Poyser

Vote Count 3 Day 2

Rugrat: Polar > Whicker > Hime
Poyser: Whicker > Hime > Whicker
Whicker: Polar > Poyser > Yoho > Poyser
RDK: Whicker
Nibel: Polar Bear > Yoho
Polar Bear: Nibel > Rugrat > Poyser
Gad: Nibel > Whicker
Gram: Poyser > Unvote > Poyser
Fuji: Yoho
Yoho: Psychic > Rugrat > Poyser
Orca: Rugrat > Poyser
Hime: Poyser
Psychic: Whicker

Poyser: 6
Whicker: 4
Yoho: 2
Hime: 1

With 13 players remaining it takes 7 to reach majority. ~1 hour remains​

The Orca

I mean, completely nukes a janitor being in the game to be able to talk after you are killed and covered up...but sure Ultra is one crazy mofo


A Simple Man
What is your opinion on Whicker out of interest? Did you see my case on him?

I never played with him so I'm not sure if his Playstyle of complete insanity and refusing to claim is NAI or not however the cases on him is pretty compelling and i am willing to switch to him but unless a few other people do as well I don't think we're ending this phase with a lynch